Frax Finance Bi-Weekly Update (9/23/2024)

Recap of the Previous Three Weeks (Last week was the final week of program)

ARB Received Last Disbursement: 125,000 ARB

ARB Utilized as Incentives in the Last Two Weeks: 163,673 ARB

Contracts incentivized over the last 3 weeks:

Contract Address Contract Tag/Name
0x4645e6476d3a5595be9efd39426cc10586a8393d Curve - Gauge - Direct LP Incentives
0x9D682578385C3F1Db08f50f4b87E7C3472535A33 GMX-msig
0x8BB4C975Ff3c250e0ceEA271728547f3802B36Fd Merkle - DistributionCreator
0xB854cF650F5492d23e52cb2A7a58B787fC25B0Bb Votemarket - Arbitrum
0xfd18a2f679bc726c6170827f0685178ffbd07a82 Curve - Gauge - Direct LP Incentives
0x05824d6d4de8a0ede4e12b98387a4f035a67ee68 Curve - Gauge - Direct LP Incentives
0xa2617a26f9f528fa7b0e47fc2e66fcc04c6682e9 Curve - Gauge - Direct LP Incentives
0x421Efd53FA0d90687db5ef370D5DCD7f89CbD9dE Frax - FraxCCFarmV4_cvxLP
0xc920B52E610659bCb3d902001b8C52c5A31AAf51 Horiza - Bribe
0x92C06eA48D96B499ea5a2B102232E7916a7ECA96 Horiza - Bribe
0x743d7683e67cF5719fad4149311CD7C24e3D1ffA Ramses - Bribe
0xdc16a1877e44ac80b6befdda5a6d8a89300cbff9 Ramses - Bribe
0x066d6f97b3f1456ED5b148A3c3d5C5C235869d7E Ramses - Bribe
0x4995f8a28f0E8d2920AE787e32d0f1013AEc29e1 Ramses - Bribe
0x3f96c2110563f62900d6818dac4c32b6c996761b Ramses - Bribe
0xeBC15b33f0a0D940267B4c5DA7428eD9a95d542c Ramses - Bribe
0xeb473a6a0bf7b4d820d8fed61d2ab1402d637994 Ramses - Bribe
0xe3003b04fbb20a3a18497bc5106a0e45d601ac4f Ramses - Bribe
0x43DB1214e9c5d7d980267a2031b380fc80b88f86 Ramses - Bribe
0x45d19CAc4901983E02fb93D7579C247D5F89f38B Wombat - Bribe
0xe3c747896C76aEE3f4c18F34A36eE58b425B8E17 Wombat - Bribe
0xFD0AF0B852e8937b2767C1a344E1fD9b34EC1b1A Wombat - Bribe
0x44a7b29335cfc61C2bEA1c48710A1fE11f4aFBa9 Staking Vault
0xDc5Ed7b972710594082479AF498B1dA02d03a273 Staking Vault
0x1F0a3bF1e4Ea8f27449AFa0a3A27eFc3817431fc Staking Vault
0xf56DF6359b6Af7CA75a48CC0CfcB1446df4B37fa Hidden Hand Lodestar
0xA8cA4FA84933106a92D4fec68C8B5A057703e862 Notional SecondaryRewarder
0xB671Eb5Cee01d681df07a245df2fcf9FCB808c0a Premia - DualMiningProxy
0xE4e6cA54324f6C456AfFc7c0875A3ECfDda85c3d sFRAX AMO
0x0b5f23b68c07bbdedbb18d822d20b4f0e5b7594f Curve - Gauge - Direct LP Incentives
0x24e927daC110Aab7189a4F864d41680e4F7865FB Frax - FraxCCFarmV4_cvxLP
0xb69BB749bCc1cdD56861525fF9DADf5AF76Fc5f1 Ramses - Bribe
0x99e0896d149c3d2a50a6aFd44fE41fb73448dBb5 Ramses - Bribe
0x49894a90c15Fde52bAD37AC4a8cb54465FEc3a72 Ramses - Bribe
0x364C80e9418B65110157Bc7681Ed761B3188F59E Ramses - Bribe
0x18728A905Ce936c155Fd0CC428181Ff8a7A73215 Ramses - Bribe
0x9Dc623a12fc3dC87cB23c53C68330A22ea084B3A Ramses - Bribe
0xcb81454ec05274640eD5129cC0363947B0B9d0ec Ramses - Bribe
0x96412caB79c3A4c5cACD8b6fbFbEa36F4cA3791a Wombat - Bribe
0x3Af5818053B600eE9a2DE79A5001E0B6F3e82248 sFRAX Balancer AMO
0x78b440E8FFD18cA70E728bAEd9909498d8c32CF2 Ramses - Direct LP
0x153f78A6a163acA4a92a9F1E6F2C00C95160934a Ramses - Direct LP
0x761d54a45be1a794964E6333030d1437A417BEdf Wombat - Bribe
0x928b06229a3f4Bc7806d80Fe54e48E777BB74536 Hidden Hand Aura

Contract address label Form 12 completed for all addresses: Yes

ARB left over: 0 ARB

Plan for leftover ARB: N/A

Summary of incentives: Over the last two weeks, we have used our automated incentive distributor, for five of our primary assets: FRAX, crvFRAX, sFRAX, frxETH, and sfrxETH.

