Stella STIP Program Updates

Brief context on Stella

Stella is the top leveraged farming protocol on Arbitrum with 0% cost to borrow. Stella is currently at ~$5M in TVL, with the TVL seeing an 85% increase since the start of the STIP incentives. More than 66% of Leveraged positions on Stella have generated a positive yield at 666% APR on average.

Abstract of the Stella STIP Proposal

  1. Stella received 186,000 ARB as incentives for the STIP incentives, out of which 120,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the lending pools, and 66,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the profitable leveragoors.
  2. The objective behind the incentives is two fold :
  • Help bootstrap lending liquidity on Stella lending pools, to fulfill the borrowing demand, which will in turn bring higher lending APYs, and kickstart a flywheel. The ARB incentives will be directed towards lending pools with higher utilization rates to attract more liquidity and ensure the judicious use of ARB incentives.
  • Give additional 20% profits to leveragoors as incentives on their profitable positions only. This will incentivize good behavior on part of the leveragoors, and prevent against any sybil attacks.

Note that both, the leveragoor’s and lenders incentives will be auto deposited in the ARB lending pool as ysARB, and will be vested over 30 days over the start of next epoch. This will ensure that the ARB incentives are not dumped and sell pressure is gradually eased.

## Recap of the Previous Two Weeks

ARB Received Last Disbursement: 26,572 ARB

ARB Utilized as Incentives in the Last Two Weeks: 11,120 ARB

Contracts incentivized over the last 2 weeks:

  • ysETH.h: 0x092d4BEe60B9F8904918bA7b0341c0B45f16FB55
  • ysUSDC.e: 0x3251f402Cc06b33E742f08E1ADbE0D2E4C1ea2FA
  • Strategy Gateway: 0xDc6c3dFb237D5202a8eE4d8472A52A94F9282053

Contract address label Form completed for all addresses: [YES]

ARB left over: 15,672 ARB

Plan for leftover ARB:

Any additional ARB leftover will be rolled over to the next epoch of incentives. Any ARB left over post Jan 31st 2024, will be duly returned to the Arbitrum DAO.

Please note that the leftover ARB incentives in the current epoch is a strategic move, because we will need more ARB incentives to support current APYs at higher TVLs some weeks down the line. Also, the ARB meant to be distributed as leveragoors incentives have not been distributed yet because most of the current leveragoors have not closed their positions yet. Since leveragoors can keep their positions open for not more than 30 days, we expect more leveragoors to close their positions soon, and see a spike in ARB distribution in the next epoch (as more leveragoors will realize the yield and get 20% extra ARB incentives).

Summary of incentives:

Stella received 186,000 ARB for the STIP incentives, out of which 120,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the lending pools, and 66,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the profitable leveragoors. Overall, Stella has spent 11,120 ARB out of the 26,572 ARB received in the past two weeks of STIP, and rolled over the remaining for the next epoch.

To summarize the effect of the current incentives :

  • Stella has seen an 85% growth in TVL since the Arbitrum STIP incentives went live, and is now the biggest protocol on Arbitrum in the ‘leveraged farming’ category according to DeFillama.
  • Stella has managed to get $4.4M in lending pool TVL (as of 14th Nov 2023). This is a big success given Stella is now able to bootstrap lending liquidity and is able to meet the high borrowing demand from leveragoors on the platform.
  • On the strategy side, Stella has managed to cross $4M (as of 14th Nov 2023) in cumulative TVL (including leverage) - which is at an all time high for Stella. Cumulative leveragoor yields on Stella has also crossed $100k since launch. Note that this figure is all real yields, and does not include incentives!

Additional Info / Disclosures to Multisig:

No updates related to the Multisig.

## Statistics

Average daily TVL: $4M

Cumulative TVL (as of 14th Nov 2023) : $5.26M

Average daily transactions: 52

Average daily volumes: $200,000

Number of unique user addresses: 156

Transaction fees: $1625.90

Link to Dashboard showing metrics: Stella Analytics

## Plan For the Next Two Weeks

Amount of ARB to be distributed: 18,100 ARB

Contracts that will be incentivized:

  • ysETH.h: 0x092d4BEe60B9F8904918bA7b0341c0B45f16FB55
  • ysUSDC.e: 0x3251f402Cc06b33E742f08E1ADbE0D2E4C1ea2FA
  • ysARB: 0xab416E57ec74e87295B8a1507745a954B0bB9F02
  • ysPENDLE: 0xee93D40DDA093936213F845CddF9Bf8AA14D7a51
  • ysGMX: 0xdab9DE68dF2FdE5db2da81f50265a4A21F8298e2
  • ysRDNT: 0xc1e2C1f9c4fe278d0dB0d3D8EfF359f8B235F853
  • Strategy Gateway: 0xDc6c3dFb237D5202a8eE4d8472A52A94F9282053

Contract address label Form completed for all addresses: YES

Mechanism for distribution incentives:

  • Lenders: Based on reward rate allocation in each epoch.
  • Leveragers: An additional 20% on top of the yield
  • For both Lenders and Leveragers, the $ARB reward has a 30-day vesting period after each epoch ends.

Summary of incentives plan:

Over the next two weeks, Stella will disburse ARB incentives as :

  • Leveragoor side : Stella will continue to give additional 20% leveragoor incentives on profitable positions. As done previously, the leveragoor’s incentives will be auto deposited in the ARB lending pool as vARB, and will be vested over 30 days over the start of next epoch. This will ensure that the ARB incentives are not dumped and sell pressure is gradually eased.
  • Lending side : Stella will turn on incentives for all lending pools currently listed on Stella since the ETH Hyperlending and USDC.e pools on Stella have reached healthy levels of utilizations. A lot of alt asset pools like PENDLE, RDNT, GMX are seeing high borrowing demands, and the incentives will help attract more liquidity to meet the borrowing demands.

Summary of changes to the original plan:

There are no major changes in the incentives plan. The only change the team wants to highlight is that in the initial 2 weeks, the lending incentives were only given to the ETH hyperlending and USDC.e lending pools, since these pools were at 100% utilization. Now that the pools have reached healthy levels of utilization (trending at ~80%), Stella will resume lending incentives across all lending pools.

This was a strategic call taken by the team to ensure that every ARB spent on incentives is spent very judiciously to unlock protocol growth bottlenecks.

We are happy to hear the thoughts of the community on this, and even change our approach depending on community feedback.

Feedback/ Suggestions :
We welcome any community feedback or suggestions regarding STIP or otherwise.
Please feel free to drop comments in the post thread, or else feel free to reach out to me on TG or twitter. My details are below :

Telegram : @apoorv99
Twitter : @apoorvanand99

1 Like


Abstract of the Stella STIP Proposal

  1. Stella is the top leveraged farming protocol on Arbitrum with 0% cost to borrow. Stella is currently at $5.8M in TVL, with the TVL seeing an 253% increase since the start of the STIP incentives. Also, 67% of Leverage Positions on Stella have generated a positive yield at 614% APR on average.
  2. Stella received 186,000 ARB as incentives for the STIP incentives, out of which 120,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the lending pools, and 66,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the profitable leveragoors.
  3. The objective behind the incentives is two fold :
  • Help bootstrap lending liquidity on Stella lending pools, to fulfill the borrowing demand, which will in turn bring higher lending APYs, and kickstart a flywheel. The ARB incentives will be directed towards lending pools with higher utilization rates to attract more liquidity and ensure the judicious use of ARB incentives.
  • Give additional 20% profits to leveragoors as incentives on their profitable positions only. This will incentivize good behavior on part of the leveragoors, and prevent against any sybil attacks.

Note that both, the leveragoor’s and lenders incentives will be auto deposited in the ARB lending pool as ysARB, and will be vested over 30 days over the start of next epoch. This will ensure that the ARB incentives are not dumped and sell pressure is gradually eased.

Recap of the Previous Two Weeks

ARB Received Last Disbursement: 26,572 ARB

Total ARB Received: 53,144 ARB

ARB Utilized as Incentives in the Last Two Weeks: 23,757 ARB

Contracts incentivized over the last 2 weeks:

  • ysETH.h: 0x092d4BEe60B9F8904918bA7b0341c0B45f16FB55
  • ysUSDC.e: 0x3251f402Cc06b33E742f08E1ADbE0D2E4C1ea2FA
  • Strategy Gateway: 0xDc6c3dFb237D5202a8eE4d8472A52A94F9282053

Contract address label Form completed for all addresses: YES

ARB left over: 18,267 ARB

Plan for leftover ARB:

Any additional ARB leftover will be rolled over to the next epoch of incentives. Any ARB left over post Jan 31st 2024, will be duly returned to the Arbitrum DAO.

Please note that the leftover ARB incentives in the current epoch is a strategic move, because we will need more ARB incentives to support current APYs at higher TVLs some weeks down the line. Also, all the ARB meant to be distributed as leveragoors incentives have not been distributed yet because most of the current leveragoors have not closed their positions yet. Since leveragoors can keep their positions open for not more than 30 days, we expect more leveragoors to close their positions soon, and see a spike in ARB distribution in the next epoch (as more leveragoors will realize the yield and get 20% extra ARB incentives).

Summary of incentives:

Stella received 186,000 ARB for the STIP incentives, out of which 120,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the lending pools, and 66,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the profitable leveragoors. Overall, Stella has spent 34,877 ARB out of the 53,144 ARB received over the duration of STIP, and rolled over the remaining for the next epoch.

To summarize the effect of the current incentives :

  • Stella has seen an 253% growth in TVL since the Arbitrum STIP incentives went live, and is now the biggest protocol on Arbitrum in the ‘leveraged farming’ category according to DeFillama.
  • Stella has managed to get $4.96M in lending pool TVL (as of 1st Dec 2023). This is a big success given Stella is now able to bootstrap lending liquidity and is able to meet the high borrowing demand from leveragoors on the platform.
  • On the strategy side, Stella has managed to reach $4.8M (as of 1st Dec 2023) in cumulative TVL (including leverage) - which is at an all time high for Stella. Cumulative leveragoor yields on Stella has also crossed $132k since launch. Note that this figure is all real yields, and does not include incentives!

