Tally Bi-Weekly Update (12.01.2024)

Please note: Tally is different than most of the DeFi protocols that received STIP funding. Unlike others, we operate as an onchain governance platform, directing our STIP resources into DAO treasuries. Our primary aim is to foster the creation of DAOs on Arbitrum, aiming to cultivate long-lasting and stickhy TVL locked in these DAO treasuries.

For the effective allocation of our STIP funds, it’s crucial for the DAOs we collaborate with to initiate their operations. We are currently in partnership with six DAOs, all poised to launch within the timeframe extending up to the end of the STIP period. As each of these DAOs becomes operational, we plan to invest a segment of our STIP allocation into their respective treasuries.

Upon the launch of a DAO and the subsequent investment of STIP funds into its treasury, we anticipate an initial modest impact on TVL. However, our projection is that the TVL will experience substantial growth over the coming years, as a result of the infusion of STIP funds. It’s important to note that while some of this growth will occur during the STIP period, we expect the majority of it to unfold over an extended duration.

Recap of the Previous Two Weeks

ARB Received Last Disbursement: 0

ARB Utilized as Incentives in the Last Two Weeks: 0

Contracts incentivized over the last 2 weeks: none

Contract address label Form completed for all addresses: Yes (N/A)

ARB left over: 200,000

Plan for leftover ARB: n/a

Summary of incentives: new high-quality onchain DAOs deployed on Arbitrum

Additional Info / Disclosures to Multisig: none


Average daily TVL: N/A

Average daily transactions: N/A

Average daily volumes: N/A

Number of unique user addresses: N/A

Transaction fees: N/A

Links to Dashboard showing metrics:

Plan For the Next Two Weeks

Amount of ARB to be distributed: TBD depending on DAOs that launch (estimated 0-100k)

Contracts that will be incentivized: TBD depending on DAOs that launch

Contract address label Form completed for all addresses: Yes (N/A at the moment; will update upon DAO launches)

Mechanism for distribution incentives: Funds will be manually sent from Tally’s multisig directly to DAOs’ onchain treasuries.

Summary of incentives plan:

  1. DAO Identification and Collaboration (done):
  • Identify potential DAOs for collaboration.
  • Engage with these DAOs to understand their objectives, governance structures, and compatibility with our goals.
  1. Due Diligence and Selection Process (done):
  • Conduct thorough due diligence on each DAO to assess their viability, strategic alignment, and potential impact.
  • Finalize the selection of DAOs based on these assessments.
  1. Pre-Launch Coordination (in progress):
  • Work closely with the selected DAOs in their pre-launch phase.
  • Provide necessary support, guidance, and resources to ensure they are on track for their planned launch.
  1. Launch Monitoring (awaiting launch of DAOs):
  • Monitor the launch process of each DAO.
  • Ensure that each launch aligns with the agreed timelines and objectives.
  1. Fund Allocation and Deployment (awaiting launch of DAOs):
  • Once a DAO successfully launches, initiate the process of STIP fund deployment.
  • Transfer a pre-determined portion of the STIP budget into the DAO’s treasury.

Summary of changes to the original plan: Our initial proposal intended to distribute our 200k STIP in small portions to ~20 DAOs. We have decided to focus our distribution efforts on a smaller number of high-quality DAOs that will provide long-lasting TVL to Arbitrum. The number of DAOs that receive part of Tally’s STIP will likely be lower and the ARB amount each receives will likely be higher.


Interesting approach, I’m curious about who are the 6 DAOs, the criteria for how they are chosen and how they provide value back to the Arbitrum ecosystem, could you share details on this?


Thanks for your interest.

We will directly use our STIP to incentivize existing DAOs on Arbitrum to grow and to attract teams to operate their DAOs on Arbitrum. Governance is at the heart of any protocol. Growing DAO-managed assets on Arbitrum leads to protocol growth (the Arbitrum Short Team Incentive Program being a perfect example). We are planning to deploy funds just before the conclusion of the STIP period so DAOs have the most time possible to demonstrate their ability to contribute to Arbitrum before final evaluation.

We are interested in talking to any DAOs launching on Arbitrum before the conclusion of the STIP distribution period (March 29). From there, we evaluate these DAOs against a number of factors—like governance model, community engagement strategies, and financial sustainability—that are aimed at determining each DAO’s potential value contribution to the Arbitrum’s long-term growth and the overall ecosystem.

We are currently in chats with 6 DAOs that we believe will sufficiently prove the robustness of their governance strategies, the effectiveness of their community engagement approaches, and the sustainability of their financial models. Usually, we do not disclose the names of our clients’ DAO launch plans on their behalf. The number of DAOs that actually do by the conclusion of the STIP program may be higher or lower. The allocation of our 200k ARB isn’t uniform but is influenced by the TVL and potential impact of each DAO.

For further details of our DAO selection process, you can dig into our original STIP proposal.