1 October 2024 - Security Council Elections & Roundup of Active/Upcoming Votes

Security Council Election Reminder :alarm_clock:

1. Security Council Election Registrations Compliance Phase

  • Out of the 39 candidates from the Nominee Selection Phase, 13 nominees have received at at least 8.59M votes (0.2% of all votable supply) and have advanced to the compliance phase with the Arbitrum Foundation.
  • The compliance phase runs for 2 weeks from Sept 29 - Oct 13. This phase ensures that nominees comply with the legal requirements, service agreements, and additional rules dictated by the Constitution.

  • Note that for a candidate to be excluded at this phase, the Foundation must take a public, on-chain action. All candidates that are not excluded during the compliance check, and advance to the next election phase.

Onchain Proposals :ballot_box:

1. Arbitrum DAO Procurement Committee: Phase II Proposal

  • This proposal aims to extend the ADPC’s tenure into Phase II for a 6-month period, where the ADPC will deliver on 4 different work packages.
    • Work Package 1: Setting up procurement for RPC providers and Events Management Providers. The scope within the 6-month term is to develop evaluation criteria, draft and publish the RFP/tender, evaluate responses and whitelist supplier/s.
    • Work Package 2: Continued management of the Subsidy Fund for Security Services and, based on the success of the first cohort, publishing the proposal for an extension of the fund.
    • Work Package 3: Creation of a DAO OpEx budget (custodied by the MSS), and allocated towards the utilisation of service providers as whitelisted by the ADPC.
    • Work Package 4: Creating a Phase II Outcome Report, have continued alignment with key stakeholders in the DAO on the evolution of the DAO’s structure, and ensuring that the ADPC fits into any structure that is defined (e.g., OpCo)
  • The overall budget for the 6-month term will be USD 414,000 denominated in ARB.
  • Forum post link here.

2. UPDATED - Ethereum Protocol Attackathon Sponsorship

  • The Ethereum Foundation is seeking a 30 ETH sponsorship from the ArbitrumDAO to support an “Attackathon,” a large-scale security audit event organized by the Ethereum Foundation and hosted on the Immunefi platform. The Attackathon will focus on enhancing the security of the Ethereum protocol through three phases: education, active code hunting, and result evaluation

  • By supporting the Attackathon, Arbitrum can leverage the findings to ensure its network remains robust against vulnerabilities. This initiative not only enhances security but also demonstrates Arbitrum’s commitment to the ecosystem.

  • Forum post link here .

3. Constitutional AIP - Extend Delay on L2Time Lock

  • The Arbitrum Foundation is proposing to extend the L2 Core Time Lock contract that lives on Arbitrum One and proposes changing the delay from 3 days to 8 days which effectively increases the delay by an additional 5 days.
  • The benefits include:
    • Allowing the Security Council more time to act if a malicious proposal is passed by the ArbitrumDAO for whatever reason,
    • Providing users 5 more days to withdraw their assets from Arbitrum One or Arbitrum Nova if they are worried or not satisfied about how a proposal intends to change the smart contracts that govern Arbitrum One or Arbitrum Nova, and
    • Update the ‘Exit Window’ status of Arbitrum by L2Beat and replace a red slice with a yellow slice, moving one step closer towards a Stage-2 rollup.
  • Forum post link here.

4. Funds to Bolster Foundation’s Strategic Partnerships Budget

  • The Arbitrum Foundation is requesting for 250M ARB to further foster key strategic partnerships. All expenditures will follow The Foundation’s well-established practices and evaluation criteria when pursuing partnership deals.
  • Across both the Foundation’s grant program and strategic grants, the Foundation must have adequate reserves available before it can make an offer to a potential partner. Given the competitive landscape, The Foundation must be able to make multiple offers to different partners simultaneously, and be prepared for all offers to be accepted and reserve amounts accordingly even if negotiations fail at a later stage.
  • This puts the Foundation at a significant disadvantage because of a tight budget, being able to only use vested funds, and capital lockup in milestone-based agreements.
  • The 250M ARB will enable better support on strategic partnerships, with focuses like expanding orbit chains, and being a gateway for many traditional and/or enterprise organizations to access the DAO. Tokens will only be allocated on an as-needed basis and will only be exchanged as contractual obligations need to be fulfilled.
  • The Foundation plans to expand on the special strategic partnership allocation in our future Transparency Reports. Our goal is to enhance visibility into how these collaborations are structured and how resources are allocated, giving the DAO a clearer understanding of the impact on the Arbitrum ecosystem.
  • Forum post link here.


1. An EIP-4824 powered daoURI for Arbitrum DAO

  • DAOStars proposes that the ArbitrumDAO takes control of its metadata by publishing a daoURI onchain.
  • The daoURI, following EIP-4824, will create a single source of truth on the DAO that cannot be altered by external agencies, is fully manageable via governance, bringing helpful context on the DAO onchain.
  • Adopting EIP-4824 requires no additional spend from the DAO treasury, and it makes no change to its smart contracts or governance structure.
  • Forum post link here.

2. Research on context and retention

  • This proposal by TogetherCrew (incubated by RnDAO) is requesting read access to Arbitrum’s Discourse and Discord API to run an analysis which allows for the testing of a bot (Hive,ind) that reads public data from Discourse and Discord and allows community members to ask questions: e.g. “has anyone discussed the topic of Treasury management before?” or “What were the most common objections to proposals related to incentives?”.
  • The permissions are configured to be low-risk (no admin permission, no managing channels, etc. so even if the bot was hacked, the discord and discourse servers wouldn’t be compromised) and we have battle-tested for scalability and reliability.
  • A favourable snapshot vote will give the foundation the permission to give TogetherCrew read access to the Discourse API and public Discord channels.
  • Forum post link here.

3. Whitelist Infura Nova Validator

  • This proposal aims to whitelist an Arbitrum Nova validator operated by Infura, enhancing network security and reliability by leveraging their robust infrastructure and expertise.
  • Infura’s validator has been running successfully for a while, participating in the Data Availability Committee (DAC), but was not previously whitelisted. This oversight was discovered during testing. Whitelisting this validator will increase the number of active validators on Nova, enhancing overall security and reliability.
  • Forum post link here.