Delegate Incentive Program 1.5 - Application Thread and Code of Conduct Adherence

  • Forum Username: Profile - 0xAlex
  • Twitter Profile: alex__eth
  • Telegram Username: @alexeth
  • Snapshot Profile: 0xAlex - Snapshot
  • Participation Rate 90 days - Karma: 0xAlex - Karma
  • COI Disclosure:
    As previously mentionned here I work as DAO Lead at Kleros a decentralised dispute resolution protocol building its V2 on Arbitrum. Other than my full-time role at Kleros Cooperative, I do not foresee any COI. Should any potential conflicts arise in the future, I commit to disclosing them promptly.
  • Code of Conduct Agreement: As a participating member of the Delegate Incentive Program, I declare that I have read and understand the Code of Conduct in its entirety, and therefore, adhere to it in its entirety, being aware that non-compliance may result in suspension or removal from the program, with the DAO as the sole appeal instance for such a decision.
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