[Election & Application Thread] V2 Arbitrum Research & Development Collective

Hello, sharing my vote and rationale for the election:

Supervisory Council Election

  • Vote: Abstain
  • Rationale: I voted abstain and believe in other delegate decisions.

Research Election

  • Vote: Messari (50%), Blockworks (50%)
  • Rationale: I believe Messari and Blockworks have the most experience in DAOs, but voted for all equally as I want to see more newer faces in the DAO.

Risk Election

  • Vote: Nethermind (50%), DeFiSafety (50%)
  • Rationale: I like both Nethermind and DeFiSafety above else. Their rates are not cheap but reasonable, and they have a lot of experience in assessing risks and improving security for DeFi protocols.

Security Election

  • Vote: OpenZeppelin (50%), Trail of Bits (50%)
  • Rationale: I like both options. Glad they are onboard for Arbitrum DAO! OpenZeppelin added so much value to the space with repositories and Trail of Bits has become the top auditor too.