Additional Info / Disclosures to Multisig:

FRAX Incentivizer AMO Address (All of FRAX pools are being incentivized through this contract): 0xefa5D36deBF5191328b17f2Ff74090DAdfda9A70

frxETH Incentivizer AMO Address (All of frxETH pools are being incentivized through this contract): 0x3C6d74267b01E00B2C8F541ff132A7b03bcC6c70

crvFRAX Incentivizer AMO Address (All of crvFRAX pools are being incentivized through this contract): 0xA4D77FD004F6ae1a1E55F0f89BcC519716E72B25

sFRAX Incentivizer AMO Address (All of sFRAX pools are being incentivized through this contract): 0xE4e6cA54324f6C456AfFc7c0875A3ECfDda85c3d

sFRAX Balancer Incentivizer AMO Address (All of sFRAX pools on Balancer are being incentivized through this contract): 0x3Af5818053B600eE9a2DE79A5001E0B6F3e82248

sfrxETH Incentivizer AMO Address (All of sfrxETH pools are being incentivized through this contract): 0xC832eDeB6BC75FE3b59321CfE49cb26C8C69707f


Average daily TVL: $25,999,815.31

Average daily transactions: 1,772.83

Average daily volumes: $1,029,093.22

Number of unique user addresses: 14,084

Transaction fees: Since our pools and vaults are within multiple different protocols, fees are not applicable here.

day TVL volume dau trans
2024-09-23 0:00 27702816.87 659577.7419 272 1761
2024-09-22 0:00 25884266.71 713425.2875 278 1699
2024-09-21 0:00 25896231.61 1081762.222 243 1128
2024-09-20 0:00 25863480.61 736384.0466 277 1763
2024-09-19 0:00 25754093.4 1573442.533 352 2204
2024-09-18 0:00 25971194.91 851409.7906 304 2644
2024-09-17 0:00 25981877.35 513631.8223 281 1900
2024-09-16 0:00 25914342.56 1537976.524 326 2315
2024-09-15 0:00 26078228.05 888730.0657 313 1387
2024-09-14 0:00 26068465.4 628921.2093 258 786
2024-09-13 0:00 25983708.56 945068.6152 301 1522
2024-09-12 0:00 25933227.91 1820576.58 293 1595
2024-09-11 0:00 25686705.64 1804928.281 297 1950
2024-09-10 0:00 26448771.18 1205872.991 306 1632
2024-09-09 0:00 26100652.49 1122026.942 310 1998
2024-09-08 0:00 25886510.14 1112072.096 283 1695
2024-09-07 0:00 25785178.24 807737.5316 282 1340
2024-09-06 0:00 25758896.07 1019027.614 395 2352
2024-09-05 0:00 25747802.43 808348.7049 309 2136
2024-09-04 0:00 25795288.49 1020981.54 354 1688
2024-09-03 0:00 26033338.42 751318.6657 319 1543
2024-09-02 0:00 25894813.71 1101685.068 320 1803
2024-09-01 0:00 25825861.39 964238.2971 334 1934
AVG $25,999,815.31 $1,029,093.22 304.65 1,772.83

Link to dashboard showing metrics:

OpenBlock Dashboard: OpenBlock Labs

Frax Fianace Arbitrum Dune Dashboard:

Final Stats For STIP+

Incentives based on the targeted assets

Week # Cycle Start Cycle End frxETH AMO Spent FRAX AMO Spent crvFRAX AMO Spent sfrxETH AMO Spent sFRAX AMO Spent Misc Spent
1 6/20/2024 6/26/2024 9,969 ARB 19,695 ARB 2,000 ARB 0 ARB 0 ARB 1,000 ARB
2 6/27/2024 7/3/2024 14,815 ARB 19,595 ARB 2,000 ARB 2,000 ARB 3,000 ARB 200 ARB
3 7/4/2024 7/10/2024 14,943 ARB 25,087 ARB 2,000 ARB 21,917 ARB 8,600 ARB 0 ARB
4 7/11/2024 7/17/2024 14,957 ARB 25,060 ARB 3,000 ARB 3,000 ARB 2,812 ARB 0 ARB
5 7/18/2024 7/24/2024 15,000 ARB 25,060 ARB 3,000 ARB 21,883 ARB 11,813 ARB 9,500 ARB
6 7/25/2024 7/31/2024 15,000 ARB 24,346 ARB 3,000 ARB 2,939 ARB 11,142 ARB 0 ARB
7 8/1/2024 8/7/2024 14,940 ARB 25,000 ARB 3,000 ARB 15,000 ARB 19,834 ARB 0 ARB
8 8/8/2024 8/14/2024 13,377 ARB 19,343 ARB 3,000 ARB 4,000 ARB 0 ARB 0 ARB
9 8/15/2024 8/21/2024 14,832 ARB 25,976 ARB 3,000 ARB 17,000 ARB 16,974 ARB 10,000 ARB
10 8/22/2024 8/28/2024 14,518 ARB 20,100 ARB 3,000 ARB 5,000 ARB 100 ARB 0 ARB
11 8/29/2024 9/4/2024 15,335 ARB 29,220 ARB 3,000 ARB 15,000 ARB 14,126 ARB 0 ARB
12 9/5/2024 9/11/2024 10,000 ARB 19,753 ARB 4,000 ARB 2,500 ARB 0 ARB 0 ARB
13 9/12/2024 9/18/2024 7,314 ARB 16,233 ARB 0 ARB 5,061 ARB 22,131 ARB 0 ARB
Total 175,000 ARB 294,468 ARB 34,000 ARB 115,300 ARB 110,532 ARB 20,700 ARB


Incentives distribution timeline

Frax Finance Assets on Arbitrum During STIP+