LTIPP How To Apply FAQ

Important Resources

Important Dates

  • Applications can start being submitted: February 19th, 2024 at 12:00 AM EST
  • Deadline to submit initial application: March 3rd, 2024 at 11:59 PM EST
  • Deadline to finalize application: March 17th, 2024 at 11:59 PM EST

How to apply

  1. Create a new forum thread in the LTIPP section of the forum
  2. Title thread [Protocol Name] LTIPP Application Draft
  3. Use the Application template to apply
  4. Post a completed first draft application by March 3rd, 2024 at 11:59 PM EST
  5. After submitting a completed first draft to the forum, Applicants will be assigned an Advisor
  6. Applicants will then have until March 17th, 2024 at 11:59 PM EST to work with their advisor and update their application

Who Can Apply

The pilot program is for protocols that did not receive ARB during STIP or the Backfund. However, protocols that received grants from the Arbitrum Foundation, Questbook’s grant program, or any other Arbitrum Grants program are eligible to receive Pilot Program funding. Additionally, receiving funding from the Pilot Program does not prohibit protocols from applying for funding from other DAO or foundation programs including the Long Term Incentives Program.

Additional eligibility requirements

  • Grantees must either

    • Be live* on Arbitrum at the time of the application

    • If available on other chains that are not Arbitrum, be live* in Arbitrum by the end of the Feedback Period

    • If live only on Arbitrum testnet, be live* with their product(s)/protocol on Arbitrum mainnet by the end of the Feedback Period

    • Be an Orbit L3 chain that settles on Arbitrum One or Arbitrum Nova

    • Be an Orbit L2 utilizing the Arbitrum tech stack

  • Grantees must refrain from farming their own incentive programs.

  • Grantees must outline a spending plan, provide a pro forma, and state the grant’s objective.

  • Grantees must commit to providing data on distributions, all ARB spending transactions, and key metrics like daily TVL, transactions, volumes, unique addresses, and transaction fees. This data should cover 30 days before, during, and after the Incentivization period, and be presented preferably in a Dune Spell/dashboard.

  • Grantees must agree to share all contract addresses being used to distribute incentive rewards.

  • Grantees must disclose the contracts being incentivized and denote any external contracts being incentivized as part of the program.

  • Grantees can only incentive contracts on the Arbitrum Network.

  • Grants are not to be used in DAO governance.

  • Grantees are expected to not encourage or partake in Sybil attacks against the forum to sway community opinion.

  • Grantees must agree to KYC with the Arbitrum Foundation to receive funds.

  • Grantees must apply using the approved program application template.

  • “Live” means that either the protocol, the token, or other products are available on the Arbitrum mainnet in a manner that is usable by users, functioning, and have a non-zero amount of Total Value Locked (TVL) or activities. In general, the protocol must be available on the Arbitrum mainnet in such a way that, even if only a subset of core functionalities are available, it can still fulfill the main value accrual proposition for which it was built. The council retains the right to evaluate and, if necessary, veto protocols that do not meet the above criteria from applying to this program.

What Happens After Applying

  • After submitting a completed first draft application to the forum, Applicants will be randomly assigned to an Advisor to review and help improve their application.
  • You can work with your Advisor to edit/improve your application until the end of the feedback period. Final edits must be made before March 17th, 2024 at 11:59 PM EST
  • Once your application is finalized please tag @Matt_StableLab to verify the application includes all necessary information.
  • The foundation will lock finalized posts and change the title to [Protocol Name] LTIPP Application Final
  • Once the screening period begins Council will judge all applications marked Final

How to meet with Advisors

  1. After submitting a completed first draft application to the forum, Applicants will be randomly assigned to an Advisor

  2. Advisors will read over applications and provide initial feedback.

  3. Each Applicant will have a new channel created in the Arbitrum LTIPP discord where they will be able to chat with their advisor.

  4. All channels will be publicly visible but only applicants and their advisors will be able to type in an applicant’s designated channel

  5. Advisors will host office hours where protocols sign up for a time slot to ask advisors questions. The exact dates and times will be published by the Advisors before the start of the feedback period.

  6. If there is an issue with your advisor you may request a change and will be randomly assigned to one of the other two advisors

How Protocols Will Be Judged

  • Protocols will be judged according to the rubric. The scoring rubric is a baseline for the judges to help them evaluate applications. The rubric presented is not all-encompassing but is indicative of the key performance metrics considered by the council. Council members will provide additional evaluation to determine their final yes or no decision.
  • A low score, or receiving more than one 0 on the rubric, can justify the reviewer voting against an application.
  • Applications will be randomly assigned to 3 council members for preliminary review. Applications that receive â…“ yes votes will be reevaluated by all 5 council members. Any applicant that then receives 50%+ votes in favor will move on to a Snapshot vote.
  • Successful applicants who pass the preliminary round will have the following details included in their Snapshot vote: their average rubric score, a link to the graded rubric, and a brief explanation synthesizing the Council Members’ evaluation of the application.
  • For unsuccessful applicants who do not pass the preliminary round, the Council Members’ assessment will published after the Screening Period and summarized in a Notion document with the following details: average rubric score, a link to the graded rubric, and a brief explanation synthesizing the Council Members’ evaluation of the application.

How the Compliance Period Works

All protocols that successfully pass the voting period will undergo a KYC period during these three weeks. Arbitrum Foundation members will reach out to coordinate these KYCs. All protocols will be required to complete the KYC during this period or they may be disqualified from receiving funds.

Once all KYCs are completed, there will be one vote to ratify the DAOs selection of screened and KYC’d protocols. If the Snapshot vote is favorably concluded, protocols will commence receiving its funding through a Hedgey stream, facilitated by oSnap execution.


Stage Dates Overview
Application Period February 19th - March 3rd 11:59 EST When applicants can post their applications
Feedback Period March 4th - March 17th 11:59 EST Applicants work with Advisors to edit and improve applications
Screening Period March 18th - March 24th Councils select which Applicants will move to a Snapshot vote
Voting Period March 25th - April 1st Arbitrum Delegates will vote for which applicants will receive incentives
Compliance April 1st - April 22nd All protocols will be KYC’d and sign grant agreements with the Arb Foundation
Incentives 12 weeks Incentives will be streamed bi-weekly to successful applicants
Post Incentives 2 weeks Protocols will return any unused funds and publish their closeout reports

Applicant Checklist

Applicant Information Completed
Applicant name, contact details, point of contact, and organizational information provided
Comprehensive project description, including key details in 1-3 sentences
Relevant project links (website, demo, GitHub, Twitter)
Acknowledgment of KYC requirement
Team and Product Information
Relevant team experience
Product details including state of product and relevant usage metrics
Protocol Details
Clarity on whether the protocol is native to Arbitrum
Date of deployment on Arbitrum mentioned
Past performance details, key metrics, achievements, and relevant dashboards provided
Clear description of the protocol roadmap
Historic audit information and results
Grant Information
Details on the requested grant size
Overview of the budget breakdown
Description of matching funds, optional
Funding, treasury, and contract addresses provided
Grant Objectives, Execution, and Milestones
Objectives clearly stated
Execution strategy outlined
KPIs and milestones provided along with timelines and justifications
Data Reporting
Agreement to provide bi-weekly program updates on the Arbitrum Forum thread, with a description of the strategy and capabilities for data/reporting.
Acknowledgment of the consequences of non-compliance with reporting requirement