Proposal: AIP-1.1 - Lockup, Budget, Transparency

I am largely in favor of this proposal, but have a few points I would like clarification around.

  1. More detailed budget
    The included operating budget is very large without much clarification around where the funds are going. Can we get more clarity around budgets for payroll, operating expenses, grants, etc.? Understanding the use of the proceeds will also help us understand the expected impact we should see from the expense.
  2. Community governed roles
    Currently all of the budget is planned to go towards a centralized team of 20 FTEs. Especially as we consider the impact of this program over the next 4 years, it would be good for the community to be able to vote in new representatives for a change in strategy. This could be done in a manner similar to many of the top DAO grants programs where elected delegates are responsible for sourcing, vetting, and allocating grants. Additionally, service orgs like Gauntlet or Reverie could be contracted for specific operations.
  3. Clarity around sale of ARB to USD
    There is a mention of 50% in USD and 50% in ARB. Can we get clarity around the expected sale timeline for these funds?