LTI Pilot Program Position Application Thread

The below response reflects the views of L2BEAT’s governance team, composed of @krst and @Sinkas, and it’s based on the combined research, fact-checking and ideation of the two.

After reviewing all applications for both Council members and Application Advisors and taking into account the responsibilities of both roles, we’ve decided we’ll be voting for the following people:


  1. GFX Labs

We are very familiar with the work of GFX Labs from their presence in Optimism’s grant council and we believe they’re a very competent team. We are confident that they are capable of carrying out the responsibilities associated with being a member of the LTIPP council and we’re happy to support them.

  1. 404 DAO

So far, 404 DAO has proven to be invested in Arbitrum’s success through their continuous involvement in the DAO’s governance. They bring a wide range of skills to the table which we believe will be useful in the council.

  1. ImmutableLawyer

Joseph has proven to be able to move things forward as demonstrated in his work on the ARDC and ADPC proposals. Furthermore, his legal background and operational experience can be a great asset to have on the council.

  1. GMX

GMX brings a unique combination of financial experience and Arbitrum alignment which we believe is very valuable. We also believe that having been on the receiving end of the STIP, they can better understand the perspective of protocols applying to the LTIPP.

  1. Wintermute

Wintermute has tremendous experience with market making in crypto which we believe will be valuable when assessing the various methods of capital allocation that will be present in the LTIPP proposals.

Disclaimer: We’re aware of and understand the concerns regarding GMX and Wintermute and potential conflicts of interest that might arise from their participation in the LTIPP council. We thought about whether or not these concerns are substantial enough to the point where we will not vote for them and we decided they aren’t for the following reasons:

  • The council doesn’t have decision-making powers. They’re simply a filter for the applications which are ultimately voted on by delegates.
  • Members of the council won’t be screening applications individually - they’ll do so collectively and based on a shared rubric. We rely on council members keeping each other accountable.
  • We believe electing them to be on the council puts them in a spotlight. With other council members and delegates looking at them and their decisions, we expect more transparency and accountability, not less.

Application Advisors:

  1. JoJo

Jojo has been acting as the ‘New Protocol Ideas’ domain allocator for Questbook’s grant program for the past few months. During his time, he has helped numerous projects with their applications and oftentimes he has worked alongside them to draft it. This experience makes him a great fit for an application advisor.

  1. Serious People

Although relatively new to Arbitrum DAO, we think Serious People to be just that - serious. They were actively involved with the creation of the Application Advisor role for the LTIPP and we’d like to see them more actively involved both with the program, but also with the DAO in general.

  1. Castle Capital

Castle Capital demonstrated their ability to provide applicants with constructive feedback during the STIP where they reviewed and provided feedback to numerous proposals in a very tight time frame.