About the BiWeekly Proposals Discussion Call

This Bi-Weekly proposal happens every two weeks.


To focus on proposals at a high level and for audience to ask questions.

Typical Agenda:

  • Each initiatives has no more than 3-4 minutes with a 1 minute buffer, so that we get 10 total slots.
  • Overall agenda: 5 for people to arrive and quick background, 50 of updates, 5 for buffer.

Topics that can get discussed


  • New forum proposals posted since the last call (in the last two weeks)
  • Live Snapshots (Offchain AIPs)
  • Live Tally proposals (Onchain AIPs)

Finally, if we have time we can discuss “significant DAO updates”.


  • Notable Discussions: Takeaways from events or Other Notable Discussions

Additional Notes

  • We prioritize all proposals and notable discussions that have more engagement.
  • The logic of the two weeks is that given the proposal lifecycle (one week on the forum, one week on Snapshot and then two weeks on Tally). This means that even if a proposal goes through that shortest possible route, it will be covered at least at the proposal and the Tally stage or the Snapshot and the Tally stage.
  • For anything that needs a recap, they could be parked after these discussions

For Updaters/ Presenters (individual Proposals):

A good update could include:

  • Status of the Proposal: Snapshot, Tally, etc.

  • Most important FAQ questions answered from the proposal.

  • TLDR of the proposal

  • Changes made to the proposal

- Plan moving forward to the proposal: Eg. Moving to snapshot next week.