Premia Bi-Weekly Update: Final w/ Reflection

Premia Bi-Weekly Update 2023-12-01


STIP Proposal
Program Start Date: 2023-11-15
Objective: To reduce friction solving the cold start problem for the Premia Blue Options Exchange.

600k to Vaults (Natural Options Sellers) - Live
200k to Trading and Market Making (Natural Options Buyers) - To Start 2023-12-08
100k to Partners looking to integrate Options Liquidity Mining - Discussions Ongoing

Other Obligations:

  • 500k Self-Funded ARB Vault Deposit - Complete
  • Premia matching 550k PREMIA to Vaults during STIP Period - Complete
  • Premia Academy Incentives - Quest 1 of 8 to start 2023-12-04 (Funded by ARB Deposit)


Previous Two Weeks

ARB Received Last Disbursement: [128,572 x2 = 257,144]

ARB Utilized as Incentives in the Last Two Weeks: [83,636 x2 = 167,272]

Contracts incentivized over the last 2 weeks: 0xBCDBE71CA6475c3bE9f05E75bbDff7C3979Fdc52

Contract address label Form 12 completed for all addresses: [Yes]

ARB left over: [89,872]

Plan for leftover ARB:
Phase 2 begins next week 2023-12-04
To follow the in depth plan including vaults, rates, dates, and status please reference our Premia STIP Tracking document which is updated regularly.

Summary of incentives:
To ensure that emission rates remain constant during the STIP period (2023-11-15 to 2024-01-31), we deployed rewards to only six primary vaults, ARB, WETH, & WBTC, both put and call vaults. This would allow 2 weeks for deposits to come in before launching the next phase of the STIP campaign. TVL within vaults has doubled in this time, but there is still room to grow. Phase 2 of the STIP campaign begins next week 2023-12-04, where academy, trading, and market making components will be folded in. In addition, the remaining 12 vaults will also be incentivized to showcase the features that Premia Blue can offer.

Additional Info / Disclosures to Multisig:
Other Notable Events relevant to STIP Campaign

  • Hidden Hand coordinated Launch with STIP beginning
  • Cross Partnership with Camelot, Silo, Dolomite, Redacted, Frax (more to come)
    • Spaces with Dolomite, Redacted, and The Rollup
  • Layer3 graciously surprises with STIP Quest
  • Launched SOL/USDCe Vault during STIP Period
  • Launched FRAX/FXS Vault during STIP Period
  • Launched GMX, MAGIC, LINK, & wstETH vaults to be incentivized during STIP period.
  • Deployed Options Liquidity Mining for PREMIA to allow for Dual Mining (ARB) and to showcase for partner integrations


Metrics below will be according to the initial phase being the six vaults that were incentivized since the start of the STIP period (15 days from 2023-11-15 to 2023-12-01). The Dune dashboard is still in progress, however I have created some views specific to the STIP period that can be found at the bottom of the page. Dashboard:

Average daily TVL:
TVL Today 4.1mm in USD
TVL Average 3.9mm in USD
Beginning TVL ~2mm in USD

Average daily transactions:
3525/15 = 235 Daily Transactions

Average daily volumes:
488k WBTC + 236k ARB + 994K WETH
115k USD Daily Notional
Note: This value has dropped significantly during the STIP period, likely due to trading campaigns across the options sector. We do not anticipate this volume to pick up until we have started our active participation (Trading Competition) on 2023-12-08

Number of unique user addresses:
886 - (Since 2023-11-15)

Transaction fees:
3.4 eth

Link to Dashboard showing metrics: []
Dashboard development remains in progress, however significant strides have been made. For those interested in tracking the requirements document (as well as the details sharing with OpenBlock Labs) please find the dashboard requirements document. We will continue to advance the dashboard over the coming days, and expect completion in December.

Plan For the Next Two Weeks

Amount of ARB to be distributed:
118,022 ARB to Vault LPs (rate of 59k/week)
25,000 ARB to Traders (To Start 2023-12-8 rate of 25k/week)
Once Phase Two is live we expect to distribute 168,022 ARB every two weeks for the remainder of the STIP period (2024-01-31)

Contracts that will be incentivized:
In addition to the previous contracts, the remaining are yet to be deployed, once complete the Premia STIP Tracking will be updated.

