LTIPP Council Screening Period Updates

Council Screening Period Updates

The council is currently hard at work reviewing and screening the 160+ LTIPP Applications

After receiving far more applications than anticipated we are extending the Council Screening period to allow the council enough time to thoroughly review all applications.

The screening period will now conclude on March 31st

Updated timeline

Stage Dates Overview
Screening Period March 18th - March 31st Councils select which Applicants will move to a Snapshot vote
Voting Period April 1st - April 6th Arbitrum Delegates will vote for which applicants will receive incentives
Compliance April 7th - April 28th All protocols will be KYC’d and sign grant agreements with the Arb Foundation
Incentives 12 weeks Incentives will be streamed bi-weekly to successful applicants
Post Incentives 2 weeks Protocols will return any unused funds and publish their closeout reports

How the Council Screening Period Works

  1. Each application is randomly assigned to 3 council members for initial review

  2. If at least ⅓ of the council members give a “For” vote to an application, it progresses to a secondary review

  3. All 5 council members will review applications in the secondary review

  4. Any applicant that receives at least 50% “For” votes from council members in the secondary review will progress to the DAO voting period.

  5. In addition to assigning a “For” or “No” vote, the council will also grade the proposal through the rubric

  6. The Council can only accept proposals up to a total budget of 45M ARB


Council Screening Period Updates

Due to the overwhelming amount of applications as well as this weekend being a holiday weekend for many, the council needs to extend the screening period by a few more days.

By Wednesday the council will have finished reviewing all applications and will have posted the results and feedback from the screening period.

We will then give the DAO a few days to analyze this information before beginning the Snapshot votes for the approved proposals at the end of this week.

Updated timeline

Stage Dates Overview
Screening Period March 18th - April 3rd Councils select which Applicants will move to a Snapshot vote
Voting Period April 5th - April 11th Arbitrum Delegates will vote for which applicants will receive incentives
Compliance April 12th - April 30th All protocols will be KYC’d and sign grant agreements with the Arb Foundation
Incentives 12 weeks Incentives will be streamed bi-weekly to successful applicants
Post Incentives 2 weeks Protocols will return any unused funds and publish their closeout reports

Hello everyone,

We (Lampros Labs DAO) have created a live voting dashboard for LTIPP to track the voting of all 77 protocols in real-time.

This dashboard provides info about all the application’s snapshot voting links, forum proposal application links, asks and live voting statuses for each proposal, all in one accessible dashboard.

Delegates can personalize the dashboard for them by creating a copy of the sheet, allowing them to update the status of voted proposals in the last column of the dashboard and see dynamic changes in cell background colours for the first four columns to track their own votes. (P.S. - Please note that while personal copies enable personalization, the sheet will not be updated for personal copies, the main public link remains active and is updated every 5 minutes for all community members.)

I would love to receive feedback, suggestions or any changes you would like to look into this sheet.

This sheet was completely inspired by the Voting Dashboard created by Inspex for STIP.

And lastly thanks to Applicant advisors and Council members for working tirelessly for the past few weeks to bring the best applications up for voting.

Check out the dashboard from the below link and do share your feedback or any suggestions for the dashboard.

Dashboard link - LTIPP_Voting Dashboard_Created by Members of Lampros Labs DAO - Google Sheets.