Hi @danielo, thank you for your detailed proposal.
I have a few questions regarding this proposal that resonate with some of the comments already raised on this thread:
- Would you be able to share a further breakdown of costs across ArbitrumDAO and RNDAO (notably the venture support and program ops)? As roughly 30% of these costs will be provided by the ArbitrumDAO and since RnDAO will be earning ‘sweat equity’, similar to Paolo’s question and Entropy’s comment, can you confirm whether any of ArbitrumDAO’s portion of venture support/program ops will count towards RnDAO’s SWEAT investment? You mentioned here that some more details on this topic would be provided this week, but I haven’t been able to find them (apologies if I have missed them).
- Could you share more light on how the hackathon finalists were selected, if there was any due diligence conducted at this stage, and how the winners of the hackathon were voted on? I noticed in the Jokerace contest, one of the winning projects (Signals) heavily voted for themselves to become a hackathon winner (which could constitute a COI). From reading the comments, as it seems like the hackathon winners will not automatically qualify for Phase 1, would you be able to share more light on the assessment criteria for teams to enter Phase 1?