The following reflects the views of L2BEAT’s governance team, composed of @krst and @Sinkas, and it’s based on the combined research, fact-checking, and ideation of the two.
We’ll be voting AGAINST this proposal during the temperature check.
First of all, we’d like to say that we have great respect for the Curia team and their dedication to improving governance processes with more accurate and targeted data. However, in the case of this proposal, we don’t fully understand who the target user is and how this data will be consumed. We agree with other voices in this thread that this initiative would only be useful if it were part of another initiative such as a delegate incentive program or staking rewards.
We vote against this proposal, but encourage Curia to try other avenues, such as the Delegated Domain Allocator grant program, to showcase (probably with limited scope) the value you can provide the DAO with this additional data.