The Gaming Catalyst Program (GCP) has focused on building up the foundational structure of the program, with significant progress made across key areas such as Council creation, initial hiring, thesis development, operational setup, and deal flow management.
These accomplishments, supported by deep collaboration with the Arbitrum Foundation (AF), Offchain Labs, industry advisors, and key delegates, have laid a strong foundation for the program’s long-term success.
We are excited to share this update and look forward to kicking off 2025.
Our thesis was informed by a focused sprint utilizing a combination of design thinking methodologies, industry research, and collaborative sessions with key stakeholders in the Arbitrum gaming ecosystem.
At the core of our thesis are several pillars that we believe will help inform our investments while encouraging trends that will propel web3 gaming forward. These pillars help us to visualize the ideal profile for founders (hybrid teams with not just traditional gaming backgrounds but senior team members with web3 chops), encourage bets against growth in distribution channels, balance big bets on breakthrough tech and games while also encouraging experimentation, and reflect a preference for teams that are part of Arbitrum’s ecosystem.
In addition, our thesis incorporates thinking on portfolio genre diversity, as well as thinking on balancing our investments across content and infrastructure. We’ve also set a flexible framework for supporting developers at various stages of a project’s lifecycle - balancing fund structure between early-stage investments and follow-up rounds where products are live in the market.
Acknowledging that the wider consumer market that yet to adopt web3 gaming en masse, we also believe that diversity is a strength rather than a weakness when it comes to overall portfolio management - the ‘breakthrough’ moments for the industry are likely going to come from the concerted efforts of builders learning from one another and collaborating as opposed to a singular breakthrough moment. As the market matures, the focus will most likely shift, so ongoing thesis analysis and updating as the market evolves is expected.
Our analysis of historical portfolio returns suggests a strategy assuming the “S curve of adoption” and a prediction that longtail participation from gamers will occur in web3. Seeing the recent wave of innovators and gaming veterans exploring web3 is a fantastic signal, but realistically, quality game IP takes time to create. We have created a short-term strategy focused more on current themes and patterns in web3 gaming, as well as a longer-term view on more traditional pathways to profitability predicated on capturing a larger portion of the overall gaming TAM.
While the details around our thesis shared here and in the transparency report are a brief summary, our internal documents hold sensitive key details including portfolio construction strategy, return management, geographical focuses, vertical research, and other details that will equip the program with a strong north star to operate against.
Team Compensation Structure and Review
Acting on feedback from the interim transparency council, key delegates, prospective team members, and other stakeholders, the Council (in collaboration with the working group) have reviewed several different compensation structures including specifically how to structure incentivization.
With recommendations from a professional compensation analyst firm, the GCP Council and team have been reviewing several models, including ARB based bonuses for ecosystem alignment and models similar to those employed in venture capital, corporate venture and foundations to best align team interests with the success of the organization. We believe that the optimal model for the GCP Foundation will allocate against an incentive-based structure that allows for both performance and milestone based bonuses.
Any performance bonuses related to investments will be capped to a maximum allocatable percentage competitive with industry benchmarks and to cover the entire life cycle of GCP including management and disposition. This ensures that GCP council has mechanisms where appropriate to secure competitive investment talent, and is not at a disadvantage when hiring or retaining the team.
The creation of any long-term incentive structures should also lower fixed opex costs which would otherwise be borne in the form of increased salary requirements for key team members.
Council Pay Review
The GCP team has received feedback from various delegates and stakeholders on the current council compensation structure, and will be standing up a proposal to increase council pay. This proposal will also ensure that oversight and advisory members are compensated appropriately against industry standards and for their deep expertise and commitment.
We are continuing to review compensation data from similar DAO programs and from industry standards, and any changes will be put forth to the DAO for approval.
Treasury Management
The GCP Foundation has been collaborating extensively with the Arbitrum Foundation and professional vendors to create a robust, secure treasury management system. Our current solution is in the final stages of analysis and review, and includes in-depth details and processes around the following:
- Transfer Process from AF Multi-Sig to GCP
- Distribution of Grants / Investments
- Multi-Sig Setup
- Vendor Privileges
- ARB to USDC Conversion Procedures
- Return Management
- Risk Distribution
- Clawback Procedures
- Signer Best Practices
- Platform(s) Setup
As part of the treasury management process discussed with the Arbitrum Foundation, both parties have recommended a setup that involves the GCP Foundation receiving ARB tokens instead of USDC / USD as proposed within the original Tally process.
