Proposal: Time Management in Arbitrum’s Governance

Hi @krst, thanks for your feedback and support.

We have a few points we want to highlight:

Yes, we know this from the beginning, but the idea of this one is to establish an order and then iterate. As we have expressed before, set up these processes to have a first order and then change according to the needs of the DAO.

In this we are in 100% agreement, however we decided to go ahead with the proposal and we believe in the good predisposition of the DAO members. Also, that is why we had proposed the role of the Facilitator, to help manage these times.

We had many doubts at the beginning, whether to propose this or not, but we believe that order is necessary and predictability helps to make the job of being a delegate easier.

This is the idea behind the proposal, that the rest of the activities adapt and everything has an order. We attend all the Open Governance Calls, we think it is a great space.

A clear example of this is the sessions that he proposed for the postulation of the domain allocator.

I don’t know if this was pre-established, but it is a very good idea for the delegates to have a space to listen to the applicants. Let’s keep in mind that we all knew when the proposal was going to be voted on. This predictability helps these things happen organically.