Contract address label Form 12 completed for all addresses: [Will complete upon deployment]

Mechanism for distribution incentives:

  • Dual Mining Smart Contracts for Vaults
  • Simple Claiming Contract for Trading & Market Making Incentives (offchain tracking, however a leaderboard will be produced)]

Summary of incentives plan:

  • Weekly Quests via Galaxe starting 2023-12-04 (1 per week)
  • All Dual Mining rewards for Vault Deposits 2023-12-05 (12 additional vaults)
  • Trading Competition begins 2023-12-08
  • Marketing Events with partner protocols ongoing (will ramp up 2023-12-11)

Summary of changes to the original plan:
Initially, the trading incentives were to be explicitly used for Range Order types; this has been revised to allow any order type that facilitates a secondary market purchase of an option held till expiration (excludes vault sourced trades), and distribution of ARB will be pro-rata of all eligible trades by time-weighted notional over the option’s life. The other behavior to be incentivized will be determined by a wallet’s Options PnL during the trading competition; we will be self-funding these trading rewards.


Premia Bi-Weekly Update 2023-12-15


STIP Proposal
Program Start Date: 2023-11-15
Objective: To reduce friction solving the cold start problem for the Premia Blue Options Exchange.

600k to Vaults (Natural Options Sellers) - Live
200k to Trading and Market Making (Natural Options Buyers) - Live
100k to Partners looking to integrate Options Liquidity Mining - Discussions Ongoing

Other Obligations:

  • 500k Self-Funded ARB Vault Deposit - Complete
  • Premia matching 550k PREMIA to Vaults during STIP Period - Complete
  • Premia Academy Incentives - Quest 2 of 8 to start 2023-12-18


Previous Two Weeks

ARB Received Last Disbursement: [0] 127,572 To Be Claimed (385,716 Total Claimed After)

ARB Utilized as Incentives in the Last Two Weeks: [152,409] (319,681 Allocated)

Contracts incentivized over the last 2 weeks:

Contract address label Form 12 completed for all addresses: [Yes]

ARB left over: [66,035]

Plan for leftover ARB:
Will begin dispersing as part of trading competition & market making rewards on 2023-12-26.

To follow the in depth plan including vaults, rates, dates, and status please reference our Premia STIP Tracking document which is updated regularly.

Summary of incentives:
TVL has continued to grow, increasing by ~1mm since the last report.
Phase 2 of the STIP campaign begun on 2023-12-08, where academy, trading, and market making components have now begun. The remaining 12 vaults are also now incentivized.

Additional Info / Disclosures to Multisig:
Other Notable Events relevant to STIP Campaign


Metrics below will be according to the initial phase being the six vaults that were incentivized since the start of the STIP period (15 days from 2023-11-15 to 2023-12-01). The Dune dashboard is still in progress, however I have created some views specific to the STIP period that can be found at the bottom of the page. Dashboard:

Average daily TVL:
TVL Today 5.5mm in USD (Prev: TVL Today 4.1mm in USD)
TVL Average 5.4mm in USD (Prev: TVL Average 3.9mm in USD)
Beginning TVL ~2mm in USD

Average daily transactions:
487 Avg Daily Txns = (Prev: 235 Avg Daily Txns)

Average daily volumes:
214k USD Daily Notional (Prev: 115k USD Daily Notional)
Note: We are seeing volumes increase, with more participants as well, given the trading competition has just begun.

Number of unique user addresses:
1094 (Prev: 886 - Since 2023-11-15)

Transaction fees:
6.3 eth (Prev: 3.4 eth)

Link to Dashboard showing metrics: []
Dashboard development remains in development; however, STIP requirements have been met. For those interested in tracking the requirements document (as well as the details sharing with OpenBlock Labs) please find the dashboard requirements document.

Plan For the Next Two Weeks

Amount of ARB to be distributed:
118,022 ARB to Vault LPs (rate of 59k/week)
50,000 ARB to Traders (To Start 2023-12-26 rate of 25k/week)
We expect to distribute 168,022 ARB every two weeks for the remainder of the STIP period (2024-01-31)

Contracts that will be incentivized:
All contracts for vaults have been deployed and funded.
The Trading Competition/MM simple claiming contracts will be provided once deployed.

