Hackathon Continuation Program

In my opinion grants shouldn’t exceed the amount of 50k.
Why is that?
Well simply because giving a grant to someone doesn’t have a positive impact, at least not from the very beginning. A grant is more or less a cost factor without knowing the outcome.
For example, there was a project DAO XY (dont want to name anyone) funded a few years ago. This project barely finished their work. But shortly before they did, someone else bought their company and they left the space without a proper product.
So what happened?
The DAO paid 50k to basically bootstrap their business and they left the space with a ton of money and the DAO was left without any prodcut or benefit.

What I want to say is, that grants need to be checked very well, they need to communicate on their progress and need to benefit the ecosystem somehow.
That being said, a great project will show its benefit straight from the beginning because in the end its important for the Arbitrum DAO to attract great developer and protocols but also keep the financials aspect in mind.
@danielo this is something what should be kept in mind, how to really track down everything and create the most and best benefit for Arbitrum and potential projects.