**Additional Info / Disclosures to Multisig: **
No updates related to the Multisig.


Average daily TVL: $5.5m

  • Lending TVL : $4.1M
  • Strategy TVL : $3.9M

Average daily transactions: 61

Average daily volumes:

  • Lending : $200,000 (Deposit + Withdraw)
  • Strategy: $904,000 (Borrow + Repay)

Number of unique user addresses:

  • Lenders = 285
  • Leveragoors = 274
  • Total = 559

Transaction fees: $3,100

Link to Dashboard showing metrics: Stella

Plan For the Next Two Weeks

Amount of ARB to be distributed: 18,100 ARB

Contracts that will be incentivized:

  • ysETH.h: 0x092d4BEe60B9F8904918bA7b0341c0B45f16FB55
  • ysUSDC.e: 0x3251f402Cc06b33E742f08E1ADbE0D2E4C1ea2FA
  • ysARB: 0xab416E57ec74e87295B8a1507745a954B0bB9F02
  • ysPENDLE: 0xee93D40DDA093936213F845CddF9Bf8AA14D7a51
  • ysGMX: 0xdab9DE68dF2FdE5db2da81f50265a4A21F8298e2
  • ysRDNT: 0xc1e2C1f9c4fe278d0dB0d3D8EfF359f8B235F853
  • Strategy Gateway: 0xDc6c3dFb237D5202a8eE4d8472A52A94F9282053

Contract address label Form completed for all addresses: YES

Mechanism for distribution incentives:

  • Lenders: Based on reward rate allocation in each epoch.
  • Leveragers: An additional 20% on top of the yield
  • For both Lenders and Leveragers, the $ARB reward has a 30-day vesting period after each epoch ends.

Summary of incentives plan:

Over the next two weeks, Stella will disburse ARB incentives as :

  • Leveragoor side : Stella will continue to give additional 20% leveragoor incentives on profitable positions. As done previously, the leveragoor’s incentives will be auto deposited in the ARB lending pool as vARB, and will be vested over 30 days over the start of next epoch. This will ensure that the ARB incentives are not dumped and sell pressure is gradually eased.
  • Lending side : Stella will continue to provide incentives for most lending pools currently listed on Stella since the ETH Hyperlending and USDC.e pools on Stella have reached healthy levels of utilizations. A lot of alt asset pools like PENDLE, RDNT, GMX are seeing high borrowing demands, and the incentives will help attract more liquidity to meet the borrowing demands.

Summary of changes to the original plan:
There are no major changes in the incentives plan.

We are happy to hear the thoughts of the community on this, and even change our approach depending on community feedback.

Feedback/ Suggestions :
We welcome any community feedback or suggestions regarding STIP or otherwise.

Please feel free to drop comments in the post thread, or else feel free to reach out to me on TG or twitter. My details are below :

Telegram : @apoorv99

Twitter : @apoorvanand99


Abstract of the Stella STIP Proposal

  1. Stella is the top leveraged farming protocol on Arbitrum with 0% cost to borrow. Stella is currently at $6.3M in TVL, with the TVL seeing an 273% increase since the start of the STIP incentives. Also, 67% of Leverage Positions on Stella have generated a positive yield at 573% APR on average.
  2. Stella received 186,000 ARB as incentives for the STIP incentives, out of which 120,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the lending pools, and 66,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the profitable leveragoors.
  3. The objective behind the incentives is two fold :
  • Help bootstrap lending liquidity on Stella lending pools, to fulfill the borrowing demand, which will in turn bring higher lending APYs, and kickstart a flywheel. The ARB incentives will be directed towards lending pools with higher utilization rates to attract more liquidity and ensure the judicious use of ARB incentives.
  • Give additional 20% profits to leveragoors as incentives on their profitable positions only. This will incentivize good behavior on part of the leveragoors, and prevent against any sybil attacks.

Note that both, the leveragoor’s and lenders incentives will be auto deposited in the ARB lending pool as ysARB, and will be vested over 30 days over the start of next epoch. This will ensure that the ARB incentives are not dumped and sell pressure is gradually eased.

Recap of the Previous Two Weeks

ARB Received Last Disbursement: 26,572 ARB

Total ARB Received: 79,716 ARB

ARB Utilized as Incentives in the Last Two Weeks: 17,700 ARB

Contracts incentivized over the last 2 weeks:

  • ysETH.h: 0x092d4BEe60B9F8904918bA7b0341c0B45f16FB55
  • ysUSDC.e: 0x3251f402Cc06b33E742f08E1ADbE0D2E4C1ea2FA
  • ysARB: 0xab416E57ec74e87295B8a1507745a954B0bB9F02
  • ysPENDLE: 0xee93D40DDA093936213F845CddF9Bf8AA14D7a51
  • ysGMX: 0xdab9DE68dF2FdE5db2da81f50265a4A21F8298e2
  • ysRDNT: 0xc1e2C1f9c4fe278d0dB0d3D8EfF359f8B235F853
  • Strategy Gateway: 0xDc6c3dFb237D5202a8eE4d8472A52A94F9282053

Contract address label Form completed for all addresses: YES

ARB left over: 27,139 ARB

Plan for leftover ARB:

Any additional ARB leftover will be rolled over to the next epoch of incentives. Any ARB left over post Jan 31st 2024, will be duly returned to the Arbitrum DAO.

Please note that the leftover ARB incentives in the current epoch is a strategic move, because we will need more ARB incentives to support current APYs at higher TVLs some weeks down the line. Also, all the ARB meant to be distributed as leveragoors incentives have not been distributed yet because most of the current leveragoors have not closed their positions yet. Since leveragoors can keep their positions open for not more than 30 days, we expect more leveragoors to close their positions soon, and see a spike in ARB distribution in the next epoch (as more leveragoors will realize the yield and get 20% extra ARB incentives).

Summary of incentives: [Insert Summary]

Stella received 186,000 ARB for the STIP incentives, out of which 120,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the lending pools, and 66,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the profitable leveragoors. Overall, Stella has spent 5,2577 ARB out of the 79,716 ARB received over the duration of STIP, and rolled over the remaining for the next epoch.

To summarize the effect of the current incentives :

  • Stella has seen a 273% growth in TVL since the Arbitrum STIP incentives went live, and is now the biggest protocol on Arbitrum in the ‘leveraged farming’ category according to DeFillama.
  • Stella has managed to get $5.52M in lending pool TVL (as of 14th Dec 2023). This is a big success given Stella is now able to bootstrap lending liquidity and is able to meet the high borrowing demand from leveragoors on the platform.
  • On the strategy side, Stella has managed to reach $4.37M (as of 14th Dec 2023) in cumulative TVL (including leverage) - which is at an all time high for Stella. Cumulative leveragoor yields on Stella has also crossed $176k since launch. Note that this figure is all real yields, and does not include incentives!

Additional Info / Disclosures to Multisig: [Insert additional info]

No updates related to the Multisig.


Average daily TVL: $6,000,000

  • Lending TVL : $5M
  • Strategy TVL : $4.8M

Average daily transactions: 43

Average daily volumes:

  • Lending : $1,930,000
  • Strategy: $7,264,729

Number of unique user addresses:

  • Lenders = 285
  • Leveragoors = 135
  • Total = 418

Transaction fees: $4,000

Link to Dashboard showing metrics: Stella

Plan For the Next Two Weeks

Amount of ARB to be distributed: ~20,000 ARB including both Lenders and Leveragoors

Contracts that will be incentivized:

  • ysETH.h: 0x092d4BEe60B9F8904918bA7b0341c0B45f16FB55
  • ysUSDC.e: 0x3251f402Cc06b33E742f08E1ADbE0D2E4C1ea2FA
  • ysARB: 0xab416E57ec74e87295B8a1507745a954B0bB9F02
  • ysPENDLE: 0xee93D40DDA093936213F845CddF9Bf8AA14D7a51
  • ysGMX: 0xdab9DE68dF2FdE5db2da81f50265a4A21F8298e2
  • ysRDNT: 0xc1e2C1f9c4fe278d0dB0d3D8EfF359f8B235F853
  • Strategy Gateway: 0xDc6c3dFb237D5202a8eE4d8472A52A94F9282053

Contract address label Form completed for all addresses: YES

Mechanism for distribution incentives:

  • Lenders: Based on reward rate allocation in each epoch.
  • Leveragers: An additional 20% on top of the yield
  • For both Lenders and Leveragers, the $ARB reward has a 30-day vesting period after each epoch ends.

Summary of incentives plan: [Insert plan]

Over the next two weeks, Stella will disburse ARB incentives as :

  • Leveragoor side : Stella will continue to give additional 20% leveragoor incentives on profitable positions. As done previously, the leveragoor’s incentives will be auto deposited in the ARB lending pool as vARB, and will be vested over 30 days over the start of next epoch. This will ensure that the ARB incentives are not dumped and sell pressure is gradually eased.
  • Lending side : Stella will continue to provide incentives for most lending pools currently listed on Stella since the ETH Hyperlending and USDC.e pools on Stella have reached healthy levels of utilizations. A lot of alt asset pools like PENDLE, RDNT, GMX are seeing high borrowing demands, and the incentives will help attract more liquidity to meet the borrowing demands. Also, Stella plans to add support for the Camelot V3 pools, and might direct some ARB incentives towards the bootstrapping lending liquidity in the new stablecoin pools.

Summary of changes to the original plan: [Insert changes]
There are no major changes in the incentives plan.

We are happy to hear the thoughts of the community on this, and even change our approach depending on community feedback.

Feedback/ Suggestions :

We welcome any community feedback or suggestions regarding STIP or otherwise.

Please feel free to drop comments in the post thread, or else feel free to reach out to me on TG or twitter. My details are below :

Telegram : @apoorv99

Twitter : @apoorvanand99


Abstract of the Stella STIP Proposal

  1. Stella is the top leveraged farming protocol on Arbitrum with 0% cost to borrow. Stella is currently at $6.9M in TVL, with the TVL seeing an ~300% increase since the start of the STIP incentives. Also, 66% of Leverage Positions on Stella have generated a positive yield at 546% APR on average.
  2. Stella received 186,000 ARB as incentives for the STIP incentives, out of which 120,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the lending pools, and 66,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the profitable leveragoors.
  3. The objective behind the incentives is two fold :
  • Help bootstrap lending liquidity on Stella lending pools, to fulfill the borrowing demand, which will in turn bring higher lending APYs, and kickstart a flywheel. The ARB incentives will be directed towards lending pools with higher utilization rates to attract more liquidity and ensure the judicious use of ARB incentives.
  • Give additional 20% profits to leveragoors as incentives on their profitable positions only. This will incentivize good behavior on part of the leveragoors, and prevent against any sybil attacks.

