Partner with ETH Bucharest 2025 - Eastern Europe’s Leading Ethereum Conference and Hackathon

The following reflects the views of the Lampros DAO (formerly ‘Lampros Labs DAO’) governance team, composed of Chain_L (@Blueweb), @Euphoria, and Hirangi Pandya (@Nyx), based on our combined research, analysis, and ideation.

We are voting “FOR, with POAP - $69,300” for this proposal on Snapshot voting.

Thank you @ostanescu.eth for the updated proposal. We liked the approach that the feedback from most of the delegates has been incorporated in the updated proposal and we appreciate the timely updates and replies to each delegate in the proposal.

Coming on to the updated proposal, we are in favor of the proposal supporting the POAP for the event. As mentioned in our previous comment, we like the idea of Arbitrum participating in ETH Bucharest. Arbitrum has gained significant value from previous conferences and events, and we fully support its involvement in this event.

Additionally, regarding the integration of POAPs in the updated proposal, we like the idea of using POAPs to record who comes to the event. This shows off Arbitrum’s presence and keeps a record of participants. If these attendees contribute to Arbitrum in the future, we can easily trace where this user is coming from through this POAP.

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