@Myrddin I’m having a hard time being fooled into believing Camelot doesn’t realise that the liquidity it’ll attract over 6 months, with 12m arb, will be gone as soon as the 6 month period lapses — making Camelot the only party who’s benefited from this proposal with volumes or liquidity to flex.
I’ve had to use Paraswap a bunch of times after getting hit with errors on Camelot. I still use Camelot for some of my swaps and the launchpad but it isn’t the best experience I’ve had with a DEX. My stance on this proposal is not about me not liking Camelot or supporting a competitor, it’s just that it’s far fetched imo.
Why don’t they start distributing the 2M they have for 1 month? That way we can see if the liquidity is still within the Arbitrum ecosystem by the end of the following month. I’m sure that’ll change some perspectives here for future proposals.