Note that both, the leveragoor’s and lenders incentives will be auto deposited in the ARB lending pool as ysARB, and will be vested over 30 days over the start of next epoch. This will ensure that the ARB incentives are not dumped and sell pressure is gradually eased.

Recap of the Previous Two Weeks

ARB Received Last Disbursement: 26,572 ARB

Total ARB Received: 106,288 ARB

ARB Utilized as Incentives in the Last Two Weeks: 22,965 ARB

Contracts incentivized over the last 2 weeks:

  • ysETH.h: 0x092d4BEe60B9F8904918bA7b0341c0B45f16FB55
  • ysUSDC.e: 0x3251f402Cc06b33E742f08E1ADbE0D2E4C1ea2FA
  • ysARB: 0xab416E57ec74e87295B8a1507745a954B0bB9F02
  • ysPENDLE: 0xee93D40DDA093936213F845CddF9Bf8AA14D7a51
  • ysGMX: 0xdab9DE68dF2FdE5db2da81f50265a4A21F8298e2
  • ysRDNT: 0xc1e2C1f9c4fe278d0dB0d3D8EfF359f8B235F853
  • Strategy Gateway: 0xDc6c3dFb237D5202a8eE4d8472A52A94F9282053

Contract address label Form completed for all addresses: YES

ARB left over: 30,746 ARB

Plan for leftover ARB:

Any additional ARB leftover will be rolled over to the next epoch of incentives. Any ARB left over post Jan 31st 2024, will be duly returned to the Arbitrum DAO.

Please note that the leftover ARB incentives in the current epoch is a strategic move, because we will need more ARB incentives to support current APYs at higher TVLs some weeks down the line. Also, all the ARB meant to be distributed as leveragoors incentives have not been distributed yet because most of the current leveragoors have not closed their positions yet. Since leveragoors can keep their positions open for not more than 30 days, we expect more leveragoors to close their positions soon, and see a spike in ARB distribution in the next epoch (as more leveragoors will realize the yield and get 20% extra ARB incentives).

Summary of incentives: [Insert Summary]

Stella received 186,000 ARB for the STIP incentives, out of which 120,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the lending pools, and 66,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the profitable leveragoors. Overall, Stella has spent 75,542 ARB out of the 106,288 ARB received over the duration of STIP, and rolled over the remaining for the next epoch.

To summarize the effect of the current incentives :

  • Stella has seen a ~300% growth in TVL since the Arbitrum STIP incentives went live, and is now the biggest protocol on Arbitrum in the ‘leveraged farming’ category according to DeFillama.
  • Stella has managed to get $6M in lending pool TVL (as of 29th Dec 2023). This is a big success given Stella is now able to bootstrap lending liquidity and is able to meet the high borrowing demand from leveragoors on the platform.
  • On the strategy side, Stella has managed to reach $4.7M (as of 29th Dec 2023) in cumulative TVL (including leverage) - which is at an all time high for Stella. Cumulative leveragoor yields on Stella has also crossed $198k since launch. Note that this figure is all real yields, and does not include incentives!

Additional Info / Disclosures to Multisig: [Insert additional info]

No updates related to the Multisig.


Average daily TVL: $6,500,000

Average daily transactions: 43

  • Lending TVL : $6M
  • Strategy TVL : $4.7M

Number of unique user addresses:

  • Lenders = 171
  • Leveragoors = 135
  • Total = 306

Transaction fees: $3,000

Link to Dashboard showing metrics: Stella

Plan For the Next Two Weeks

Amount of ARB to be distributed: ~18,000 ARB including both Lenders and Leveragoors

Contracts that will be incentivized:

  • ysETH.h: 0x092d4BEe60B9F8904918bA7b0341c0B45f16FB55
  • ysUSDC.e: 0x3251f402Cc06b33E742f08E1ADbE0D2E4C1ea2FA
  • ysARB: 0xab416E57ec74e87295B8a1507745a954B0bB9F02
  • ysPENDLE: 0xee93D40DDA093936213F845CddF9Bf8AA14D7a51
  • ysGMX: 0xdab9DE68dF2FdE5db2da81f50265a4A21F8298e2
  • Strategy Gateway: 0xDc6c3dFb237D5202a8eE4d8472A52A94F9282053

Contract address label Form completed for all addresses: YES

Mechanism for distribution incentives:

  • Lenders: Based on reward rate allocation in each epoch.
  • Leveragers: An additional 20% on top of the yield
  • For both Lenders and Leveragers, the $ARB reward has a 30-day vesting period after each epoch ends.

Summary of incentives plan: [Insert plan]

Over the next two weeks, Stella will disburse ARB incentives as :

  • Leveragoor side : Stella will continue to give additional 20% leveragoor incentives on profitable positions. As done previously, the leveragoor’s incentives will be auto deposited in the ARB lending pool as vARB, and will be vested over 30 days over the start of next epoch. This will ensure that the ARB incentives are not dumped and sell pressure is gradually eased.
  • Lending side : Stella will continue to provide incentives for the lending pools currently listed on Stella with high borrowing activity.

Summary of changes to the original plan: [Insert changes]

There are no major changes in the incentives plan.

We are happy to hear the thoughts of the community on this, and even change our approach depending on community feedback.

Feedback/ Suggestions :

We welcome any community feedback or suggestions regarding STIP or otherwise.

Please feel free to drop comments in the post thread, or else feel free to reach out to me on TG or twitter. My details are below :

Telegram : @apoorv99

Twitter : @apoorvanand99

1 Like


Abstract of the Stella STIP Proposal

  1. Stella is the top leveraged farming protocol on Arbitrum with 0% cost to borrow. Stella is currently at $7.57M in TVL, with the TVL seeing an 330% increase since the start of the STIP incentives. Also, 65% of Leverage Positions on Stella have generated a positive yield at ~950% APR on average.
  2. Stella received 186,000 ARB as incentives for the STIP incentives, out of which 120,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the lending pools, and 66,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the profitable leveragoors.
  3. The objective behind the incentives is two fold :
  • Help bootstrap lending liquidity on Stella lending pools, to fulfill the borrowing demand, which will in turn bring higher lending APYs, and kickstart a flywheel. The ARB incentives will be directed towards lending pools with higher utilization rates to attract more liquidity and ensure the judicious use of ARB incentives.
  • Give additional 20% profits to leveragoors as incentives on their profitable positions only. This will incentivize good behavior on part of the leveragoors, and prevent against any sybil attacks.

Note that both, the leveragoor’s and lenders incentives will be auto deposited in the ARB lending pool as ysARB, and will be vested over 30 days over the start of next epoch. This will ensure that the ARB incentives are not dumped and sell pressure is gradually eased.

Recap of the Previous Two Weeks

ARB Received Last Disbursement: 26,572 ARB

Total ARB Received: 132,860 ARB

ARB Utilized as Incentives in the Last Two Weeks: 16,705 ARB

Contracts incentivized over the last 2 weeks:

  • ysETH.h: 0x092d4BEe60B9F8904918bA7b0341c0B45f16FB55
  • ysUSDC.e: 0x3251f402Cc06b33E742f08E1ADbE0D2E4C1ea2FA
  • ysARB: 0xab416E57ec74e87295B8a1507745a954B0bB9F02
  • ysPENDLE: 0xee93d40dda093936213f845cddf9bf8aa14d7a51
  • ysGMX: 0xdab9de68df2fde5db2da81f50265a4a21f8298e2
  • Strategy Gateway: 0xDc6c3dFb237D5202a8eE4d8472A52A94F9282053

Contract address label Form completed for all addresses: YES

ARB left over: 40,613 ARB

Plan for leftover ARB:

Any additional ARB leftover will be rolled over to the next epoch of incentives. Any ARB left over post March 29th 2024, will be duly returned to the Arbitrum DAO. This is in line with the revised timeline for all STIP incentives to be distributed to users by 29th of March, 2024.

Please note that the leftover ARB incentives in the current epoch is a strategic move, because we will need more ARB incentives to support current APYs at higher TVLs some weeks down the line.

Summary of incentives: [Insert Summary]

Stella received 186,000 ARB for the STIP incentives, out of which 120,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the lending pools, and 66,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the profitable leveragoors. Overall, Stella has spent 5,2577 ARB out of the 79,716 ARB received over the duration of STIP, and rolled over the remaining for the next epoch.

To summarize the effect of the current incentives :

  • Stella has seen a 330% growth in TVL since the Arbitrum STIP incentives went live, and is now the biggest protocol on Arbitrum in the ‘leveraged farming’ category according to DeFillama.
  • Stella has managed to get $6.78M in lending pool TVL (as of 12th Jan 2024). This is a big success given Stella is now able to bootstrap lending liquidity and is able to meet the high borrowing demand from leveragoors on the platform.
  • On the strategy side, Stella has managed to reach $5.48M (as of 14th Dec 2023) in cumulative TVL (including leverage) - which is at an all time high for Stella. Cumulative leveragoor yields on Stella has also crossed $244k since launch. Note that this figure is all real yields, and does not include incentives!

Additional Info / Disclosures to Multisig: [Insert additional info]

No updates related to the Multisig.


Average daily TVL: $7,500,000

Average daily transactions: 45

  • Lending TVL : $6.6M
  • Strategy TVL : $5.2M

Number of unique user addresses:

  • Lenders = 174
  • Leveragoors = 167
  • Total = 341

Transaction fees: $3,000

Link to Dashboard showing metrics: Stella

Plan For the Next Two Weeks

Amount of ARB to be distributed: ~7850 ARB will be distributed to Lenders on Stella. It is hard to accurately predict the ARB that will be distributed to leveragoors, since it depends on how many leveragoors are profitable in the duration.

