[RFC] Empowering Underrepresented Delegates

I have my doubts about the effectiveness of this initiative.
On the one hand, as an interested party I should be in favor of this proposal, but let’s consider the pros and cons


  1. The top 50 delegates incentive program has just begun. It may give us such results that we will need to come up with other solutions. I think this initiative is a little premature.
  2. Let’s honestly say that a delegate who has 1,000,000 delegated tokens will not be very happy if another gets 950,000 votes for free. Previously, he had more weight and also actively took part in voting.


  1. Active delegates will be able to influence decisions more.
  2. Active delegates will be able to put forward proposals themselves in both Snapshot and Tully.

In addition, I would like to say that I have put forward a proposal that may partially overlap with this in terms of adjusting the delegation contract.
Check it out