Understanding the concerns of entropy for this, I might want to highlight that the discontinuity of programs, in this case the D.A.O. grants program, is something that is causing most of this situation, and should be generally tackled better by us as a collective (one of the reason why we gonna move to a 1y program instead of 6 months over 6 months).
That said, and because of the reason above, I am voting in favor with no poap. I don’t necessarily share the concerns about the dao event budget since this will be fixed, hopefully, in a couple of months; but at the same time I don’t see the benefit to add 15k of costs which are an increase of 25% and counting on top of the base of 55k.
I think the organizers are doing a great job tho and that these events can become de facto a staple for the eth and arb community in countries that don’t necessarily have one “champion” yet.
Full support on my side, hoping to have the time to drop there by the time is live