Contract address label Form 12 completed for all addresses: [Yes]

Mechanism for distribution incentives:

  • Dual Mining Smart Contracts for Vaults - Complete
  • Simple Claiming Contract for Trading & Market Making Incentives (offchain tracking, however a leaderboard has been produced)]

Summary of incentives plan:

  • Weekly Quests via Galaxe starting 2023-12-04 (1 per week) - Live
  • All Dual Mining rewards for Vault Deposits 2023-12-05 - Complete
  • Trading Competition begins 2023-12-08 - Live
  • Marketing Events with partner protocols ongoing

Summary of changes to the original plan:
No changes to plan this week, and given the STIP extension, Premia is still prepared to complete the disbursement of Vault, Trading, and MM incentives according to the original timeline. However, we may take the additional time for the Partnership component (100k)


Premia Bi-Weekly Update 2023-12-30


STIP Proposal
Program Start Date: 2023-11-15
Objective: To reduce friction solving the cold start problem for the Premia Blue Options Exchange.

600k to Vaults (Natural Options Sellers) - Live
200k to Trading and Market Making (Natural Options Buyers) - Live
100k to Partners looking to integrate Options Liquidity Mining - Discussions Ongoing

Other Obligations:

  • 500k Self-Funded ARB Vault Deposit - Complete
  • Premia matching 550k PREMIA to Vaults during STIP Period - Complete
  • Premia Academy Incentives - Quest 3 of 8 - Live


Previous Two Weeks

ARB Received Last Disbursement: [255,144] Claimed (127,572 Total Claim Remaining)

ARB Utilized as Incentives in the Last Two Weeks: [152,409] (319,681 Allocated)

Contracts incentivized over the last 2 weeks: 0xBCDBE71CA6475c3bE9f05E75bbDff7C3979Fdc52

Contract address label Form 12 completed for all addresses: [Yes]

ARB left over: [0]

Plan for leftover ARB:

To follow the in depth plan including vaults, rates, dates, and status please reference our Premia STIP Tracking document which is updated regularly or now the live updated STIP Specific Section of the Dashboard

Summary of incentives:
TVL continues to grow, increasing by ~1.2mm since the last report.
Trading volume has been lackluster during the holiday period; however, organic activity is starting to pick up post Christmas.
Phase 2 of the STIP campaign began on 2023-12-08, where academy, trading, and market-making components have now begun. Interestingly we are now seeing ~20% of daily activity algorithmically driven.

Additional Info / Disclosures to Multisig:
Other Notable Events relevant to STIP Campaign

  • Blue SZN STIP Campaign began 2023-12-04
  • Launched Blue SZN Week 2/8 Activity: Redstone Quest
  • Blue SZN Trading Competition Started 2023-12-08 (Week 4 Currently)
  • Layer3 Holiday Quest
  • Quiet weeks due to holidays, with trading competition rewards payout to commence on 2024-01-02
  • Socials have continued to grow from 30k->37k during the period mostly driven by quest and partnership programs.


The Dune dashboard is always being enhanced, however I have created some views specific to the STIP period that can be found at the bottom of the page.
Overall Dashboard:
Trading Competition:

Average daily TVL:
TVL Today 6.97mm in USD (Prev: TVL Today 5.5mm in USD)
TVL Average 6.73mm in USD (Prev: TVL Average 5.4mm in USD)
Beginning TVL ~2mm in USD

Average daily transactions:
685 Avg Daily Txns = (Prev: 487 Avg Daily Txns)

Average daily volumes:
149k USD Daily Notional (Prev: 214k USD Daily Notional)

Number of unique user addresses:
1563 (Prev: 1094 - Since 2023-11-15)

Transaction fees:
12.3 eth (Prev: 6.3 eth)

Link to Dashboard showing metrics: []
Dashboard development remains in development; however, STIP requirements have been met. For those interested in tracking the requirements document (as well as the details sharing with OpenBlock Labs) please find the dashboard requirements document. A Trading competition document has also now been added to Dune

Plan For the Next Two Weeks

Amount of ARB to be distributed:
118,022 ARB to Vault LPs (rate of 59k/week)
50,000 ARB to Traders (Began 2023-12-26 rate of 25k/week) - (Shown on TC Dash)
We expect to distribute 168,022 ARB every two weeks for the remainder of the STIP period (2024-01-31)

Contracts that will be incentivized:
All contracts for vaults have been deployed and funded.
The Trading Competition/MM simple claiming contracts have been deployed.
Trading Winners for weeks 1-3 will be allocated via disperse on 2024-01-02

Contract address label Form 12 completed for all addresses: [Yes]

Mechanism for distribution incentives:

  • Dual Mining Smart Contracts for Vaults - Complete
  • Simple Claiming Contract for Trading & Market Making Incentives - Complete

Summary of incentives plan:

  • Weekly Quests via Galaxe starting 2023-12-04 (1 per week) - Live
  • All Dual Mining rewards for Vault Deposits 2023-12-05 - Complete
  • Trading Competition begins 2023-12-08 - Live
  • Marketing Events with partner protocols ongoing

Summary of changes to the original plan:
No changes to plan this week, and given the STIP extension, Premia is still prepared to complete the disbursement of Vault, Trading, and MM incentives according to the original timeline. However, we may take the additional time for the Partnership component (100k)

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Premia Bi-Weekly Update 2023-01-26


STIP Proposal
Program Start Date: 2023-11-15
Objective: To reduce friction solving the cold start problem for the Premia Blue Options Exchange.

