Notice of ARB Voting Opportunity - Grant Ships "Gaming on Arbitrum"

TLDR: Grant Ships is a grants platform funded through ThankArb and is currently running its pilot program. Three grant allocator teams distributed 40.5K ARB to Arbitrum game projects during round one. Your vote will determine how much of the remaining 40.5K each team gets to allocate in round 2.

The Grant Ships Game

Grant Ships is a decentralized, onchain, pluralistic grants game/platform funded through the ThankArb initiative. Grant Allocators (aka Ship Operators) compete to best distribute grants within a given domain, in this case ā€œGaming on Arbiturmā€ and ARB voters decide who did it best.

Top performers are rewarded with a larger portion of the available funding pool in the following round - creating accountability and ā€˜evolutionaryā€™ pressure. The theory is that through iteration with voter discernment providing selection pressure, the ā€˜best possibleā€™ grants programs will emerge.

This platform is entirely onchain (excepting the lightweight UI to provide an interface). It uses Gitcoin Allo and Hats protocol under the hood, providing secure distribution and capture resistance.

We are still working on the app and integrating feedback from this pilot program (so if you participate in any way, your feedback is very welcome).

You can check out our long running weekly Dev Log here.

Pilot Program and ARB Vote Opportunity

We are currently running our pilot grants funding round targeting the domain ā€œGaming on Arbitrumā€ where we are distributing 90K ARB in gaming grants, with 10% going to administrative fees.

During the first round, 3 Grant Allocator teams (aka Ship Operators) made allocation decisions and distributed 45K to several gaming projects.

Delegated ARB voters now have the opportunity to use our integrated weighted vote system to signal which allocation strategy they felt was the best. Those Ship Operators that perform best in this vote will receive a larger share of funding to allocate going forward.

Through the Ship Portfolio interface you can see the allocation decisions and messages provided by the 3 Ship Operators. Their handles are The Jade Shadow, Blue Moon and Green Pill Dev Ship.

The Ship Portfolios and voting interface are at Grant Ships

The Future

Grant Ships was built by The DAO Masons. We are currently seeking additional funding to continue building Grant Ships to its full potential. We believe it could serve as a DAO-wide platform to easily compare and contrast various allocation strategies, completely onchain, decentralized and capture resistant.

We see it as a Grants Governance System, wrapped in a game. You can learn more about the game at

Happy to answer any questions. My telegram is: Telegram: Contact @UI369

Please Vote!

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So here we are having multiple different grants or funding programs to boost gaming on Arbitrum but the only thing I see right now is spending token for useless games which donā€™t benefit the ecosystem at all.
Whats the rationale behind all of these programs? Grant ships here, GCP there, and probably the next one popping up soon or already there but nobody knows anymore.

Very confused

The funding to build Grant Ships and run the beta Grants round is from Plurality Labs/Thrive Coin. We received a grant to build and test a grants program, as a result of their own grant from the DAO to build a plurality of grants programs. The idea being that thereā€™s probably no one size fits all grants solution. We became part of that because our design has a unique approach to surfacing people that are really good at finding quality projects.
I appreciate your opinion regarding the usefulness of the projects that were funded during the first round, I would argue that it is helping to bring people to the chain and creating transactions.
For example, one of the more successful games for the amount of grants they received, was never deployed to Arbitrum before their grant and immediately brought about 400 players with them. Over time, the approx 10K Arb they were awarded, will be paid back to the DAO via transaction fees. Probably not just from that game either, as those 400 players are now onboarded to Arbitrum and can start doing other things as well.
As far as working in the gaming domain. That was a decision we made. This decision was made long before the GCP was even announced. We needed to test the functionality of our app as well as the game theory we were relying on. As such, we needed to control a few variables, one being domain scope. That said, we complement that program very well, because maybe some of the projects that got their start with a Grant Shipā€™s grant, can move on to the GCP incubator program?
I certainly appreciate your passion, and I hope my response helps with your concerns.

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This is the results of the DAO vote which resulted in building Grant Ships.

Grant Ships is a decentralized grants platform funded by Thrive for use by Arbitrum.

As a Grants Platform it is currently being used to fund games on Arbitrum.

In the future it can be used to fund anything. It is available to the GCP to distribute a portion of the funds if that working group chooses to take advantage of it.