Orbit 101 - Takeaways from a call by David Garcia, Arbitrum Foundation & Vishnu Kumar, Offchain Labs on August 20th

Orbit 101 by David Garcia, Arbitrum Foundation & Vishnu, Offchain Labs on Tuesday, August 20th

On Tuesday, August 20th the Arbitrum Foundation and Offchain Labs got together to give the DAO a 101 on Orbit chains, how the Foundation and Offchain Labs are working to grow market share and ideas for how the DAO can support their development.

Learn more:

  • Below are some takeaways created by Otter with some light editing.
  • Read the transcript and listen to the audio on Otter.
  • Watch the full talk here
  • Review the slides here


The meeting focused on the development and support of Arbitrum Orbit chains. Key points included the introduction of Orbit chains, which allow teams to build their own blockchains with customization options. The Arbitrum DAO requires a 10% net revenue contribution from Orbit chains, with 8% going to the DAO Treasury and 2% to a developer guild. Over 60 Orbit chains are publicly announced, with over 100 in development. The discussion highlighted the need for community building, incentives, and infrastructure support. The DAO was encouraged to help amplify the Orbit vision and support cohesive marketing efforts to compete with the “Super Chain” narrative.

Speakers and Participants:

@davidgarcia , Arbitrum Foundation
Vishnu Kumar, Offchain Labs
@raam , Arbitrum Foundation
@IronBoots , Camelot
@maxlomu, Everclear

Action Items

  • Potential future call with RaaS providers to discuss their business models and how they support orbit chains
  • Draft a proposal on how orbit chains can come together as a cohesive ecosystem under a shared vision
  • Continue discussions on compiling user research insights and refining the overall orbit narrative with input from DAO contributors


Introduction and Meeting Objectives

  • David Garcia of the Arbitrum Foundation welcomes everyone and introduces the meeting’s focus on orbit chains.
  • Vishnu Kumar of Offchain Labs introduces himself as the lead for orbit strategy and go-to-market at Offchain Labs.
  • Raam mentions the meeting is being recorded and asks participants to turn off their cameras if uncomfortable.
  • The meeting’s objectives include introducing orbit chains, discussing ongoing initiatives, and exploring how the DAO can support orbit chains.

Overview of Orbit Chains and DAO Relationship

  • David explains the relationship between the Arbitrum DAO, Arbitrum Foundation, and Off Chain Labs.
  • The Arbitrum DAO makes decisions, with the Foundation providing operational support.
  • Off Chain Labs acts as a service provider, working on technical upgrades, partnerships, and marketing.
  • Orbit chains allow teams to build their own blockchains with their own branding and customization.\

Evolution of Orbit Chains and Licensing

  • In March of the previous year, teams could only deploy layer three chains on top of Arbitrum One and Arbitrum Nova.
  • In January, the DAO voted to allow layer two and layer three chains to be deployed permissionlessly on top of chains deriving their security from Ethereum .
  • A 10% net revenue contribution is required from orbit chains, with 8% going to the DAO Treasury and 2% to a developer guild.
  • Over 60 orbit chains have been publicly announced, with over 100 in development.

Reasons for Building Orbit Chains

  • Teams build orbit chains for sufficient capacity, control over gas prices, and user experience.
  • Orbit chains offer control over value accrual, latency, and speed, providing a better user experience.
  • David invites Vishnu to discuss the vision and areas of effort for orbit chains.

Vishnu’s Vision for Orbit Chains

  • Vishnu sees roll-ups as the new servers, allowing for better performance and user experience.
  • Orbit chains allow customization for specific use cases, improving onboarding and user experience.
  • The goal is to win the market share in the roll-up stack and attract more growth in the orbit ecosystem.
  • Vishnu emphasizes the importance of sustainable structures, including tooling, programs, campaigns, and communities.

Challenges and Opportunities for the DAO

  • Discussion on the challenges the DAO can tackle, including community building, incentives, and infrastructure support.
  • The DAO can help by amplifying orbit content on social media and introducing teams to Vishnu and David.
  • Incentives can be provided to attract builders and users to orbit chains, with metrics tracked to ecosystem growth goals.
  • The DAO can also support orbit chains by providing liquidity and using its treasury to enable utility for orbit chains.

Product Improvements and Future Initiatives

  • Vishnu discusses product improvements, including fast withdrawals, chain clusters, and Stylus (Rust on Arbitrum).
  • Fast withdrawals allow for faster finality and enhanced cross-chain communication.
  • Chain clusters enable instantaneous bridging and cross-chain transactions within the same chain cluster.
  • Stylus allows smart contracts to be written in Rust, expanding the ecosystem and attracting more talent.

Q&A and Community Feedback

  • Darren asks about relayer incentives and liquidity provisions for orbit chains.
  • Vishnu and David discuss the potential for the DAO to provide liquidity and the importance of a cohesive narrative for orbit chains.
  • Max emphasizes the need for a cohesive vision and marketing strategy for orbit chains.
  • The DAO and Offchain Labs discuss the importance of community building and the role of RAAS providers in supporting orbit chains.

Final Thoughts and Next Steps

  • David and Vishnu express gratitude for the valuable feedback and insights from the community.
  • The DAO, Foundation and Offchain Labs plan to continue discussions and work together on improving the orbit ecosystem.
  • The meeting concludes with a commitment to ongoing collaboration and support for orbit chains.

Hi folks, Darren here.

I would just like to clarify here that my point about relayer networks for interoperability was not necessarily providing incentives for them. Rather, I think what Polygon is doing with their AggLayer (providing a native interoperability solution) is something Arbitrum might want to pursue. By having a native interoperability solution, the relayer network maintaining it gains rights to the relayer extractable value (value generated from cross-chain transaction creation), and this revenue could be redistributed to the DAO to be used for incentives or some other policy. This is just an interesting avenue for the DAO to pursue.


This is great. Thanks for organizing this follow up and thanks to David for an informative session.

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Thanks for the post.

I missed the call and wasn’t aware of it, but posting it here allowed me to review it and connect the dots on where the DAO should focus.

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Glad it helped!

If you want to see other DAO related calls just subscribe to the ArbitrumDAO Governance Community Calendar.

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Yeah, it’s been added to my calendar for a long time & been attending most calls too.
Not sure how I missed this one. :grinning:

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Understood! Let me know if you need anything. =)