Contracts that will be incentivized:

  • ysETH.h: 0x092d4BEe60B9F8904918bA7b0341c0B45f16FB55
  • ysETH: 0x5ecb93b3ef882bf42fee65541942d50a7dab4b33
  • ysUSDC.e: 0x3251f402Cc06b33E742f08E1ADbE0D2E4C1ea2FA
  • ysUSDC: 0x97a57663491ba1f0464d587b4b01ed58e49e4109
  • ysUSDT: 0x36569fbc5a9d4c59d71e81d46db24256a09d1ad6
  • ysRDNT: 0xc1e2c1f9c4fe278d0db0d3d8eff359f8b235f853
  • ysARB: 0xab416E57ec74e87295B8a1507745a954B0bB9F02
  • ysPLS: 0x8e50117f0020e3872cea6fb72801d8810f11caf1
  • ysGRAIL: 0x5ff4433417543430e49e4cf2565090e4beb46884
  • ysSILO: 0x49f24b28d51e28ba5abb65c4392d38b92d4f6f19
  • ysLUSD: 0xdf2c91c0d5fe65c39fcb1bf92b3d70f7f7b492d8
  • Strategy Gateway: 0xDc6c3dFb237D5202a8eE4d8472A52A94F9282053

Contract address label Form completed for all addresses: YES

Mechanism for distribution incentives:

  • Lenders: Based on reward rate allocation in each epoch.
  • Leveragers: An additional 20% on top of the yield
  • For both Lenders and Leveragers, the $ARB reward has a 30-day vesting period after each epoch ends.

Summary of incentives plan: [Insert plan]

Over the next two weeks, Stella will disburse ARB incentives as :

  • Leveragoor side : Stella will continue to give additional 20% leveragoor incentives on profitable positions. As done previously, the leveragoor’s incentives will be auto deposited in the ARB lending pool as vARB, and will be vested over 30 days over the start of next epoch. This will ensure that the ARB incentives are not dumped and sell pressure is gradually eased.
  • Lending side : Stella will continue to provide incentives for the lending pools currently listed on Stella with high borrowing activity.

Summary of changes to the original plan: [Insert changes]

There are no major changes in the incentives plan.

Stella has added support for new pools on Camelot V3, and will be incentivizing these new pools. The pools are :







We are happy to hear the thoughts of the community on this, and even change our approach depending on community feedback.

Feedback/ Suggestions :

We welcome any community feedback or suggestions regarding STIP or otherwise.

Please feel free to drop comments in the post thread, or else feel free to reach out to me on TG or twitter. My details are below :

Telegram : @apoorv99

Twitter : @apoorvanand99


Abstract of the Stella STIP Proposal

  1. Stella is a leveraged farming protocol on Arbitrum with 0% cost to borrow. Stella is currently at $6.5M in TVL, with the TVL seeing an 300% increase since the start of the STIP incentives. Also, 64% of Leverage Positions on Stella have generated a positive yield at ~890% APR on average.
  2. Stella received 186,000 ARB as incentives for the STIP incentives, out of which 120,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the lending pools, and 66,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the profitable leveragoors.
  3. The objective behind the incentives is two fold :
  • Help bootstrap lending liquidity on Stella lending pools, to fulfill the borrowing demand, which will in turn bring higher lending APYs, and kickstart a flywheel. The ARB incentives will be directed towards lending pools with higher utilization rates to attract more liquidity and ensure the judicious use of ARB incentives.
  • Give additional 20% profits to leveragoors as incentives on their profitable positions only. This will incentivize good behavior on part of the leveragoors, and prevent against any sybil attacks.

Note that both, the leveragoor’s and lenders incentives will be auto deposited in the ARB lending pool as ysARB, and will be vested over 30 days over the start of next epoch. This will ensure that the ARB incentives are not dumped and sell pressure is gradually eased.

Recap of the Previous Two Weeks

ARB Received Last Disbursement: 26,572 ARB

Total ARB Received: 159,432 ARB

ARB Utilized as Incentives in the Last Two Weeks: 7,850 ARB

Contracts incentivized over the last 2 weeks:

  • ysETH.h: 0x092d4BEe60B9F8904918bA7b0341c0B45f16FB55
  • ysETH: 0x5ecb93b3ef882bf42fee65541942d50a7dab4b33
  • ysUSDC.e: 0x3251f402Cc06b33E742f08E1ADbE0D2E4C1ea2FA
  • ysUSDC: 0x97a57663491ba1f0464d587b4b01ed58e49e4109
  • ysUSDT: 0x36569fbc5a9d4c59d71e81d46db24256a09d1ad6
  • ysRDNT: 0xc1e2c1f9c4fe278d0db0d3d8eff359f8b235f853
  • ysARB: 0xab416E57ec74e87295B8a1507745a954B0bB9F02
  • ysPLS: 0x8e50117f0020e3872cea6fb72801d8810f11caf1
  • ysGRAIL: 0x5ff4433417543430e49e4cf2565090e4beb46884
  • ysSILO: 0x49f24b28d51e28ba5abb65c4392d38b92d4f6f19
  • ysLUSD: 0xdf2c91c0d5fe65c39fcb1bf92b3d70f7f7b492d8
  • Strategy Gateway: 0xDc6c3dFb237D5202a8eE4d8472A52A94F9282053

Contract address label Form completed for all addresses: YES

ARB left over: 59,335 ARB

Plan for leftover ARB:

Any additional ARB leftover will be rolled over to the next epoch of incentives. Any ARB left over post March 29th 2024, will be duly returned to the Arbitrum DAO. This is in line with the revised timeline for all STIP incentives to be distributed to users by 29th of March, 2024.

Please note that the leftover ARB incentives in the current epoch is a strategic move, because we will need more ARB incentives to support current APYs at higher TVLs some weeks down the line.

Summary of incentives: [Insert Summary]

Stella received 186,000 ARB for the STIP incentives, out of which 120,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the lending pools, and 66,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the profitable leveragoors. Overall, Stella has spent 5,2577 ARB out of the 79,716 ARB received over the duration of STIP, and rolled over the remaining for the next epoch.

To summarize the effect of the current incentives :

  • Stella has seen a 300% growth in TVL since the Arbitrum STIP incentives went live.
  • Stella has managed to get $5.4M in lending pool TVL (as of 29th Jan 2024). This is a big success given Stella is now able to bootstrap lending liquidity and is able to meet the high borrowing demand from leveragoors on the platform.
  • On the strategy side, Stella has managed to reach $4M (as of 29th Jan 2023) in cumulative TVL (including leverage). Cumulative leveragoor yields on Stella has also crossed $261k since launch. Note that this figure is all real yields, and does not include incentives!

Additional Info / Disclosures to Multisig: [Insert additional info]

No updates related to the Multisig.


Average daily TVL: $6,500,000

Average daily transactions: 45

  • Lending TVL : $5.8M
  • Strategy TVL : $4M

Number of unique user addresses:

  • Lenders = 302
  • Leveragoors = 152
  • Total = 454

Transaction fees: $2,800

Link to Dashboard showing metrics: Stella

Plan For the Next Two Weeks

Amount of ARB to be distributed: ~7850 ARB will be distributed to Lenders on Stella. It is hard to accurately predict the ARB that will be distributed to leveragoors, since it depends on how many leveragoors are profitable in the duration.

Contracts that will be incentivized:

  • ysETH.h: 0x092d4BEe60B9F8904918bA7b0341c0B45f16FB55
  • ysETH: 0x5ecb93b3ef882bf42fee65541942d50a7dab4b33
  • ysUSDC.e: 0x3251f402Cc06b33E742f08E1ADbE0D2E4C1ea2FA
  • ysUSDC: 0x97a57663491ba1f0464d587b4b01ed58e49e4109
  • ysUSDT: 0x36569fbc5a9d4c59d71e81d46db24256a09d1ad6
  • ysARB: 0xab416E57ec74e87295B8a1507745a954B0bB9F02
  • ysLUSD: 0xdf2c91c0d5fe65c39fcb1bf92b3d70f7f7b492d8
  • Strategy Gateway: 0xDc6c3dFb237D5202a8eE4d8472A52A94F9282053

Contract address label Form completed for all addresses: YES

Mechanism for distribution incentives:

  • Lenders: Based on reward rate allocation in each epoch.
  • Leveragers: An additional 20% on top of the yield
  • For both Lenders and Leveragers, the $ARB reward has a 30-day vesting period after each epoch ends.

Summary of incentives plan: [Insert plan]

Over the next two weeks, Stella will disburse ARB incentives as :

  • Leveragoor side : Stella will continue to give additional 20% leveragoor incentives on profitable positions. As done previously, the leveragoor’s incentives will be auto deposited in the ARB lending pool as vARB, and will be vested over 30 days over the start of next epoch. This will ensure that the ARB incentives are not dumped and sell pressure is gradually eased.
  • Lending side : Stella will continue to provide incentives for the lending pools currently listed on Stella with high borrowing activity.

Summary of changes to the original plan: [Insert changes]

There are no major changes in the incentives plan.

We are happy to hear the thoughts of the community on this, and even change our approach depending on community feedback.

Feedback/ Suggestions :

We welcome any community feedback or suggestions regarding STIP or otherwise.

Please feel free to drop comments in the post thread, or else feel free to reach out to me on TG or twitter. My details are below :

Telegram : @apoorv99

Twitter : @apoorvanand99

1 Like

Abstract of the Stella STIP Proposal

  1. Stella is a leveraged farming protocol on Arbitrum with 0% cost to borrow. Stella is currently at $6.5M in TVL, with the TVL seeing an 300% increase since the start of the STIP incentives. Also, 64% of Leverage Positions on Stella have generated a positive yield at ~890% APR on average.
  2. Stella received 186,000 ARB as incentives for the STIP incentives, out of which 120,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the lending pools, and 66,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the profitable leveragoors.
  3. The objective behind the incentives is two fold :
  • Help bootstrap lending liquidity on Stella lending pools, to fulfill the borrowing demand, which will in turn bring higher lending APYs, and kickstart a flywheel. The ARB incentives will be directed towards lending pools with higher utilization rates to attract more liquidity and ensure the judicious use of ARB incentives.
  • Give additional 20% profits to leveragoors as incentives on their profitable positions only. This will incentivize good behavior on part of the leveragoors, and prevent against any sybil attacks.

