Team 6 - Builder Pathways Towards Adoption

Arbitrum GovHack Track:

  1. Betting on Builders

Challenge Statement:

We are identifying pathways to help route builders with their projects in various product lifecycles, while mapping a pipeline roadmap to help significantly scale the adoption of Arbitrum.


  • Daniel Ospina
  • Matt Wright
  • Amin Iman
  • Lino

Team Point of Contact
Amin Iman (Telegram @aminiman89)



What is the Problem
The Arbitrum ecosystem stands out as a powerful platform for software builders to disrupt, innovate, and push the boundaries of what’s possible across different verticals.

However, the journey from a nascent idea to a scalable solution is fraught with challenges, particularly in the critical transitions between sourcing, validation, funding, and growth. Despite the availability of numerous resources and services, gaps in communication, information, and resource allocation persist for builders who are building new dApps and protocols. Our challenge is to devise a pathway that bridges these gaps, providing builders with continuous, integrated support throughout their projects’ lifecycle.

We are issuing a conversation to the community and stakeholders within the Arbitrum ecosystem with the idea of crafting a support system tailored to the distinct needs of software builders at each stage of their development pipeline.

What is the Solution

We are outlining a potential pathway tailored to the distinct needs of software builders at each stage of their development pipeline:

  • Fundamental Research
  • Ideation - Problem statement
  • POC - Proof of Concept
  • Alpha/Beta
  • Launch
  • Tokenization
  • Growth

Builder Journey: Pathways to Adoption

Within those pathways include the following:

  1. Sourcing: Create more accessible entry points and platforms for builders to present their ideas, ensuring a diverse range of innovations are sourced from a wide spectrum of backgrounds and perspectives.
  2. Validation: Implement rigorous yet supportive validation programs/incubators that help builders refine their products, ensuring they meet the high standards of quality, security, and utility demanded by the Arbitrum community.
  3. Funding: Facilitate smoother transitions to funding, providing builders with the financial backing needed to transform their validated ideas into tangible solutions, without losing sight of their vision or compromising on their potential.
  4. Growth: Support the scaling of successful projects, offering guidance, resources, and networks to help builders navigate the complexities of growth, ensuring their solutions can reach and impact a broader audience.

Milestone #1:

$5.8m USD in ARB for (4) four innovation programs over 6 months that validate the “betting on builders” mental model.

Goal: Create a pathways for a Milestone 2 that invites additional innovation programs in the Arbitrum ecosystem as a request for proposal of various sectors, verticals and program structures that elevate the underlying value of the developer stack.

Why is it important:

To realize the full potential of these innovators, there is a pressing need to establish routes and pathways that not only identifies and nurtures talent, but also ensures that groundbreaking ideas receive the attention, validation, and resources they deserve at each stage for each vertical.

By betting on builders with a support system that are properly curated for each stage, we not only invest in individual projects, but also contribute to the collective strength and resilience of the Arbitrum ecosystem.


We came together and outlined a process, this is the first step of building a scalable innovation pipeline in Arbitrum, aiming to cover multiple verticals and all stages of the builders pathway. From there, preparing a roadmap to grow and scale to many more vendors and complete offerings for builders.

We invite all stakeholders—developers, investors, enthusiasts, and delegates—to join us in discussion of this initiative, helping to lay down the foundations upon which the future of decentralized applications on Arbitrum will be built.

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