The following reflects the views of L2BEAT’s governance team, composed of @krst and @Sinkas, and it’s based on the combined research, fact-checking, and ideation of the two.
We vote FOR this proposal in the temperature check and will vote for it when it comes to an onchain vote.
This proposal only asks the governance to exercise the governance power to adjust the configuration of Arbitrum bridge contracts to allow a smooth transition of RARI tokens from L1 to L2. We are happy to see such an initiative and fully support it.
We also think it would be a good idea to discuss how such configuration changes should be handled in the future. At the moment they require a full constitutional vote, just like ArbOS upgrades. If the direction set by RARI is to be followed by other projects, we would probably need a better way to adjust the configuration that does not require a full governance vote. Perhaps we could use the non-emergency Security Council to do this after the proposal has passed the temperature check, or have a separate mechanism that allows an external body (similar to MSS) to adjust these parameters with some additional safeguards.