Hello, this is Peter from the Origin Protocol team. We would like to partipate in this, here is our submission:
LTIPP Contribution:
What did you contribute to the LTIPP(Include links to relevant contributions)?:
Origin was one of (if not) the first protocols to submit the bi-weekly reports to the Arbgrants dashboard week over week on the day it was due. Origin was punctual and eager to submit the by weekly report, but several bugs were found and the database was wiped, leading to Origin needing to resubmit the reports multiple times. From the unexpected and unplanned platform testing, Origin’s submissions aided in the development of new Powerhouse features that may have not been previously planned.
Why is this contribution meaningful to the Arbitrum DAO?:
New Powerhouse additions include a feature that will provide user feedback after successfully saving and a ‘online/saved’ status, and an edit feature with some additional pre-filled data options that will help users to fill in their reports much quicker.
This is also the first time an event sourced architecture is being used on a decentralized backend with EVM credentials, so several bugs were found that needed to be fixed. By solving these issues early we can avoid them for all other users in the future.
Team Info:
Who worked on the LTIPP contribution?:
Peter Gray, Etiosa Richmore, and Micah Alcorn from the Origin team worked on the LTIPP contribution.
How are you involved in the Arbitrum Ecosystem?:
Origin has bridged OETH from the Ethereum mainnet to Arbitrum, leading to bringing more than $5m in TVL over to Arbitrum.
Requested Budget:
What budget are you requesting from the 100,000 ARB?:
Origin is requesting 5000 ARB for these contributions.
What is the justification for this budget request?:
We believe this amount is justified from the development of the new Powerhouse features that may have not been previously planned, and from finding the bugs that, after they were fixed, led to a greater experience for all other teams participating in the LTIPP.
Do you agree to complete the Arbitrum Compliance process before receiving any funds?:
Yes - Origin has previously completed the required Arbitrum KYB, but would be happy to submit any additional KYB documents