This will not only reduce operational burden on our critical partner (AF), but allow the GCP Foundation the flexibility to handle Arbitrum token conversions while using a similar process as the AF currently uses currently. The GCP Team will also continue to work with DAO delegates and stakeholders to explore solutions and platforms to facilitate any treasury management components.
GCP Site and Builders Interest Form
We are also excited to launch our first GCP website, serving as an initial digital footprint which includes an intake form for game builders to express interest in the GCP.
Designed in collaboration with Territory Studio, this site marks a first step toward establishing a cohesive brand identity for the GCP.
The launch of our site has helped contribute significantly to the 60+ projects currently being reviewed.
Transparency Report Cadence
After discussion with key delegates at Devcon, we believe that synchronizing the timing of transparency reports to match the cadence of Arbitrum Foundation reports on a bi-annual basis will provide a more meaningful signal to the Arbitrum DAO while also reducing operational costs and manpower.
With investment and grant cycles often taking months to fully pass due diligence and deployment, we believe that a quarterly schedule would likely be too incremental, whereas a 6-month cadence will show more meaningful progress.
As per feedback from delegates, we are reviewing supplemental communication methods to keep the community informed, including:
- Monthly newsletters
- Monthly forum updates
- Quarterly ‘State of Gaming’ or community-oriented gaming events with GCP updates included
- Live GCP presentations at major conferences (EthCC, Devcon, etc)
As the GCP team grows and capacity expands, additional update channels will be added to best equip the Arbitrum DAO with information and data not only about the GCP but about the state of the web3 gaming industry.
We are open to other suggestions on communication avenues and appreciate any feedback in regards to transparency and collaboration.
You can view our first transparency report here.
Program Kickoff Date
The Gaming Catalyst Program entity, structure, and staffing is ready to go live with partnerships and deals as of Jan 1, 2025 - and after discussions with the Arbitrum Foundation, key delegates, Council Members, and other stakeholders, we believe that the start date matching the start of the program’s capability to serve the Arbitrum ecosystem aligns with the goals of the DAO and proposal.
With the program’s entity and first staff members hired, the mandate to start investing and providing grants to ecosystem friendly, innovative gaming projects can start, and we are excited to finally get off the floor. Budgets provided in the initial Tally proposal have been reviewed and as of our recent analysis, will not need adjustment for the length of a three year program.
Team Growth
The GCP will prioritize our short-term hiring roadmap to prioritize immediate talent / functions to sustain progress. Simultaneously, we will be actively recruiting for strategic and investment oriented roles that require longer timelines (i.e. rounding out the leadership team, scaling our venture function, and other critical roles to unlock the next phase of growth). Q1 and Q2 will be a critical hiring period for GCP to ensure we establish momentum leading into 2025.
Tentative Priority Roles in Q1/Q2 2025:
- Investing oriented roles (i.e. Investor, Analysts, etc)
- Venture Leadership role (i.e. Venture Partner / GM, etc)
- Grants Manager
- Head of Finance
- Various operational roles (i.e. Operations Manager, Grant Operations, etc)
Specific job descriptions are under Council Review and will be available to share with potential candidates.
Looking to 2025
Conference Presence: The GCP team will be attending GDC and ETH Denver in the coming months to connect with visionary founders and showcase our initiatives. We’ll share more on our conference strategy in Q1.
Brand and Marketing Efforts: Keep an eye out for our upcoming PR showcasing the program’s activities, our first cohort of investments and partnerships, along with the launch of a full-featured website complete with a grants portal.
Builder Pipeline:
As of December 29th, 2024, we have 64 projects in the pipeline and a highly active funnel of interest from game builders through our new website and submission form. We are actively expediting the due diligence process for builders who align with the thesis outlined above.
A more in-depth execution timeline is described in the transparency report, and will continue to evolve as the team grows, our first cohort of strategic partnerships come to fruition, and feedback from the community is received.
The GCP Foundation is thrilled to share more about our progress as the program officially launches in the new year. Together, we are confident that the future of gaming will find a home on Arbitrum.