600k to Vaults (Natural Options Sellers) - Live
200k to Trading and Market Making (Natural Options Buyers) - Live
100k to Partners looking to integrate Options Liquidity Mining - Repurposed

Other Obligations:

  • 500k Self-Funded ARB Vault Deposit - Complete
  • Premia matching 550k PREMIA to Vaults during STIP Period - Complete
  • Premia Academy/Competition Incentives - Quest 7 of 8 - Live


Previous Two Weeks

ARB Received Last Disbursement: [0] Claimed (385,712 Total Claim To be Executed)

ARB Utilized as Incentives in the Last Two Weeks: [152,409] (All Allocated)

Contracts incentivized over the last 2 weeks (No Change):

Contract address label Form 12 completed for all addresses: [Yes]

ARB left over: [0]

Plan for leftover ARB:

To follow the in depth plan including vaults, rates, dates, and status please reference our Premia STIP Tracking document which is updated regularly or now the live updated STIP Specific Section of the Dashboard

Summary of incentives:
TVL continues to grow, reaching a peak over 9mm on 2024-01-20.
Trading volume racked up significantly into the ETF approval as expected; however, it has cooled down since that major market event. Even though trading volume reduced post-ETF, fees have remained consistent on a rolling average basis for the last 60 days, and premia is now a top 50 protocol in terms of gas spend on Arbitrum!

Additional Info / Disclosures to Multisig:
Other Notable Events relevant to STIP Campaign

  • Trading Competition Continues
  • Spaces with various partners


The Dune dashboard is always being enhanced, however I have created some views specific to the STIP period that can be found at the bottom of the page.
Overall Dashboard:
Trading Competition:

Average daily TVL:
TVL Today 8.7mm in USD
TVL Average 8.92mm in USD
Beginning TVL ~2mm in USD

Average daily transactions:
745 Avg Daily Txns

Average daily volumes:
134k USD Daily Notional

Number of unique user addresses:
1893 (Since 2023-11-15)

Transaction fees:
18 eth

Link to Dashboard showing metrics: []
For those interested in tracking the requirements document (as well as the details sharing with OpenBlock Labs) please find the dashboard requirements document. A Trading competition document has also now been added to Dune

Plan For the Next Two Weeks

Amount of ARB to be distributed:
118,022 ARB to Vault LPs (rate of 59k/week)
25,000 ARB to Traders (Began 2023-12-26 rate of 12.5k/week) - (Shown on TC Dash)
We expect to distribute 143,022 ARB every two weeks for the remainder of the STIP period (2024-03-05)

Contracts that will be incentivized:
All contracts for vaults have been deployed and funded.
The Trading Competition/MM simple claiming contracts have been deployed.

Contract address label Form 12 completed for all addresses: [Yes]

Mechanism for distribution incentives:

  • Dual Mining Smart Contracts for Vaults - Complete
  • Simple Claiming Contract for Trading & Market Making Incentives - Complete

Summary of incentives plan:

  • Weekly Quests via Galaxe starting 2023-12-04 (1 per week) - Live
  • All Dual Mining rewards for Vault Deposits 2023-12-05 - Complete
  • Trading Competition begins 2023-12-08 - Live
  • Marketing Events with partner protocols ongoing

Summary of changes to the original plan:
After careful deliberation and consideration, we have chosen to utilize the 100k Allocation for Partnerships to extend our current rewards for one additional month to remain competitive with other projects during the extended STIP window. The two main reasons for justification are:
A) Unfortunately, we have spoken to many other projects; however, given the complexity of OLM, it has proven difficult to find protocols with extra resources to facilitate this time of partnership and onboarding, and from the feedback we have received, it is unlikely to happen until after the STIP period.
B) Our contracts emit at a fixed rate until exhausted; thus as we had originally planned on a full distribution date of 2024-01-31 we would have to redeploy all the contracts to change the rate, thus we decided against this option. However, we want to put those 100k Tokens to work for our users, so we will continue to fund the emissions for another month until around 2024-03-05. If the DAO deems this an inappropriate use, Premia is willing to fund it out of pocket. Regardless, 100k is not enough to cover the entirety of the extension, so Premia will have to fund a portion out of pocket.

