I will be voting “For” the project as I think post-hackathon support is a natural and logical step to take. Having these events are great, but as noted in the proposal it can be tough to continue momentum if all the sudden support stops. So I think this will be a good thing to try for the DAO.
I also appreciate the willingness to take delegate feedback into consideration here, especially my prior comment about getting some type of return to the DAO. As I do believe we need to think about the treasury long-term.
As for on-chain support… I’ll vote for it. As quoted below, if Jojo has directly evaluated the project and supports it I trust their due diligence.
I added the yes to the onchain vote cause i personally evaluated collaberry for a grant in questbook season 2, and I am looking forward to see them showing off their tool in the “real life”.
Edit: To save forum space, indicating that my opinion here has not changed from Snapshot to Tall and I will be voting “For” on Tally for this proposal.