Bounty Application FAQ

How To Apply

  • Researchers will submit bounty applications in the Bounty application forum section
  • Researchers can apply with any research idea they have. Some examples can be seen in this list generated by the council
  • Applications should include
    • Proposed Research Topic
      • Why this is an important topic to research
      • How you will present this information to the DAO
    • Research Team Information
      • Team background
      • Why your team is best fit to research this topic
    • Budget
      • Requested budget
      • cost breakdown

Timeline to apply

Stage Dates Description
Snapshot vote May 22 - May 29 Dao votes to change the bounty process
Application May 22 - June 3 Teams apply for bounties on the forum
Selection June 3 - June 10 The council selects which bounties are funded
Research June 10 - September Researchers work to complete their bounties.
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