Thank you this is a great question and suggestion. The genesis of this initiative is in the AVI Phase 1. As part of it we’ve so far done interviews and meetings with over 60 protocols and 25 fund managers, market makers or potential LPs. What we did with some of the initial findings is that we went to stress test them with various stakeholders including OCL. As part of these conversation we saw validation from their POV on some of the problem statements as well as demand for the DAO to contribute, where they’re falling short of capacity, or the DAO is better positioned to act in the first place. Thus we are confident in the demand.
Everything you are seeing in this proposal is the direct result of that collaboration and that is why a number of ppl there have volunteered time to engage with the work. That being said it is important to note that the whole point of the exercise is to alleviate load from the OCL team, while creating a more scalable and value adding solution for specific segments of the target audience. We are still workshopping the details of how the intervention should work with the intention to put for a vote next Thursday, so if supported by the DAO we can make good use of ETH Denver where our team will be present anyway.
@Linzerd, to your point yes you’re right to ask for details and planned work and value for money. We are working out the details ourselves and will put this info ahead of the SS vote.
In the mean time getting the sentiment of the DAO and mapping out peoples other concerns is really helpful for us to scope appropriately.