Note that both, the leveragoor’s and lenders incentives will be auto deposited in the ARB lending pool as ysARB, and will be vested over 30 days over the start of next epoch. This will ensure that the ARB incentives are not dumped and sell pressure is gradually eased.

Recap of the Previous Two Weeks

ARB Received Last Disbursement: 26,572 ARB

Total ARB Received: 159,432 ARB

ARB Utilized as Incentives in the Last Two Weeks: 7,850 ARB

Contracts incentivized over the last 2 weeks:

  • ysETH.h: 0x092d4BEe60B9F8904918bA7b0341c0B45f16FB55
  • ysETH: 0x5ecb93b3ef882bf42fee65541942d50a7dab4b33
  • ysUSDC.e: 0x3251f402Cc06b33E742f08E1ADbE0D2E4C1ea2FA
  • ysUSDC: 0x97a57663491ba1f0464d587b4b01ed58e49e4109
  • ysUSDT: 0x36569fbc5a9d4c59d71e81d46db24256a09d1ad6
  • ysRDNT: 0xc1e2c1f9c4fe278d0db0d3d8eff359f8b235f853
  • ysARB: 0xab416E57ec74e87295B8a1507745a954B0bB9F02
  • ysPLS: 0x8e50117f0020e3872cea6fb72801d8810f11caf1
  • ysGRAIL: 0x5ff4433417543430e49e4cf2565090e4beb46884
  • ysSILO: 0x49f24b28d51e28ba5abb65c4392d38b92d4f6f19
  • ysLUSD: 0xdf2c91c0d5fe65c39fcb1bf92b3d70f7f7b492d8
  • Strategy Gateway: 0xDc6c3dFb237D5202a8eE4d8472A52A94F9282053

Contract address label Form completed for all addresses: YES

ARB left over: 59,335 ARB

Plan for leftover ARB:

Any additional ARB leftover will be rolled over to the next epoch of incentives. Any ARB left over post March 29th 2024, will be duly returned to the Arbitrum DAO. This is in line with the revised timeline for all STIP incentives to be distributed to users by 29th of March, 2024.

Please note that the leftover ARB incentives in the current epoch is a strategic move, because we will need more ARB incentives to support current APYs at higher TVLs some weeks down the line.

Summary of incentives: [Insert Summary]

Stella received 186,000 ARB for the STIP incentives, out of which 120,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the lending pools, and 66,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the profitable leveragoors. Overall, Stella has spent 5,2577 ARB out of the 79,716 ARB received over the duration of STIP, and rolled over the remaining for the next epoch.

To summarize the effect of the current incentives :

  • Stella has seen a 300% growth in TVL since the Arbitrum STIP incentives went live.
  • Stella has managed to get $5.4M in lending pool TVL (as of 29th Jan 2024). This is a big success given Stella is now able to bootstrap lending liquidity and is able to meet the high borrowing demand from leveragoors on the platform.
  • On the strategy side, Stella has managed to reach $4M (as of 29th Jan 2023) in cumulative TVL (including leverage). Cumulative leveragoor yields on Stella has also crossed $261k since launch. Note that this figure is all real yields, and does not include incentives!

Additional Info / Disclosures to Multisig: [Insert additional info]

No updates related to the Multisig.


Average daily TVL: $6,500,000

Average daily transactions: 45

  • Lending TVL : $5.8M
  • Strategy TVL : $3.9M

Number of unique user addresses:

  • Lenders = 302
  • Leveragoors = 152
  • Total = 454

Transaction fees: $2,800

Link to Dashboard showing metrics: Stella

Plan For the Next Two Weeks

Amount of ARB to be distributed: ~7850 ARB will be distributed to Lenders on Stella. It is hard to accurately predict the ARB that will be distributed to leveragoors, since it depends on how many leveragoors are profitable in the duration.

Contracts that will be incentivized:

  • ysETH.h: 0x092d4BEe60B9F8904918bA7b0341c0B45f16FB55
  • ysETH: 0x5ecb93b3ef882bf42fee65541942d50a7dab4b33
  • ysUSDC.e: 0x3251f402Cc06b33E742f08E1ADbE0D2E4C1ea2FA
  • ysUSDC: 0x97a57663491ba1f0464d587b4b01ed58e49e4109
  • ysUSDT: 0x36569fbc5a9d4c59d71e81d46db24256a09d1ad6
  • ysARB: 0xab416E57ec74e87295B8a1507745a954B0bB9F02
  • ysLUSD: 0xdf2c91c0d5fe65c39fcb1bf92b3d70f7f7b492d8
  • Strategy Gateway: 0xDc6c3dFb237D5202a8eE4d8472A52A94F9282053

Contract address label Form completed for all addresses: YES

Mechanism for distribution incentives:

  • Lenders: Based on reward rate allocation in each epoch.
  • Leveragers: An additional 20% on top of the yield
  • For both Lenders and Leveragers, the $ARB reward has a 30-day vesting period after each epoch ends.

Summary of incentives plan: [Insert plan]

Over the next two weeks, Stella will disburse ARB incentives as :

  • Leveragoor side : Stella will continue to give additional 20% leveragoor incentives on profitable positions. As done previously, the leveragoor’s incentives will be auto deposited in the ARB lending pool as vARB, and will be vested over 30 days over the start of next epoch. This will ensure that the ARB incentives are not dumped and sell pressure is gradually eased.
  • Lending side : Stella will continue to provide incentives for the lending pools currently listed on Stella with high borrowing activity.

Summary of changes to the original plan: [Insert changes]

There are no major changes in the incentives plan.

We are happy to hear the thoughts of the community on this, and even change our approach depending on community feedback.

Feedback/ Suggestions :

We welcome any community feedback or suggestions regarding STIP or otherwise.

Please feel free to drop comments in the post thread, or else feel free to reach out to me on TG or twitter. My details are below :

Telegram : @apoorv99

Twitter : @apoorvanand99

1 Like

Abstract of the Stella STIP Proposal

  1. Stella is a leveraged farming protocol on Arbitrum with 0% cost to borrow. Stella is currently at $6.5M in TVL, with the TVL seeing an 300% increase since the start of the STIP incentives. Also, 64% of Leverage Positions on Stella have generated a positive yield at ~890% APR on average.
  2. Stella received 186,000 ARB as incentives for the STIP incentives, out of which 120,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the lending pools, and 66,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the profitable leveragoors.
  3. The objective behind the incentives is two fold :
  • Help bootstrap lending liquidity on Stella lending pools, to fulfill the borrowing demand, which will in turn bring higher lending APYs, and kickstart a flywheel. The ARB incentives will be directed towards lending pools with higher utilization rates to attract more liquidity and ensure the judicious use of ARB incentives.
  • Give additional 20% profits to leveragoors as incentives on their profitable positions only. This will incentivize good behavior on part of the leveragoors, and prevent against any sybil attacks.

Note that both, the leveragoor’s and lenders incentives will be auto deposited in the ARB lending pool as ysARB, and will be vested over 30 days over the start of next epoch. This will ensure that the ARB incentives are not dumped and sell pressure is gradually eased.

Recap of the Previous Two Weeks

ARB Received Last Disbursement: 26,572 ARB

Total ARB Received: 159,432 ARB

ARB Utilized as Incentives in the Last Two Weeks: 7,850 ARB

Contracts incentivized over the last 2 weeks:

  • ysETH.h: 0x092d4BEe60B9F8904918bA7b0341c0B45f16FB55
  • ysETH: 0x5ecb93b3ef882bf42fee65541942d50a7dab4b33
  • ysUSDC.e: 0x3251f402Cc06b33E742f08E1ADbE0D2E4C1ea2FA
  • ysUSDC: 0x97a57663491ba1f0464d587b4b01ed58e49e4109
  • ysUSDT: 0x36569fbc5a9d4c59d71e81d46db24256a09d1ad6
  • ysRDNT: 0xc1e2c1f9c4fe278d0db0d3d8eff359f8b235f853
  • ysARB: 0xab416E57ec74e87295B8a1507745a954B0bB9F02
  • ysPLS: 0x8e50117f0020e3872cea6fb72801d8810f11caf1
  • ysGRAIL: 0x5ff4433417543430e49e4cf2565090e4beb46884
  • ysSILO: 0x49f24b28d51e28ba5abb65c4392d38b92d4f6f19
  • ysLUSD: 0xdf2c91c0d5fe65c39fcb1bf92b3d70f7f7b492d8
  • Strategy Gateway: 0xDc6c3dFb237D5202a8eE4d8472A52A94F9282053

Contract address label Form completed for all addresses: YES

ARB left over: 59,335 ARB

Plan for leftover ARB:

Any additional ARB leftover will be rolled over to the next epoch of incentives. Any ARB left over post March 29th 2024, will be duly returned to the Arbitrum DAO. This is in line with the revised timeline for all STIP incentives to be distributed to users by 29th of March, 2024.

Please note that the leftover ARB incentives in the current epoch is a strategic move, because we will need more ARB incentives to support current APYs at higher TVLs some weeks down the line.

Summary of incentives: [Insert Summary]

Stella received 186,000 ARB for the STIP incentives, out of which 120,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the lending pools, and 66,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the profitable leveragoors. Overall, Stella has spent 5,2577 ARB out of the 79,716 ARB received over the duration of STIP, and rolled over the remaining for the next epoch.

To summarize the effect of the current incentives :

  • Stella has seen a 300% growth in TVL since the Arbitrum STIP incentives went live.
  • Stella has managed to get $5.4M in lending pool TVL (as of 29th Jan 2024). This is a big success given Stella is now able to bootstrap lending liquidity and is able to meet the high borrowing demand from leveragoors on the platform.
  • On the strategy side, Stella has managed to reach $4M (as of 29th Jan 2023) in cumulative TVL (including leverage). Cumulative leveragoor yields on Stella has also crossed $261k since launch. Note that this figure is all real yields, and does not include incentives!

