27 August 2024 - Roundup of Active and Upcoming Votes

Onchain Proposals :ballot_box:

1. Funds to bootstrap the first BoLD validator (voting ends on Sept 6)

  • The Arbitrum Foundation is requesting for 5,134 ETH from the L2 Treasury Timelock (ETH treasury) to run a BoLD validator and fulfill the role of being the first honest and active proposer. This proposal is contingent on the proposal <AIP to upgrade the DAO-governed chains to use BoLD> being approved by the ArbitrumDAO down the line, and all funds will be returned to the ArbitrumDAO within 30 days of the BOLD proposal being hypothetically rejected.
  • If this proposal passes, the ETH received will be split into 2 multi-sigs -
    • The first multi-sig (Multi-Sig A) will receive a total of 4,234 ETH. 3,600 ETH will be used to run the first BOLD-enabled proposer for Arbitrum One, and 634 ETH (555 + 79) budget to counter one BOLD challenge
    • The second multi-sig (Multi-Sig B) will receive 900 ETH, where 500 ETH as service fees for active BOLD proposers (excluding the Arbitrum Foundation), and 400 ETH to reimburse honest parties on their L1 gas costs for 3 years.
  • The ArbitrumDAO reserves the right to revoke the Arbitrum Foundation’s proposer at any time and return the all funds back to the treasury.

2. ARB Staking: Unlock ARB Utility and Align Governance (voting ends on Sept 6)

  • Tally is proposing to improve the governance and security of the Arbitrum protocol by implementing ARB staking, without yet turning on fee distribution to stakers. ARB staking allows for:
    • the voting power of staked ARB tokens to be delegated to active delegates (determined by Karma score, which is a combination of delegate’s Snapshot voting stats, onchain voting stats and their forum activity), and
    • the creation of a mechanism to stream future rewards from DAO-generated sources like sequencer fees, MEV fees, validator fees, token inflation, and treasury diversification.
  • This proposal includes $200k in ARB of funding to cover the costs of:
    • developing staking smart contracts,
    • integration of ARB into Tally and of Karma into ARB staking,
    • audit costs for staking smart contracts, and
    • funding of a working group to research on staking rewards and delegation designs.

3. Delegate to Voter Enfranchisement Pool — Event Horizon (voting starts on Aug 30)

  • The EventHorizon team is proposing that the DAO delegates (not grant) 7,000,000 ARB to a public access-voter block subject to a non-optimistic 1-year renewal.
  • Rather than the block voting based on the decision of one individual, the public access-voter block votes with the collective cognition of hundreds of individual voter pass holders. It provides a clear and designated voice for smaller, citizen voters, and drives participation through a game-theoretic process called Implicit Delegation.
  • In addition to the delegation, the EventHorizon team is requesting for 200k ARB to maintain this public good for 1 year in addition to retroactively awarding the team for the fully-functional product, and a separate 125K ARB grant for the 5 member Oversight Committee in monthly instalments.


1. Ethereum Protocol Attackathon Sponsorship (voting ends on Aug 30)

  • The Ethereum Foundation is seeking sponsorship from the ArbitrumDAO to support an “Attackathon,” a large-scale security audit event organized by the Ethereum Foundation and hosted on the Immunefi platform. The Attackathon will focus on enhancing the security of the Ethereum protocol through three phases: education, active code hunting, and result evaluation.
  • By supporting the Attackathon, Arbitrum can leverage the findings to ensure its network remains robust against vulnerabilities. This initiative not only enhances security but also demonstrates Arbitrum’s commitment to the ecosystem.
  • There are 2 tiers of sponsorships that the DAO could consider:
    • Unicorn Partners (+75 ETH Commitment) (limited to two sponsors)
    • Panda Partners (+30 ETH Commitment)
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Would you Please add the Forum link of Each Proposal?

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