In lockstep with this decision, the Secondary Market incentives and Trading Competition have been extended to around 2024-03-05 as well. This change can be seen on the STIP Allocation document.

Overall, we will continue to track this extension in the dashboard as % Committed is now shown over 100% from the original plan in the name of transparency.

Premia Bi-Weekly Update 2023-02-23


STIP Proposal
Program Start Date: 2023-11-15
Objective: To reduce friction solving the cold start problem for the Premia Blue Options Exchange.

600k to Vaults (Natural Options Sellers) - Live
200k to Trading and Market Making (Natural Options Buyers) - Live
100k to Partners looking to integrate Options Liquidity Mining - Repurposed

Other Obligations:

  • 500k Self-Funded ARB Vault Deposit - Complete
  • Premia matching 550k PREMIA to Vaults during STIP Period - Complete
  • Premia Academy/Competition Incentives - Quest 12 of 8 - Live - To Conclude 2024-03-01


Previous Two Weeks

ARB Received Last Disbursement: [385,712] Claimed 2024-01-27

ARB Utilized as Incentives in the Last Two Weeks: [152,409] (All Allocated)

Contracts incentivized over the last 2 weeks (No Change):

Contract address label Form 12 completed for all addresses: [Yes]

ARB left over: [0]

Plan for leftover ARB:

To follow the in depth plan including vaults, rates, dates, and status please reference our Premia STIP Tracking document which is updated regularly or now the live updated STIP Specific Section of the Dashboard

Summary of incentives:
TVL continues to grow, reaching a peak over 12mm on 2024-02-17.
Market Making incentives are starting to show impact now we are seeing RFQ and Orderbook Activity picking up on the bid and ask side. Orderbook volume at the beginning of STIP was nil and now has done upwards of 4mm in volume and continues to outpace range order volume.

Additional Info / Disclosures to Multisig:
Other Notable Events relevant to STIP Campaign

  • Trading Competition to Conclude on 2024-03-01


The Dune dashboard is always being enhanced, however I have created some views specific to the STIP period that can be found at the bottom of the page.
Overall Dashboard:
Trading Competition:

Average daily TVL:
TVL Today 11.5mm in USD
TVL Average 11.5mm in USD
Beginning TVL ~2mm in USD

Average daily transactions:
583 Avg Daily Txns

Average daily volumes:
225k USD Daily Notional

Number of unique user addresses:
2002 (Since 2023-11-15)

Transaction fees:
24 eth

Link to Dashboard showing metrics: []
For those interested in tracking the requirements document (as well as the details sharing with OpenBlock Labs) please find the dashboard requirements document. A Trading competition document has also now been added to Dune

Plan For the Next Two Weeks

Amount of ARB to be distributed:
118,022 ARB to Vault LPs (rate of 59k/week)
25,000 ARB to Traders (Began 2023-12-26 rate of 12.5k/week) - (Shown on TC Dash)
We expect to distribute 143,022 ARB every two weeks for the remainder of the STIP period (2024-03-05)

Contracts that will be incentivized:
All contracts for vaults have been deployed and funded.
The Trading Competition/MM simple claiming contracts have been deployed.

Contract address label Form 12 completed for all addresses: [Yes]

Mechanism for distribution incentives:

  • Dual Mining Smart Contracts for Vaults - Complete
  • Simple Claiming Contract for Trading & Market Making Incentives - Complete

Summary of incentives plan:

  • All Dual Mining rewards for Vault Deposits 2023-12-05 - Complete
  • Trading Competition begins 2023-12-08 - Live - Ends 2024-03-05
  • Marketing Events with partner protocols ongoing

Summary of changes to the original plan:
As mentioned last week all incentivized contracts have been fully funded for the remainder of the program which will end on 2024-03-05. Trading Competition rewards have been paid out through week 8, with the remainder of the 4 weeks to be paid out on 2024-03-05. After including the 100k partnership allocation repurposed for this extension, Premia will have matched with ~84k ARB from the treasury. We will prepare one last update in March to highlight success areas, and areas for self-reflection.