Additional Info / Disclosures to Multisig: [Insert additional info]

No updates related to the Multisig.


Average daily TVL: $6,780,000

Average daily transactions: 41

  • Lending TVL : $5.1M
  • Strategy TVL : $6.5M

Number of unique user addresses:

  • Lenders = 302
  • Leveragoors = 152
  • Total = 454

Transaction fees: $2,800

Link to Dashboard showing metrics: Stella

Plan For the Next Two Weeks

Amount of ARB to be distributed: ~7850 ARB will be distributed to Lenders on Stella. It is hard to accurately predict the ARB that will be distributed to leveragoors, since it depends on how many leveragoors are profitable in the duration.

Contracts that will be incentivized:

  • ysETH.h: 0x092d4BEe60B9F8904918bA7b0341c0B45f16FB55
  • ysETH: 0x5ecb93b3ef882bf42fee65541942d50a7dab4b33
  • ysUSDC.e: 0x3251f402Cc06b33E742f08E1ADbE0D2E4C1ea2FA
  • ysUSDC: 0x97a57663491ba1f0464d587b4b01ed58e49e4109
  • ysUSDT: 0x36569fbc5a9d4c59d71e81d46db24256a09d1ad6
  • ysARB: 0xab416E57ec74e87295B8a1507745a954B0bB9F02
  • ysLUSD: 0xdf2c91c0d5fe65c39fcb1bf92b3d70f7f7b492d8
  • Strategy Gateway: 0xDc6c3dFb237D5202a8eE4d8472A52A94F9282053

Contract address label Form completed for all addresses: YES

Mechanism for distribution incentives:

  • Lenders: Based on reward rate allocation in each epoch.
  • Leveragers: An additional 20% on top of the yield
  • For both Lenders and Leveragers, the $ARB reward has a 30-day vesting period after each epoch ends.

Summary of incentives plan: [Insert plan]

Over the next two weeks, Stella will disburse ARB incentives as :

  • Leveragoor side : Stella will continue to give additional 20% leveragoor incentives on profitable positions. As done previously, the leveragoor’s incentives will be auto deposited in the ARB lending pool as vARB, and will be vested over 30 days over the start of next epoch. This will ensure that the ARB incentives are not dumped and sell pressure is gradually eased.
  • Lending side : Stella will continue to provide incentives for the lending pools currently listed on Stella with high borrowing activity.

Summary of changes to the original plan: [Insert changes]

There are no major changes in the incentives plan.

We are happy to hear the thoughts of the community on this, and even change our approach depending on community feedback.

Feedback/ Suggestions :

We welcome any community feedback or suggestions regarding STIP or otherwise.

Please feel free to drop comments in the post thread, or else feel free to reach out to me on TG or twitter. My details are below :

Telegram : @apoorv99

Twitter : @apoorvanand99

Abstract of the Stella STIP Proposal

  1. Stella is the top leveraged farming protocol on Arbitrum with 0% cost to borrow. Stella is currently at $9.5M in TVL, with the TVL seeing an 350% increase since the start of the STIP incentives. Also, 63% of Leverage Positions on Stella have generated a positive yield at ~900% APR on average.
  2. Stella received 186,000 ARB as incentives for the STIP incentives, out of which 120,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the lending pools, and 66,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the profitable leveragoors.
  3. The objective behind the incentives is two fold :
  • Help bootstrap lending liquidity on Stella lending pools, to fulfill the borrowing demand, which will in turn bring higher lending APYs, and kickstart a flywheel. The ARB incentives will be directed towards lending pools with higher utilization rates to attract more liquidity and ensure the judicious use of ARB incentives.
  • Give additional 20% profits to leveragoors as incentives on their profitable positions only. This will incentivize good behavior on part of the leveragoors, and prevent against any sybil attacks.

Note that both, the leveragoor’s and lenders incentives will be auto deposited in the ARB lending pool as ysARB, and will be vested over 30 days over the start of next epoch. This will ensure that the ARB incentives are not dumped and sell pressure is gradually eased.

Recap of the Previous Two Weeks

Total ARB Received: 180,000 ARB

ARB Utilized as Incentives in the Last Two Weeks: -

Contracts incentivized over the last 2 weeks:

  • ysETH.h: 0x092d4BEe60B9F8904918bA7b0341c0B45f16FB55
  • ysETH: 0x5ecb93b3ef882bf42fee65541942d50a7dab4b33
  • ysUSDC.e: 0x3251f402Cc06b33E742f08E1ADbE0D2E4C1ea2FA
  • ysUSDC: 0x97a57663491ba1f0464d587b4b01ed58e49e4109
  • ysUSDT: 0x36569fbc5a9d4c59d71e81d46db24256a09d1ad6
  • ysARB: 0xab416E57ec74e87295B8a1507745a954B0bB9
  • ysXAI: 0xabc2f6a134d07fac2a387ab4873ed056f6cbdc60
  • ysNEXT: 0x17cdd7f68cf2146665f31b224815e53f4f2737c1
  • Strategy Gateway: 0xDc6c3dFb237D5202a8eE4d8472A52A94F9282053

Contract address label Form completed for all addresses: YES

ARB left over: 25,250 ARB (There was a miscalculation in the previous period on the Leveragoor part, this number is the recent number of ARB left for Stella)

Plan for leftover ARB:

Any additional ARB leftover will be rolled over to the next epoch of incentives. Any ARB left over post March 29th 2024, will be duly returned to the Arbitrum DAO. This is in line with the revised timeline for all STIP incentives to be distributed to users by 29th of March, 2024.

Please note that the leftover ARB incentives in the current epoch is a strategic move, because we will need more ARB incentives to support current APYs at higher TVLs some weeks down the line.

Summary of incentives: [Insert Summary]

Stella received 186,000 ARB for the STIP incentives, out of which 120,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the lending pools, and 66,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the profitable leveragoors. Overall, Stella has spent 160,750 ARB out of the ARB received over the duration of STIP, and rolled over the remaining for the next epoch.

To summarize the effect of the current incentives :

  • Stella has seen a 350% growth in TVL since the Arbitrum STIP incentives went live.
  • Stella has managed to get $5.7M in lending pool TVL. This is a big success given Stella is now able to bootstrap lending liquidity and is able to meet the high borrowing demand from leveragoors on the platform.
  • On the strategy side, Stella has managed to reach $9.5M in cumulative TVL (including leverage). Cumulative leveragoor yields on Stella has also crossed $300k since launch. Note that this figure is all real yields, and does not include incentives!

Additional Info / Disclosures to Multisig: [Insert additional info]

No updates related to the Multisig.


Average daily TVL: $8,442,000

Average daily transactions: 57

  • Lending TVL : $7.4M
  • Strategy TVL : $8.6M

Number of unique user addresses:

  • Lenders = 542
  • Leveragoors = 109
  • Total = 651

Transaction fees: $5,420

Link to Dashboard showing metrics: Stella

Plan For the Next Two Weeks

Amount of ARB to be distributed: Approx ~15880 ARB will be distributed to Lenders on Stella. It is hard to accurately predict the ARB that will be distributed to leveragoors, since it depends on how many leveragoors are profitable in the duration.

Contracts that will be incentivized:

  • ysETH.h: 0x092d4BEe60B9F8904918bA7b0341c0B45f16FB55
  • ysETH: 0x5ecb93b3ef882bf42fee65541942d50a7dab4b33
  • ysUSDC.e: 0x3251f402Cc06b33E742f08E1ADbE0D2E4C1ea2FA
  • ysUSDC: 0x97a57663491ba1f0464d587b4b01ed58e49e4109
  • ysUSDT: 0x36569fbc5a9d4c59d71e81d46db24256a09d1ad6
  • ysARB: 0xab416E57ec74e87295B8a1507745a954B0bB9F02
  • ysLUSD: 0xdf2c91c0d5fe65c39fcb1bf92b3d70f7f7b492d8
  • Strategy Gateway: 0xDc6c3dFb237D5202a8eE4d8472A52A94F9282053

Contract address label Form completed for all addresses: YES

Mechanism for distribution incentives:

  • Lenders: Based on reward rate allocation in each epoch.
  • Leveragers: An additional 20% on top of the yield
  • For both Lenders and Leveragers, the $ARB reward has a 30-day vesting period after each epoch ends.

Summary of incentives plan: [Insert plan]

Over the next two weeks, Stella will disburse ARB incentives as :

  • Leveragoor side : Stella will continue to give additional 20% leveragoor incentives on profitable positions. As done previously, the leveragoor’s incentives will be auto deposited in the ARB lending pool as vARB, and will be vested over 30 days over the start of next epoch. This will ensure that the ARB incentives are not dumped and sell pressure is gradually eased.
  • Lending side : Stella will continue to provide incentives for the lending pools currently listed on Stella with high borrowing activity.

Summary of changes to the original plan: [Insert changes]

There are no major changes in the incentives plan.

We are happy to hear the thoughts of the community on this, and even change our approach depending on community feedback.

Feedback/ Suggestions :

We welcome any community feedback or suggestions regarding STIP or otherwise.

Please feel free to drop comments in the post thread, or else feel free to reach out to me on TG or twitter. My details are below :

Telegram : @apoorv99

Twitter : @apoorvanand99

1 Like

Abstract of the Stella STIP Proposal

  1. Stella is a leveraged farming protocol on Arbitrum with 0% cost to borrow. Stella is currently at $6.5M in TVL, with the TVL seeing an 300% increase since the start of the STIP incentives. Also, 64% of Leverage Positions on Stella have generated a positive yield at ~890% APR on average.
  2. Stella received 186,000 ARB as incentives for the STIP incentives, out of which 120,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the lending pools, and 66,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the profitable leveragoors.
  3. The objective behind the incentives is two fold :
  • Help bootstrap lending liquidity on Stella lending pools, to fulfill the borrowing demand, which will in turn bring higher lending APYs, and kickstart a flywheel. The ARB incentives will be directed towards lending pools with higher utilization rates to attract more liquidity and ensure the judicious use of ARB incentives.
  • Give additional 20% profits to leveragoors as incentives on their profitable positions only. This will incentivize good behavior on part of the leveragoors, and prevent against any sybil attacks.

