Thank ARB: Get Rewarded for Contributing to Gitcoin Grants 20

Calling all Arbitrum community members! The Thank ARB program has a bunch of reward for you related to Gitcoin Grants 20 (GG20)

Did you know that for the first time ever all of the core rounds run by Gitcoin will be on Arbitrum and they also selected Arbitrum to be the canonical network for Allo protocol V2? This means all of the grant rounds contracts, grant proposals that were created on grants stack are all now on Arbitrum.

Also in their 20th quarterly grants program round all of the contributions from donors that and the matching fund payouts from Gitcoin will all take place on Arbitrum!

This means approximately 50,000 people using Arbitrum for their donations (many of them first-time community members) and about 5 million onchain transitions during the round.

There are over 1.5 million dollars in matching funds for grantees in these rounds and direct donations from community members are often half or more of that total, So we can anticipate over 2 million USD equivalent in transaction volume generated from this program in a little more than 2 weeks.

We have done our part by allocating funds from the Thank ARB program Milestone 1(b). We are giving 100k to the Open Source Software Rounds and 100k to the Community rounds that were selected by Gitcoin to be part of GG20 and who are running their rounds on ARB.

But that’s not all!

To make the most of this momentous occasion we have organized a series of rewards for your contributions in GG20, which kicked off this week on Tuesday the 22nd. Whether you’re a builder, a promoter, a curator, or a program manager, there’s a way for you to get involved, showcase your talents, and earn rewards along the way.


  • Ongoing experimentation and iteration on funding allocation mechanisms and grant program design (at least 90 assessments done by multiple expert reviewers of projects plus all 8 of the grans rounds supported)

  • Attracting new builder and new community members (30k-50k users, at least 30 projects assessed as high quality which were made by builders on Arbitrum)

  • generating transaction volume (approximately 5 million onchain transactions)

  • increasing awareness and adoption of Arbitrum Nova infrastructure. (harder to measure but its a good intention to have)


This process is being “supercharged” by Thrive Protocol which we are using to facilitate these incentives as well as assessments and validation of the projects funded as well as the program themselves.

The intention of this approach is to create a flywheel effect where one dollar in equals more than 2 dollars out in value (based on the goals stated above). In practical terms that means strategic rewards to incentivize useful activity as well as a mixture of automated and human assessment and human validation. This is the key to scalability and effective iteration/ refinement.

For Builders:

  • Apply for the Thank ARB Builders Bonus: Don’t be shy about your amazing work! If you are a grantee in any of the Open Source Software Rounds in GG20 and you are building on ARB apply for the Builders Bonus and receive an additional 4 ARB just for submitting your application! But that is just the appetizer.

  • There will be an additional 100k in rewards for builders on Arbitrum who apply and then complete milestones for their work after the completion of the grants program round. More details will be provided to all applicants who meet the eligibility criteria.

PS - If you haven’t already applied to GG20 you still can apply until the 27th of April but act fast cause donations are already starting to come in today and the available matching funds (over 1 million dollars in total) go to those that get the most community support.

For Promoters:

  • Spread the Word About Our Kick-Off Space: Listen to the #GG20 kick-off Twitter Space recording, quote post it, and tag 3 friends who will be interested. Not only will you help spread the news, but you’ll also earn 1.69 ARB for your efforts. Nice.

  • Referrals With Benefits: Grow the Thank ARB community! Refer a friend who earns more than 50 ARB by April 6th, 2024 and be rewarded with a cool 10 ARB. It’s a win-win situation!

For Twitter Space Hosts:

  • Engaging Discussions: Host a Twitter Space featuring 5 or more Gitcoin grantees with over 50 listeners (including at least 1 building on Arbitrum) and become eligible to earn 50 ARB (up to 5 times)! This is a fantastic opportunity to spark conversation, learn about innovative projects, and get rewarded.

  • Level Up Engagement: Take your Twitter Space to the next level! Host a Space with 5+ Gitcoin grantees (at least 1 building on Arbitrum) exceeding 100 listeners and earn a prestigious 100 ARB (up to 4 times)! This is your chance to create a truly engaging event and be recognized for your efforts.

  • Go the Distance: For those who love a good marathon, host a Space with 5+ Gitcoin grantees (at least 2 building on Arbitrum) lasting over 3 hours (up to 24 hours) and be rewarded with a whopping 250 ARB (up to 2 times)! This is a unique opportunity to delve deep into projects, foster meaningful connections, and earn a substantial reward.

  • Break the Mold: Feeling ambitious? Host a marathon Space featuring 15+ Gitcoin grantees (at least 3 building on Arbitrum) lasting more than 24 hours and be rewarded with a prestigious 500 ARB (only 1 time)! This is your chance to create a truly epic event and solidify yourself as a community leader.

For Curators and Deep Divers:

  • Share Your Favorite Grantees: Have you discovered some amazing GG20 grantees? Craft a curated Twitter/X thread highlighting 5 or more grantees that catch your eye and earn 5 ARB. Share your insights and help others discover these hidden gems!

Pro tip: Feature projects building on ARB for extra good vibes.

  • Dive Deep into a Project: Are you passionate about storytelling? Craft a detailed feature article on Mirror, Medium, Ghost, or Substack about a Gitcoin grantee building on Arbitrum. Interview them,share a link to your article on Twitter/X, and earn 50 ARB while promoting a project you believe in.

That is just a taste of what we have in store…

More rewards and opportunities will be rolled out during the two weeks of GG20 so stay tuned to and right here on the governance forum for updates or just visit Thank ARB Milestone 1(b)

There will be additional opportunities for decentralized community validators and assessors of the work being done. If you are interested in getting involved in that process leave a comment below and we will follow up with additional information about how to get involved in this process.

Ready to Get Started?

The Gitcoin Grants round has already started! Let’s make our mark and show the power of the Arbitrum ecosystem over the next two weeks! The beauty of a process like this that harnesses the wisdom of the crowd is that the sum is greater than its parts.

All participation in this round will create network effects, forge new relationships, spread awareness, and help projects speed race their evolution. This is a great opportunity to get involved, make some new friends, and earn some rewards for your contributions.

One more thing: In case you missed it we have also just launched a call for proposals for ideas for a wide range of other grant programs or funding allocation strategies as well as excellent grant program operators. There will also be rewards for participating in this process that runs until the end of the month.


On behalf of Gitcoin I would like to thank the team for helping with these incentives programs. We have seen great momentum for GG20 out of the gates and appreciate the contributions and support from the Arbitrum Community.

Gitcoin values these investments and will be continuing to work with partners across the ecosystem to find ways we can reciprocate.


On behalf of the Climate Coordination Network;
A huge thank you to the community and to Ben West for leading this

The Climate community looks forward to building on Arbitrum.