AIP: Funds to bootstrap the first BoLD validator

I voted FOR this proposal, following the reasoning in the Snapshot phase.

The results are in for the Funds to bootstrap the first BoLD validator on-chain proposal.

See how the community voted and more Arbitrum stats:

Treasure ARC voted in favor of bootstrapping the first BoLD Validator agreeing with other comments on the importance of having a trusted, honest validator in play early. Also agree on the involvement of the foundation managing and running the node. We look forward to further discussion around incentivizing other operators.

Voted in favour of this proposal on Tally, after supporting proposals in Snapshot as well. Having the first BoLD validator be a known honest party like the ARB FND, and by backing this proposal, we’re fostering a healthier ecosystem that promotes trust and reliability.

Vote: FOR
Type: Tally
Proposal link: Tally | Arbitrum | Funds to bootstrap the first BoLD validator

Voted in For this proposal on Tally and on Snapshot.

Glad that the first BoLD validator is a trusted party like the ARB FND especially one that is working early. We are setting the stage for things to move forward.

Looking forward I’d like to see how a program to support getting more validators involved and from diverse geographies.