8 October 2024 - Security Council Elections & Roundup of Active/Upcoming Votes

Security Council Election Reminder :alarm_clock:

1. Security Council Election Registrations Compliance Phase

  • Of the 39 candidates, 13 nominees have received at at least 8.59M votes (0.2% of all votable supply) and have advanced to the compliance phase with the Arbitrum Foundation.

  • The compliance phase runs for 2 weeks from Sept 29 - Oct 13. This ensures that nominees comply with the legal requirements, service agreements, and additional rules dictated by the Constitution.

  • Note that for a candidate to be excluded at this phase, the Foundation must take a public, on-chain action. All candidates that are not excluded during the compliance check advance to the next election phase.

  • Check out the resources below to find out more:

Onchain Proposals :ballot_box:

1. ADPC: Phase II Proposal (Voting ends on Oct 10, Thursday)

This AIP proposes to extend the ArbitrumDAO Procurement Committee (ADPC) by another 6 months with ~954K ARB, and deliverables of the 2nd term include:

:arrow_right: Procuring service providers across RPC providers and Events Management,

:arrow_right: Continued management of the Security Subsidy Fund, and

:arrow_right: Creation of an Operational Expense budget for the DAO to pay whitelisted service providers procured by the ADPC.

Forum post link here.

2. UPDATED - Ethereum Protocol Attackathon Sponsorship (Voting ends on Oct 10, Thursday)

This AIP proposes to sponsor 30 ETH to an ‘Attackathon’, a large-scale security audit event hosted by the Ethereum Foundation and Immunefi.

:arrow_right:The Attackathon aligns with Arbitrum’s mission to support a secure and scalable Ethereum ecosystem.

:arrow_right:By contributing to this initiative, Arbitrum will directly enhance Ethereum’s security, which supports the reliability of Arbitrum.

Forum post link here .

3. Constitutional AIP - Extend Delay on L2Time Lock (Voting ends on Oct 10, Thursday)

This proposal aims to extend the L2 timelock delay by 5 days from 3 to 8 days. Benefits of this include:

:arrow_right: More time for Security Council to act if a malicious proposal is passed by the DAO,

:arrow_right: Giving users more time to withdraw their assets if they disagree with a successful proposal, and

:arrow_right: Progress Arbitrum towards a Stage 2 rollup by L2Beat with the ‘Exit Window’ slice turning yellow.

Forum post link here.

4. Funds to Bolster Foundation’s Strategic Partnerships Budget (Voting ends on Oct 17, Thursday)

This AIP proposes to fund the Foundation with 250M ARB to better support strategic partnerships across (non-exhaustive):
:arrow_right: Expanding orbit chains and the RWA ecosystem, and
:arrow_right: Being a gateway for many traditional and/or enterprise orgs to access the DAO.

A special strategic partnership allocation will be expanded upon in future Transparency Reports to enhance visibility into how these partnerships are structured and how resources are allocated.

Forum post link here.

5. Upgrading RARI Governance Token on Arbitrum (Voting ends on Oct 18, Friday)

This AIP proposes to register a custom gateway for a new RARI L2 token contract via the Arbitrum native bridge,

:arrow_right: This upgrade makes RARI governance more accessible, by simplifying the UX, reducing gas fees, and enabling new token functions.

Forum post link here.

6. ArbitrumDAO strategic “Off-site” (online) (Voting ends on Oct 18, Friday)

This AIP proposes to enhance the alignment, communication, and collaboration in the DAO through a series of coordination and workshops via a 8-week sprint with 35,266 ARB.

It aims to achieve:
:arrow_right: Alignment on DAO priorities for the next 6 months,

:arrow_right: Engagement from top delegates and key stakeholders,

:arrow_right: Clarity to the broader DAO enabling them to rally around priorities, and

:arrow_right: Positive feedback with a strong desire to continue similar initiatives.

Forum post link here.

7. Fund the Stylus Sprint (Voting starts on Oct 10, Thursday)

This AIP proposes to launch a Stylus-focused grant program to encourage early development of Stylus smart contracts and tooling.

:arrow_right: The sprint will award up to 5M ARB to teams building on Stylus. Applications will be open for 8 weeks with a 2 week review period and program length of 1 year.

:arrow_right: An Evaluation Committee of 5 and Committee Advisor will review applications and facilitate the program.

Forum post link here.

8. Arbitrum DAO Delegate Incentive Program (DIP) (Voting starts on Oct 10, Thursday)

This AIP proposes to expand the current DIP for a year with a budget of 10.56M ARB. Some details of the expanded program includes:

:arrow_right: Scoring weight changes for participation,

:arrow_right: Soft enforcement for DAO’s social agreements, and

:arrow_right: A minimum threshold requirement change for delegates to qualify for the program.

Forum post link here.

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