Arbitrum DAO Grants Domain Allocator Nominations

First of all, we’d like to congratulate Questbook for getting so many great nominees in this process, it bodes very well for the future of the Domain Allocator program!

Following the conclusion of the Domain Allocators nominations for Questbook’s grant program, we’d like to propose and facilitate 2 nominees’ pitching sessions.

During the sessions, nominees for the different domain allocators roles will have an opportunity to convince delegates why they should vote for them by presenting why they’re fit for the position and by answering questions from the community.

We’ll hold 2 pitching sessions on Google Meets to try and accommodate as many people as possible and account for different timezones. Each meeting will be 1 hour long and will have 10 5-minute slots.

The 1 hour will be broken down as follows:

5 Minutes: Intro

50 Minutes: 10 5-minute pitching sessions

5 Minutes: Outro

The sessions will be held on:

Friday 8th of September at 10:00 UTC / 06:00 EST (call link)

Friday 8th of September at 18:00 UTC / 14:00 EST (call link)

You can also add the Arbitrum Governance Calendar to your calendar here.

Ahead of the calls, we ask the nominees to reserve your slot in the google sheet here so we know how many nominees to expect at each slot, and so we can organise the time better.

:warning: Crowdsourcing Questions :warning:

If you have questions for nominees, please drop them in the comments below (with a tag of the nominee the question is for) so they can prepare their responses and go over them during the pitching sessions.

You can find the nominees and the information they provided in their nomination in the original thread here.

Call for Delegates

Also, if you’re a delegate, please make sure to attend the calls so you can make better-informed decisions during the voting process. If you’ve already been through the nominations and have questions for nominees, the Q&A section will serve as a great opportunity for you to directly ask your questions to each respective nominee.