The following reflects the views of L2BEAT’s governance team, composed of @krst and @Sinkas, and it’s based on the combined research, fact-checking, and ideation of the two.
We’ll be voting FOR this proposal during the temperature check, but we would like to see more discussion around it and some clarification on the contentious issues raised in this thread before it goes to an onchain vote.
As Arbitrum’s current growth strategy seems to be centered around growing with Orbit chains, we believe it’s absolutely crucial to have data that allows us to make well-informed decisions.
GrowThePie already proved to be competent and reliable as a provider for metrics and dashboards showcasing chain activity, they’ve been also providing the delegates (including us) with custom data queries regarding Orbit usage, revenue and costs. It would be much more effective however if that data could be accessed, fact-checked and verified anytime on their dashboard.
Having said that, we share some of the concerns raised in this thread regarding scope, scaling and the choice of chains to cover, and therefore advise GtP to hold dedicated workshops for delegates before going to an onchain vote to address any confusion and concerns and to ensure that the dashboards bring value to the Orbit-centeric growth strategy.