Note that both, the leveragoor’s and lenders incentives will be auto deposited in the ARB lending pool as ysARB, and will be vested over 30 days over the start of next epoch. This will ensure that the ARB incentives are not dumped and sell pressure is gradually eased.

Recap of the Previous Two Weeks

Total ARB Received: 180,000 ARB

ARB Utilized as Incentives in the Last Two Weeks: 15,880 ARB

Contracts incentivized over the last 2 weeks:

  • ysETH.h: 0x092d4BEe60B9F8904918bA7b0341c0B45f16FB55
  • ysETH: 0x5ecb93b3ef882bf42fee65541942d50a7dab4b33
  • ysUSDC.e: 0x3251f402Cc06b33E742f08E1ADbE0D2E4C1ea2FA
  • ysUSDC: 0x97a57663491ba1f0464d587b4b01ed58e49e4109
  • ysUSDT: 0x36569fbc5a9d4c59d71e81d46db24256a09d1ad6
  • ysRDNT: 0xc1e2c1f9c4fe278d0db0d3d8eff359f8b235f853
  • ysARB: 0xab416E57ec74e87295B8a1507745a954B0bB9F02
  • ysPLS: 0x8e50117f0020e3872cea6fb72801d8810f11caf1
  • ysGRAIL: 0x5ff4433417543430e49e4cf2565090e4beb46884
  • ysSILO: 0x49f24b28d51e28ba5abb65c4392d38b92d4f6f19
  • ysLUSD: 0xdf2c91c0d5fe65c39fcb1bf92b3d70f7f7b492d8
  • Strategy Gateway: 0xDc6c3dFb237D5202a8eE4d8472A52A94F9282053

Contract address label Form completed for all addresses: YES

Plan for leftover ARB:

Any additional ARB leftover will be rolled over to the next epoch of incentives. Any ARB left over post March 29th 2024, will be duly returned to the Arbitrum DAO. This is in line with the revised timeline for all STIP incentives to be distributed to users by 29th of March, 2024.

Please note that the leftover ARB incentives in the current epoch is a strategic move, because we will need more ARB incentives to support current APYs at higher TVLs some weeks down the line.

Summary of incentives: [Insert Summary]

Stella received 186,000 ARB for the STIP incentives, out of which 120,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the lending pools, and 66,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the profitable leveragoors. Overall, Stella has spent ARB out of the 174,027 ARB received over the duration of STIP, and rolled over the remaining for the next epoch.

To summarize the effect of the current incentives :

  • Stella has seen a 300% growth in TVL since the Arbitrum STIP incentives went live.
  • Stella has managed to get $7.8M in lending pool TVL . This is a big success given Stella is now able to bootstrap lending liquidity and is able to meet the high borrowing demand from leveragoors on the platform.
  • On the strategy side, Stella has managed to reach $5.3M in cumulative TVL (including leverage). Cumulative leveragoor yields on Stella has also crossed $343k since launch. Note that this figure is all real yields, and does not include incentives!

Additional Info / Disclosures to Multisig: [Insert additional info]

No updates related to the Multisig.


Average daily TVL: $9,221,000

Average daily transactions: 27

  • Lending TVL : $6.3M
  • Strategy TVL : $4.6M

Number of unique user addresses:

  • Lenders = 126
  • Leveragoors = 283
  • Total = 409

Transaction fees: $2,075

Link to Dashboard showing metrics: Stella

Plan For the Next Two Weeks

Amount of ARB to be distributed: ~7850 ARB will be distributed to Lenders on Stella. It is hard to accurately predict the ARB that will be distributed to leveragoors, since it depends on how many leveragoors are profitable in the duration.

Contracts that will be incentivized:

  • ysETH.h: 0x092d4BEe60B9F8904918bA7b0341c0B45f16FB55
  • ysETH: 0x5ecb93b3ef882bf42fee65541942d50a7dab4b33
  • ysUSDC.e: 0x3251f402Cc06b33E742f08E1ADbE0D2E4C1ea2FA
  • ysUSDC: 0x97a57663491ba1f0464d587b4b01ed58e49e4109
  • ysUSDT: 0x36569fbc5a9d4c59d71e81d46db24256a09d1ad6
  • ysARB: 0xab416E57ec74e87295B8a1507745a954B0bB9F02
  • ysLUSD: 0xdf2c91c0d5fe65c39fcb1bf92b3d70f7f7b492d8
  • Strategy Gateway: 0xDc6c3dFb237D5202a8eE4d8472A52A94F9282053

Contract address label Form completed for all addresses: YES

Mechanism for distribution incentives:

  • Lenders: Based on reward rate allocation in each epoch.
  • Leveragers: An additional 20% on top of the yield
  • For both Lenders and Leveragers, the $ARB reward has a 30-day vesting period after each epoch ends.

Summary of incentives plan: [Insert plan]

Over the next two weeks, Stella will disburse ARB incentives as :

  • Leveragoor side : Stella will continue to give additional 20% leveragoor incentives on profitable positions. As done previously, the leveragoor’s incentives will be auto deposited in the ARB lending pool as vARB, and will be vested over 30 days over the start of next epoch. This will ensure that the ARB incentives are not dumped and sell pressure is gradually eased.
  • Lending side : Stella will continue to provide incentives for the lending pools currently listed on Stella with high borrowing activity.

Summary of changes to the original plan: [Insert changes]

There are no major changes in the incentives plan.

We are happy to hear the thoughts of the community on this, and even change our approach depending on community feedback.

Overview of ARB STIP program

Here is a high level summary of how Stella performed on the ARB STIP program :

  • TVL increase : TVL saw a 350% increase, going from $2M to $6.9M by end of STIP, while reaching ATH of $9.5M
  • Total leveragoor yields crossed $361k, up 200% from pre-STIP dates. Note this does not include the $ARB incentives and is purely real yields.
  • Stella ranked as one of the most effective ARB STIP incentives, ranking #6th overall on the basis of TVL growth per dollar of $ARB spent.

Feedback/ Suggestions :

We welcome any community feedback or suggestions regarding STIP or otherwise.

Please feel free to drop comments in the post thread, or else feel free to reach out to me on TG or twitter. My details are below :

Telegram : @apoorv99

Twitter : @apoorvanand99

1 Like

STIP Overview : Analyzing metrics post STIP, during STIP, and 1 month post STIP

The objective of this note is to analyze the effect of STIP incentives on Stella, and their efficacy. As part of this analysis, we will be looking into the effect of the STIP incentives pre-STIP, during STIP and 1 month post STIP end date. Also, we will be comparing how Stella fared compared to the KPIs set at the time of STIP voting.

Brief context on Stella

Stella is the top leveraged farming protocol on Arbitrum with 0% cost to borrow. Stella is currently at ~$5M in TVL, with the TVL seeing an 85% increase since the start of the STIP incentives. More than 66% of Leveraged positions on Stella have generated a positive yield at 666% APR on average.

Abstract of the Stella STIP Proposal

  1. Stella received 186,000 ARB as incentives for the STIP incentives, out of which 120,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the lending pools, and 66,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the profitable leveragoors.
  2. The objective behind the incentives is two fold :
  • Help bootstrap lending liquidity on Stella lending pools, to fulfill the borrowing demand, which will in turn bring higher lending APYs, and kickstart a flywheel. The ARB incentives will be directed towards lending pools with higher utilization rates to attract more liquidity and ensure the judicious use of ARB incentives.
  • Give additional 20% profits to leveragoors as incentives on their profitable positions only. This will incentivize good behavior on part of the leveragoors, and prevent against any sybil attacks.

Note that both, the leveragoor’s and lenders incentives will be auto deposited in the ARB lending pool as ysARB, and will be vested over 30 days over the start of next epoch. This will ensure that the ARB incentives are not dumped and sell pressure is gradually eased.

TVL growth

KPI set at time of STIP voting : Protocol TVL - Breach $6M in TVL (235% increase from voting date)

The KPI was accomplished quite well :

  • TVL at $9.5M (March 15th), and TVL (7 day moving average)
  • TVL at $7.1M on 29th March (STIP end date)

Thus, the KPI was met in early December itself, and was maintained even at at STIP end date.

TVL (pre - during - post incentives)

  • Pre incentives : TVL was at $2M.
  • During incentives : TVL reached ATH of $9.5M (475% that pre-incentives)
  • Post incentives : TVL reached $4.1M (205% that pre-incentives)

Thus, the TVL has held up quite decently even post incentives compared to pre-incentives, showing TVL stickiness.

Growth in TVL per claimed ARB amount

Stella was ranked #6th in the growth in TVL per claimed ARB amount, deeming it to be one of the more effective incentives programs per $ARB spent. This is based on the analysis posted by the Openblocks team on OpenBlock Labs STIP Efficacy + Sybil Analysis on Feb 24th.

Total positions on Stella

KPI set at time of STIP voting : Total Positions - 4,000 leveraged positions on Stella (135% increase from time of voting)

Stella had done 5800 leveraged positions by end of STIP date , outperforming the set KPI by 145%. Overall, Stella has managed to increase the total leveraged positions by 193% since the start of STIP.

New Strategy Listing - List 1 new leveraged strategy per month on the integration partner protocols towards the end of STIP

Stella has shipped multiple new integrations in past couple of months :

  • Leveraged LPing onto Camelot V3 (only DeFi protocol to enable that)
  • Leveraged LPing into Pendle (only DeFi protocol to enable that)
  • Leveraged LPing into Penpie (only DeFi protocol to enable that)
  • Added new assets like LRTs : EtherFI (eETH), Kelp (rsETH). Stella’s EtherFi airdrop to its users was one of the biggest EtherFi airdrops on Arbitrum DeFi.
  • Added support for multiple new assets like $MAGIC, $XAI. $rETH, $wstETH, $wBTC, $GRAIL, $SILO, $NEXT, $LUSD etc. Certain strategies with lower demand were later deprecated.

Cumulative leveragoor real yield - $120,000 cumulative real yield earned by leveragoors on Stella (140% increase from now)
Cumulative leveraged yields at the end of STIP program were at $340k, which outperformed the KPI by 284%. Note that this includes real yields only, and does not include $ARB incentives.

