STIP Analysis (ARDC Risk Deliverables) | Insights & Key Findings

hello @chaoslabs

Thank you for the report.

In particular, thank you for raising this point. With SEEDGov (during the time I served as part of the advisor team, note that I am no longer part of it), we advised applicants of the LTIPP and B.STIP programs to avoid incentivizing these pools to align with the foundation’s efforts and investment in the migration.

I mention this because, from the bi-weekly reports, I have noticed that some protocols from both programs continue to incentivize pools or vaults that include USDC.e. It’s important also to point out that doing this is not against any rule of the programs. Still, as you do, I believe it is ideal to align incentive programs with ecosystem goals.

It would be beneficial if, given that the programs have just started, those applicants reconsider directing incentives to another pool rather than USDC.e ones.

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