Proposal: Arbitrum as official sponsor of Ethereum Mexico 2023

GM Arbitrum community!
We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude for your invaluable feedback and unwavering support. Thanks to your input, we’ve refined and enhanced our proposal to better serve our shared vision for Ethereum’s growth in Mexico.

Ethereum Mexico is a driving force for Ethereum growth in Mexico, educating individuals on blockchain technology and promoting Ethereum values. Serving as a link between the Ethereum community, the Ethereum Foundation, and Mexico’s local communities.
Our organization offers IRL Meetups, Twitter Spaces, Workshops, and educational content. One of their major 2023 initiatives is a large event in Mexico City, set for October 21st, expecting over 800 attendees. This event aims to foster education and innovation within the Ethereum community.
Having engaged in events like, ETHMexico, #RoadToDevcon and EthLATAM since June 2022, Ethereum Mexico wants to move beyond just market talk and truly display Ethereum’s transformative power.

To gain insights into our previous achievements, please review our metrics here: Ethereum México comunidad - Google Slides

The project is fueled by a pressing need to fill the educational and resource gap in Mexico concerning Ethereum and blockchain technology. It aims to create a more inclusive and diverse Ethereum community in Mexico, thereby contributing to the global Ethereum ecosystem. Ethereum Mexico is not just another crypto initiative; it’s a mission-driven project that focuses on real-world impact. Far from falling into speculative conversations, it aims to educate people about the transformative power of Ethereum as public infrastructure.

Primary Objectives:

  • To educate individuals about the safe and effective use of blockchain technology, focusing on the Ethereum ecosystem.
  • To disseminate the core values and tools of Ethereum and Web3 to a broader audience.
  • To provide unwavering support and assistance to local communities in conceptualizing, building, and scaling Ethereum-related projects.
  • Establishing strong collaborations with the Arbitrum Foundation and other key stakeholders in the Ethereum ecosystem.

Format of the event:
Our one-day event will feature a diverse range of talks, workshops, and community showcases. With its significance in the local Web3 scene, we anticipate the event will generate substantial activity in Mexico City, including various side events. Leading up to the main event, we will also host multiple gatherings in different cities to foster networking among local communities.

Expected Audience:

  • Developers
  • End users
  • Potential contributors

Confirmed Sponsors:

  • Ethereum Foundation
  • Ledger
  • Metapool
  • Liquity


  1. Registration area branding
  2. Logo present in event artwork
  3. Press release mention
  4. Social Media announcement
  5. Metallic stickers of your logo
  6. Talk about Arbitrum’s technology, roadmap, and real-world applications
  7. Logo during streaming breaks
  8. Booth of 2x1.5 meters / On-site activation
  9. Workshop
  10. 1 Follow up support virtual session after the event
  11. 1 dedicated IRL event about your project to the community, devs and builders in México City before or after the event for 30+ people.
  12. 2 scholarships for builders to attend the event (open to individuals within the national territory) + Twitter Post

Details about Scholarships:
We will open applications for scholarships to individuals within the national territory, covering accommodation and transportation expenses. Selection will be based on applicants’ interest in building, prior contributions, and background.

Details about IRL Event in Mexico City:
This post-event IRL gathering in Mexico City will provide a platform for Arbitrum to engage with the community, including talks, panels, or workshops, accompanied by a coffee station.

Ticket Pricing and Courtesies:
We aim to keep ticket prices for the core event below $12 to ensure accessibility. A limited amount of merchandise will be available for purchase through pre-orders only, with around 200 tickets provided for free to select communities and students.

Reporting and Metrics:

Engagement at Arbitrum booth:
Minimum: 30-49 meaningful conversations about Arbitrum.
Expected: 50-99 meaningful conversations about Arbitrum.
Exceeded: +100 meaningful conversations about Arbitrum.
Source: Tracking of POAP received by individuals after engaging with Arbitrum.

Attendance at Arbitrum workshop:
Minimum: 15-29 attendees at Arbitrum workshop.
Expected: 30-39 attendees at Arbitrum workshop.
Exceeded: +40 attendees at Arbitrum workshop.
Source: POAP to participants after they complete the Arbitrum workshop.

Streaming views during Arbitrum talk:
Minimum: 700-999 views/streams during the talk.
Expected: 1,000-2,999 views/streams during the talk.
Exceeded: +3,000 views/streams during the talk.
Source: View counts will be monitored on our YouTube channel.

Attendance at in-person (IRL) event about Arbitrum:
Minimum: 15-29 attendees at IRL events.
Expected: 30-49 attendees at IRL events.
Exceeded: +50 attendees at IRL events.
Source: Attendance data will be collected and verified through the issuance of POAP to event attendees.

Testimonial from scholarships
Source: 1-3 min. recording of scholars sharing their experiences.
Budget and Timeline:

Budget: 9483 ARB
Registration area branding: 415
Logo in event artwork: 415
Press release mention: 237
Social Media Announcements: 355
Metallic Stickers of Arbitrum Logo: 237
Talk & Logo during Streaming Breaks: 1781
Booth / On-site activation: 1781
Workshop focused on the Arbitrum Ecosystem: 1184
1 Follow-up Support Virtual Session: 592
1 dedicated IRL event about Arbitrum: 1184
2 Scholarships: 1184 (592 each)
Twitter Post: 118

Milestone 1: Pre-Event Activation (Depending on Governance Process)
Contract finalization
Preparation of marketing materials, including press releases, social media announcements, and branding materials
Milestone 2: Event Execution (Q4 2023)
On-site activation, including Registration area branding, booth set-up, and social media promotions
Workshops, Talks, and other Interactive Sessions
Collect metrics for reporting and tracking
Milestone 3: Post-Event Follow-up (within 1 month after the event)
1 follow-up support virtual session
1 dedicated IRL event about Arbitrum in México City
Final report and metrics evaluation
Testimonial collections

Bricia Guzman: Bachelor in Public Accounting, Project Manager at General Magic, Co-Founder of Ethereum México, and Optimism Delegate.
AnaTech_eth: Community Manager Arbitrum Foundation.
Co Founder and volunteer to Ethereum Mexico in free time.
Ariiellus: Bachelor in Mechanical and Electric Engineering, Project Management Specialist by Platzi, Token Engineer by TEA, Game Theory Course by Stanford University. Founder of Kairos Research and Co-Founder of Ethereum Mexico.
Facunar97: Bachelor Degree in Business Administration, Researcher/Analyst at Espacio Cripto, and Co-founder and Content Lead for Ethereum Mexico.
Acidlazzer: Animation and Visual Effects Engineer at the Universidad Politecnica de Sinaloa, visual artist specialized in the musical area, graphic designer, and project manager for multiple Web3 organizations.
Dmars300: Founder & CEO @Cryptoversidad, Sponsors relations @Ethereum Mexico.
0xyNaMu: Experienced impact evaluation specialist with a background in public policy consulting and FinTech. She co-founded IEF and WAGMI LATAM, and is a Governor at HER LATAM. LauNaMu has been active in the web3 space since 2021, advising emerging projects on on-chain data strategies for effective impact measurement and ecosystem positioning.
Chuy García: Film and music industries in México, event planning and community building.
Karen84.crypto: Master’s degree in law, blockchain consultant and regulator, personal finance coach, Web3 educator, writer, and speaker, member of Nación Bankless committee, Ethereum México core team member, and founder of Búho Financiero.

We believe that together, we can propel Ethereum to new heights in Mexico. Your support is invaluable, and we look forward to realizing our shared vision. Thank you so much.