Proposal - Delegate Incentive Program (DIP)

The following reflects the views of the Lampros Labs DAO governance team, composed of @Blueweb, @Euphoria, and Hirangi Pandya (@Nyx), based on our combined research, analysis, and ideation.

We are voting FOR DIP V1.5 for this proposal.

We want to mention that our feedback from this comment was heard and implemented, which we appreciate.

The minor changes from v1.1 to v1.5 are welcomed especially the new rubric-based system. This seems well-suited to address the diverse feedback across the DAO and will likely encourage deeper and more consistent participation from delegates in governance.

We would love to see how the upper cap of 50 delegates could be lifted if the $7,000 per delegate budget is not exhausted, and the 51st delegate qualifies for the last tier allowing more delegates to qualify for incentives.

Lastly, we hope that the subjective scoring will become more objective as the program progresses.

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