Unifying Arbitrum’s Mission, Vision, Purpose (MVP)

I’ll be voting “For” once this goes to Snapshot. I think if I was asked this on day 1 of Arbitrum delegation I probably would not have seen much value. However, over the last year+ it’s been become clearer to me the value of this. Even thought I think most delegates are subconsciously making decisions with these ideas in mind, having the formal blueprint should be helpful. There isn’t really a downside here, so I see no reason not to move forward with this.

I’m not really the type of person whose good at mission statement type things, so I’ll sort of leave feedback to “I think it sounds good!”. But some general thoughts:

  • I agree with others about making this unique to Arbitrum. With really anything, having a really generic purpose sort of leads itself to being low impact.
  • I also appreciate the continued focus on Ethereum. I think this an important ideology to maintain.