Overall, we will continue to track this extension in the dashboard as % Committed is now shown over 100% from the original plan in the name of transparency.

Now that we have had a few weeks to reflect on the STIP Period wanted to reflect on what worked well and what could be improved.

Let’s first start with the goals outlined in the application.

At peak, we reached 12mm, exceeding the target by 20%. It was a slow grind, too, probably due to some not wanting to be the first-mover you typically see with other newly launched protocol versions. However, post incentive cutoff, we did see the TVL drop to ~3.5-4m where it stands today (75-100% increase from where we began)

Here, you can see the steep dropoff post the incentive period. In a different environment I do believe we could have captured more sticky tvl, but when the cost of capital is 30-40% our vaults which produce real yield ± 25% the opportunity cost is hard to beat.

Options volume was tough for us to crack. We had some foundational investments (Orderbook and RFQ Market Making Participants) that didn’t hit fruition until the end of the incentive period. We were able to 10x our 7d average volume(>1mm), though, and because of those investments, volume continues to trend in a positive direction as the protocol is no longer dependent on the TVL of the vaults.

Regarding options users, we only got 50% of the way there in the allotted time. Below you can see some marketing campaigns were able to draw in some new users, but options being a complex product, we were only able to get ~1500 unique users on the platform. Given that there were only 100 total weekly users across all options platforms in October, it is actually pretty good progress, however short of our goals. Also given that we released a few algorithmic trading tools during the STIP period, those wallets traded on the platform on a regular basis, however from the same account.

Here is some further data showcasing the algorithmic activity, the blue below is the 30d average transaction count compared to other options protocols on Arbitrum,

Premia now is even doing about 50% of all the txns on Arbitrum for the Product Class

And consistently is a top 50 protocol by txn volume

Outside of Arbitrum, Premia is a strong contender in the options space, and since DeFi Llama changed their options volume metrics to be more normalized to Premium Volume across the Sector, Premia continues to make strides and hold its own, even with declining TVL. (Stats from Today 23MAR24)

One last point regarding socials and community, our Discord members actually went down ~1000, however our Twitter followers went up 10k, so gonna call that one a wash.

All in all, my thoughts today are similar to my thoughts at the beginning of the STIP program, however juiced emissions are nice for legitimacy scoring (TVL) and vanity metrics, foundational incentivization of desired behaviour is where we are starting to reap what we sowed. It all plays into the cycle; higher TVL brings more eyes and rapport, and gets you into conversations with participants that can make time and resource investments to make your defi protocol a success, a necessary evil I guess. The ultimate goal we planned on solving with STIP rewards (the cold start problem), I believe we knocked out of the park!

Areas for Improvement:
During the STIP, we decided to repurpose 100k set aside for partnerships to extend out the juiced vaults for another month, we were not able to find a proper set of partners that were capable to deploy options liquidity mining given the time constraints and resource requirement from the receiving team. If we had to do it again, we would get some commitment prior to the STIP period to lock-in the partnerships, however given the amount of new projects moving over with LTIPP, doubtful we will run into that problem again. We were also able to develop some new vault types we have not deployed yet as well as a new algo strategy that a few groups are interested in utilizing that should result in some newer exotic options vaults for tokens that do not have a mature spot market yet, which we are excited to deploy soon. We started the cross protocol initiatives to move over liquidity from other chains (SOL) and soon (OP) and with more to come, however the we kind of stink at doing the cross-protocol marketing and end up releasing piecemeal, we could definitely do a better job coordinating between project teams. So if STIP Bridge does get over the line, the items addressed here is what we would course correct on this time around to continue to develop our relationships with other projects across the ecosystem.

We appreciated the opportunity to participate in STIP, and will continue to remain active in governance to push the ecosystem forward!


Reference Transactions:

Initial Allocation: 900,000 ARB
Vault LP Incentives: 600,000
Secondary Market Incentives: 200,000
Partnerships: 100,000

Amendments during STIP Period:
Partnership 100k → Valut LP Incentive Extension

Total Allocated: 1,081,847 ARB
Vault LP Incentives: -924,186 ARB
Secondary Market Incentives: -201,462 ARB
ARB Claimed from Premia Controlled POL +110,801 (0x5ca1ea5549E4e7CB64Ae35225E11865d2572b3F9)
Trading Competition -67,000 PREMIA & -67,000 ARB
Total = 1,081,847
Funded from Premia Operator Treasury 181,847 ARB (1,081,847 - 900,000) & 67,000 PREMIA

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