RabbitHole Bi-Weekly Update (Feb 02, 2024)

RabbitHole Bi-Weekly Update: Feb 02, 2024

Recap of the Previous Two Weeks

ARB Received Last Disbursement: 142,858 ARB

ARB Utilized as Incentives in the Last Two Weeks:

  • Distributed: 376,508

  • Claimed: 311,558.55

Contracts incentivized over the last 2 weeks:

  • Trade on GMX V2:

    • 0x6a7Ec3F89F4D78155e6690BF857a9C14134c2582

    • 0xE5ACf1319063C82Fa134519FD00FC3cB1e8BE58d

    • 0x9dC7651B78fDe0ea6C286f58b25a7535EF5C086E

  • Swap on Woofi:

    • 0x7A9b80BD2B5f5A864E9D1281BBfC481d5cD9E014

    • 0x7686eF37F4dd357F766dEe122B9ff893fDc9DCCA

    • 0x8bf8001B0cfd05c31cC40B3842A7a79dC41A35c0

  • Swap on Trader Joe:

    • 0x5937be328eF2d63e78f06C02CD858d0985b09563

    • 0x3DE3DdF437087FB4DaeeBF03b9402Dc740898e95

    • 0x58b19abDa1aA4Bd98AB4f363C388129FF8dAdc88

    • 0xaD1776b5406eA2A587d4138d631AA7Ab0A288287

  • Swap on Camelot V2:

    • 0x6528D844247abaE23Abb9d5F8162871d874909c0

    • 0xa436F16b806dC661E9E756086d8b3213Ac6D1fc5

    • 0x832A30dD4977a09bcc1433c9C0905E270Ead3389

    • 0xC9D40E426b2C420C250e2BD2B44245ee69cD54aE

    • 0x87315e4874077ED7DA2bb7B5958D3D71Be363F24

    • 0x8Af6225E6BD232cEB2e7aD6B13195F07B7050426

    • 0x5c50FBd1791BB7b15D4575Ae753a735dfbA6EE78

    • 0xDC6D680b597e8124E4bd25Ad58A70D420621Bd5D

  • Deploy a Quest on Arbitrum:

    • 0x391412b77cCE89D7e70508D962A988ec9963973b
  • Delegate ARB on Tally:

    • 0x1e125E5fb6dD7F457ab35C866a19EA627D4a7caD
  • Complete an Arbitrum Quest:

    • 0x00E45BF35d127939E30b53204492C5E8ed4d2206

    • 0xA481D2bff0292fF0C18f180832b9062feaB75a22

  • Bridge on Symbiosis:

    • 0xF5619F233ee9E267FD9A36149F6939AE419422E2

    • 0x831bCAEBfB0415ef61Cfd8CCC9Ed36bB9cEb187D

  • Bridge on Connext:

    • 0x860924DA9Ce3b9e80C15D4e88F3b8D6F87B0f746

Contract address label Form 15 completed for all addresses: Yes.

ARB left over: 8,471

Plan for leftover ARB: Deploy in future quests.

Summary of incentives:

Quests Completed to Date:

Phase 1 (Experiment) Phase 2 (Iterate) Phase 3 (Scale)
KPI Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Total
Transactions or Actions Driven 500,000 750,000 1,500,000 2,750,000
Monthly Unique Addresses 50,000 100,000 200,000 350,000
New Arbitrum Addresses 25,000 50,000 100,000 175,000
Reactivated Users 25,000 50,000 100,000 175,000
Avg CPA 0.5 ARB 0.33 ARB 0.33 ARB 0.364 ARB
ARB Distributed 250,000 250,000 500,000 1,000,000
Estimated Network Fees $100,000 $150,000 $300,000 $550,000

Performance to Date (Ongoing):

Phase 1 (Experiment) Phase 2 (Iterate) Phase 3 (Scale)
KPI Dec 25 - Jan 26 Jan 26 - Feb 26 Feb 26 - Mar 30
Transactions or Actions Driven 1,110,738 520,388
Monthly Unique Addresses 53,670 25,332
New Arbitrum Addresses 35,507
Reactivated Users 1,372
Avg CPA 0.22 0.18
ARB Distributed 242,556.78 93,588.87
Estimated Network Fees $476,690.61 $167,211.47

Additional Info / Disclosures to Multisig: N/A.

Link to Dashboard showing metrics:


Average daily TVL: N/A

[Average daily transactions](* Total

  • Quest Completions: 19,891.8
  • Secondary Transactions 19,891.8
  • Combined: 39,783.6

Average daily volumes: N/A

Number of unique user addresses: 43K

Transaction fees:

  • Quest Completions: 160.26 ETH
  • Secondary Transactions: 112.94 ETH
  • Combined: 273.20 ETH
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Hey @Arbitrum We’ve continually been getting blocked adding dune links and having our posts removed, any workaround?

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