After consideration, the @SEEDgov delegation has decided to “ABSTAIN” on this proposal at the Snapshot Vote.
After analyzing the proposal, we believe it is well-articulated and addresses a real issue: winners of hackathons or top projects often lack the resources or time to continue development. We also appreciate that part of the budget will be co-funded with RnDAO.
That said, there are some aspects we disagree with or that require further clarification:
- The on-chain functionality seems unnecessary for tracking a maximum of four grantees. Spending USD 30,000 on something that could be resolved with numerous free tools seems excessive.
- We would like to see a more detailed breakdown of the budget allocated to Program Ops & Comms. Upon reviewing previous versions of this proposal, we noticed that there were more budgetary details in general. The proposer explained to us that this was removed because he received feedback indicating that it generated confusion rather than helped. From our point of view, it should be well-detailed what the money is going to be spent on, especially when there are people involved who will be compensated for their work.
- We agree with other delegates that the administrative and marketing costs seem high relative to the total budget.
- It would make more sense for the capital invested in the projects by both parties to be equitable, potentially adjusting the distribution across other items. This would give both entities shared ownership.
Despite the above points, we want to highlight that SEEDGov has decided to abstain because we were involved in the process of granting the Hackathon in question through the Questbook domain for Education, Community Growth, and Events.