Thus, overall Stella’s metrics responded quite well to the STIP incentives.

Points to improve
We noted that while the borrowing demand (leveraging demand) on Stella was constantly maxxed out, lending was not that attractive.
Thus, to make lending organically more attractive, we have enabled “50% airdrop points sharing” with lenders on Stella. As a result, passive lenders will automatically be eligible for airdrops from LRTs/ Eigenlayer, thus making lending more attractive for users.

1 Like

Recap of July Month : STIP Bridge

Abstract of the Stella STIP Proposal

  1. Stella is the top leveraged farming protocol on Arbitrum with 0% cost to borrow. Stella is currently at $3M in TVL, while hitting an ATH of $5.4M since the start of the STIP bridge program (seeing an 193% increase since the start of the STIP incentives. Also, 65% of Leverage Positions on Stella have generated a positive yield at ~1000% APR on average.
  2. Stella received 186,000 ARB as incentives for the STIP incentives, out of which 120,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the lending pools, and 66,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the profitable leveragoors.
  3. The objective behind the incentives is two fold :
  • Help bootstrap lending liquidity on Stella lending pools, to fulfill the borrowing demand, which will in turn bring higher lending APYs, and kickstart a flywheel. The ARB incentives will be directed towards lending pools with higher utilization rates to attract more liquidity and ensure the judicious use of ARB incentives.
  • Give additional 20% profits to leveragoors as incentives on their profitable positions only. This will incentivize good behavior on part of the leveragoors, and prevent against any sybil attacks.

Note that both, the leveragoor’s and lenders incentives will be auto deposited in the ARB lending pool as ysARB, and will be vested over 30 days over the start of next epoch. This will ensure that the ARB incentives are not dumped and sell pressure is gradually eased.

Recap of the Previous Weeks

Total ARB Received: 180,000 ARB

ARB Utilized as Incentives in the Last Two Weeks: -

Contracts incentivized over the last 2 weeks:

  • ysETH.h: 0x092d4BEe60B9F8904918bA7b0341c0B45f16FB55
  • ysUSDC.e: 0x3251f402Cc06b33E742f08E1ADbE0D2E4C1ea2FA
  • Strategy Gateway: 0xDc6c3dFb237D5202a8eE4d8472A52A94F9282053

Contract address label Form completed for all addresses: YES

ARB left over: <> ARB

Plan for leftover ARB:

Any additional ARB leftover will be rolled over to the next epoch of incentives. Any ARB left over will be duly returned to the Arbitrum DAO.

Summary of incentives: [Insert Summary]

Stella received 186,000 ARB for the STIP incentives, out of which 120,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the lending pools, and 66,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the profitable leveragoors. Overall, Stella has spent 180,027 ARB out of the ARB received over the duration of STIP, and rolled over the remaining for the next epoch.

To summarize the effect of the current incentives :

  • Stella has seen a 193% growth in TVL at ATH since the Arbitrum STIP bridge incentives went live. The current drop in TVL to $3M corresponds to the drop in ETH price by 40% over the past week.
  • Stella has managed to get $4.9M in lending pool TVL (as of 24th July 2024). This is a big success given Stella is now able to bootstrap lending liquidity and is able to meet the high borrowing demand from leveragoors on the platform.
  • On the strategy side, Stella has managed to reach $2.05M in cumulative TVL. Cumulative leveragoor yields on Stella has also crossed $400k since launch. Note that this figure is all real yields, and does not include incentives!

Additional Info / Disclosures to Multisig: [Insert additional info]

No updates related to the Multisig.


Average daily TVL: $3,897,190

Average daily transactions: 15

Total Volumes:

  • Lending : 780,359.82
  • Strategy: 3,233,025

Number of unique user addresses:

  • Lenders = 126
  • Leveragoors = 123
  • Total = 249

Transaction fees: $466.32

Link to Dashboard showing metrics: Stella

Plan For the Next Weeks

Amount of ARB to be distributed: The next two weeks will continue to incentivize the ETH hyperlending and USDC.e lending pools, since they are seeing the most amount of traction. Additionally the strategies will see a 20% leveragoor incentive for profitable positions.

Contracts that will be incentivized:

  • ysETH.h: 0x092d4BEe60B9F8904918bA7b0341c0B45f16FB55
  • ysUSDC: 0x97a57663491ba1f0464d587b4b01ed58e49e4109
  • Strategy Gateway: 0xDc6c3dFb237D5202a8eE4d8472A52A94F9282053

Contract address label Form completed for all addresses: YES

Mechanism for distribution incentives:

  • Lenders: Based on reward rate allocation in each epoch.
  • Leveragers: An additional 20% on top of the yield
  • For both Lenders and Leveragers, the $ARB reward has a 30-day vesting period after each epoch ends.

Summary of incentives plan: [Insert plan]

Over the next two weeks, Stella will disburse ARB incentives as lending incentives only. Stella will continue to provide incentives for the lending pools currently listed on Stella with high borrowing activity.

Summary of changes to the original plan: [Insert changes]

There are no major changes in the incentives plan, except only lending incentives will be switched on to maximize the efficiency of the ARB spent.

We are happy to hear the thoughts of the community on this, and even change our approach depending on community feedback.

Feedback/ Suggestions :

We welcome any community feedback or suggestions regarding STIP or otherwise.

Please feel free to drop comments in the post thread, or else feel free to reach out to me on TG or twitter. My details are below :

Telegram : @apoorv99

Twitter : @apoorvanand99

1 Like

Abstract of the Stella STIP Proposal

  1. Stella is the top leveraged farming protocol on Arbitrum with 0% cost to borrow. Stella is currently at $3.61M in TVL, while hitting an ATH of $5.4M since the start of the STIP bridge program (seeing an 193% increase since the start of the STIP incentives. Also, 65% of Leverage Positions on Stella have generated a positive yield at ~1000% APR on average.
  2. Stella received 186,000 ARB as incentives for the STIP incentives, out of which 120,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the lending pools, and 66,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the profitable leveragoors.
  3. The objective behind the incentives is two fold :
  • Help bootstrap lending liquidity on Stella lending pools, to fulfill the borrowing demand, which will in turn bring higher lending APYs, and kickstart a flywheel. The ARB incentives will be directed towards lending pools with higher utilization rates to attract more liquidity and ensure the judicious use of ARB incentives.
  • Give additional 20% profits to leveragoors as incentives on their profitable positions only. This will incentivize good behavior on part of the leveragoors, and prevent against any sybil attacks.

Note that both, the leveragoor’s and lenders incentives will be auto deposited in the ARB lending pool as ysARB, and will be vested over 30 days over the start of next epoch. This will ensure that the ARB incentives are not dumped and sell pressure is gradually eased.

Recap of the month August

Total ARB Received: 180,000 ARB

ARB Utilized as Incentives in the Last month: -

Contracts incentivized over the last month:

  • ysETH.h: 0x092d4BEe60B9F8904918bA7b0341c0B45f16FB55
  • ysUSDC.e: 0x3251f402Cc06b33E742f08E1ADbE0D2E4C1ea2FA
  • Strategy Gateway: 0xDc6c3dFb237D5202a8eE4d8472A52A94F9282053

Contract address label Form completed for all addresses: YES

ARB left over: 15,000 ARB

ARB used in August: 135,000 ARB

Plan for leftover ARB:

Any additional ARB leftover will be rolled over to the next epoch of incentives. Any ARB left over will be duly returned to the Arbitrum DAO.

Summary of incentives: [Insert Summary]

Stella received 186,000 ARB for the STIP incentives, out of which 120,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the lending pools, and 66,000 ARB will go towards incentivizing the profitable leveragoors. To summarize the effect of the current incentives :

  • Stella has seen a 193% growth in TVL at ATH since the Arbitrum STIP bridge incentives went live.
  • Stella has managed to get $3.4M in lending pool TVL (as of 30th August 2024). This is a big success given Stella is now able to bootstrap lending liquidity and is able to meet the high borrowing demand from leveragoors on the platform.
  • On the strategy side, Stella has managed to reach $750k in cumulative TVL. Cumulative leveragoor yields on Stella has also crossed $404k since launch. Note that this figure is all real yields, and does not include incentives!

Additional Info / Disclosures to Multisig: [Insert additional info]

No updates related to the Multisig.


Average daily TVL: $3,764,820

Average daily transactions: 13

Total Volumes:

  • Lending : 6,636,145.14
  • Strategy: 1,170,045.38

Number of unique user addresses:

  • Lenders = 214
  • Leveragoors = 59
  • Total = 273

Transaction fees: $961.68

Link to Dashboard showing metrics: Stella

Plan For the Next Weeks

Amount of ARB to be distributed: The next two weeks will continue to incentivize the ETH hyperlending and USDC.e lending pools, since they are seeing the most amount of traction. Additionally the strategies will see a 20% leveragoor incentive for profitable positions.

Contracts that will be incentivized:

  • ysETH.h: 0x092d4BEe60B9F8904918bA7b0341c0B45f16FB55
  • ysUSDC: 0x97a57663491ba1f0464d587b4b01ed58e49e4109
  • Strategy Gateway: 0xDc6c3dFb237D5202a8eE4d8472A52A94F9282053

Contract address label Form completed for all addresses: YES

Mechanism for distribution incentives:

  • Lenders: Based on reward rate allocation in each epoch.
  • Leveragers: An additional 20% on top of the yield
  • For both Lenders and Leveragers, the $ARB reward has a 30-day vesting period after each epoch ends.

Summary of incentives plan: [Insert plan]

Over the next two weeks, Stella will disburse ARB incentives as lending incentives only. Stella will continue to provide incentives for the lending pools currently listed on Stella with high borrowing activity.

Summary of changes to the original plan: [Insert changes]

There are no major changes in the incentives plan, except only lending incentives will be switched on to maximize the efficiency of the ARB spent.

We are happy to hear the thoughts of the community on this, and even change our approach depending on community feedback.

Feedback/ Suggestions :

We welcome any community feedback or suggestions regarding STIP or otherwise.

Please feel free to drop comments in the post thread, or else feel free to reach out to me on TG or twitter. My details are below :

Telegram : @apoorv99

Twitter : @apoorvanand99