[0xGen] [DRAFT] [STIP - Round 2]


Applicant Name:

Project Name:

Project Description:
0xGen, a versatile liquidity aggregator, integrates 19 chains to provide the best exchange rates. It also offers an optimal cross-chain solution for traders and a user-friendly Widget/SDK for project integration.

Team Members and Qualifications:

  • Jackson: CEO
  • Jason: COO
  • Hong Ju: CMO
  • William: CRO
  • Leo: CTO
  • Darren: BD Lead
  • Anna: Head of Marketing

Project Links:

Contact Information:

Do You Acknowledge That Your Team Will Be Subject to a KYC Requirement?:


Requested Grant Size:
200,000 ARB

Grant Matching:

Grant Breakdown:

Distribution Event Total ARB %
New users incentives 20,000 10%
Swap gas rebates 100,000 50%
Cross-chain swap gas rebates 60,000 30%
Integration incentives (On Arbitrum) 20,000 10%

Funding Address :


Funding Address Characteristics:

2/3 multisig with private keys securely stored independently

Contract Address:




  1. Incentive users to 0xGen and Arbitrum, thereby increasing trades, active addresses, and fees for Arbitrum

  2. Provide our services (best exchange rates, optimal cross chain/swap route, etc.) to more users

  3. Provide the easy to build Widget and SDKs to more projects, supporting them on board Arbitrum

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

  1. At least 5x growth on weekly average trading volume and active users

  2. At least 15 project onboarding

  3. At least 10 AMAs to introduce both 0xGen and arbitrum, explaining the advantages for building on Arbitrum

How will receiving a grant enable you to foster growth or innovation within the Arbitrum ecosystem?:

1. New User Acquisition:

The grant enables us to offer enticing incentives, such as gas rebates and new user incentives, which will significantly reduce trading costs for users. By allocating these resources strategically, we can attract new users to the Arbitrum ecosystem. This influx of users will contribute to greater user activity within Arbitrum.

2. User Activation and Retention:

Incentives for the first few transactions will encourage new users to interact with our services, leading to higher activation rates. Furthermore, our commitment to ongoing user support ensures that users remain engaged and satisfied, contributing to increased retention rates.

3. Boost Trading Volumes on Arbitrum:

The allocation of resources from the grant to traders, including both regular traders and arbitrageurs, will attract a more significant trading community to the Arbitrum ecosystem. Reduced trading costs, combined with the allure of cross-chain swaps and access to multiple DEXs, will lead to a surge in trading volumes on Arbitrum.

4. Attracting More Projects to Arbitrum:

The integration incentives serve as a valuable catalyst for developers and projects to join the Arbitrum ecosystem. With easy to build SDKs and widget, we support developers to bring their projects to Arbitrum, further enriching the ecosystem.

Justification for the size of the grant:

While we acknowledge that we are relatively new in comparison to other projects, we possess unique technologies and innovative solutions that address part of pain points in the trading ecosystem. This grant of $200,000 will enable us to amplify our presence, making more individuals aware of our project and its distinctive offerings. With these funds, we can incentivize users to experience our platform’s features and launch strategic marketing initiatives to introduce our project and its integration with the Arbitrum ecosystem to a wider audience.

Execution Strategy:

We aim to strike a balance between incentivizing existing users and attracting new users from different blockchain ecosystems.

1. New user incentives (20,000):

  • Incentives for the first few transactions to encourage new users

2. Swap Gas Rebates (100,000):

  • Allocate a significant portion of these rebates to traders, including both regular traders and arbitrageurs, to incentivize them to trade on Arbitrum as 0xGen provides the best exchange rate and the optimal swap routing.
  • By providing gas rebates, we aim to reduce trading costs and improve the overall trading experience for our users on Arbitrum.

3. Cross-Chain swap Gas Rebates (60,000):

  • Focus on attracting users from other blockchain networks to Arbitrum.
  • Allocate these gas rebates to users who perform cross-chain swaps to Arbitrum, making 0xGen more appealing to those who want to move assets from different blockchains to Arbitrum.

4. Integration Incentives (On Arbitrum) (20,000):

  • 0xGen provides easy to build Widget and SDKs for other projects.
  • Offer integration incentives to projects that integrate us on Arbitrum.
  • Structure incentives to reward projects based on the complexity and significance of their integration, encouraging them to integrate more features 0xGen provides on Arbitrum.

Note that gas rebates will be distributed proportionally based on the user’s transaction volume.

Grant Timeline:

We plan to distribute the ARB over 16 weeks, the exact start date depends on when we finally receive the grant.

Do you accept the funding of your grant streamed linearly for the duration of your grant proposal, and that the multisig holds the power to halt your stream?



Is the Protocol Native to Arbitrum?:

0xGen is a multichain dex aggregator that supports 19 chains, including Arbitrum.

On what other networks is the protocol deployed?:

Arbitrum, Ethereum, BNB Chain, Solana, Polygon, Avalanche, Fantom, Optimism, ZkSync, Linea, Cronos, Moonriver, Aurora, Harmony, Gnosis, Boba, Tron, Heco, OKC

What date did you deploy on Arbitrum?:


Protocol Performance:

0xgen offers the optimal swap and cross-chain paths, delivering users the best exchange rates and minimizing transaction slippage.

Total trading volume: $18,234,838.13

Total transactions: 67,151

Protocol Roadmap:

For now, 0xGen have launched: swap function, cross-chain swap, Trading signals, trade to earn

Here are some features under development:

Pro-version, Limit order, more trading tools such as a strategy lab, research lab provides market/project insights, intelligent asset management.

Audit History:

0xGen was audited by MS technology.

SECTION 5: Data and Reporting

Is your team prepared to create Dune Dashboards for your incentive program?:

Yes, we already have a dashboard providing all the trading status on Arbitrum. And we will create a new one displaying ARB rewards distribution and transactions.

Does your team agree to provide bi-weekly program updates on the Arbitrum Forum thread?

Yes, we will make weekly reports for our events and development and post them in the Arbitrum Forum.

Does your team acknowledge that failure to comply with any of the above requests can result in the halting of the program’s funding stream?:


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