M&A for Arbitrum DAO

Hi @Bernard

I like the proposal, I think as you have illustrated there may be opportunities (especially in terms of acquisitions) for Arbitrum DAO and it seems to be a good approach to be prepared for this.

I have some doubts that maybe you could answer:

  • Who gets the 3% advisory fee?

  • Do you have any details on how to reach 600k of estimated expenses for M&A Unit Mgmt. Co?

  • I understand that the DAO would be part of the organization as a Limited Partner, can the DAO have this role in a company legally speaking? (it is a very specific question I know, but I don’t know the legal details).

  • Correct me if necessary, but wouldn’t this generate the need to vote in Tally every time the entity wants to use funds for any acquisition?

Finally, I would like to see in the proposal mechanisms to exclude/replace any member of the “Arbitrum DAO Steering Committee” if necessary, not only for any bad performance but also because the proposal aims to last at least 2 years, which is quite a long time.

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