Unifying Arbitrum’s Mission, Vision, Purpose (MVP)

The following reflects the views of L2BEAT’s governance team, composed of @krst and @Sinkas, and it’s based on the combined research, fact-checking, and ideation of the two.

We’re voting FOR the proposal.

To begin with, we’d like to acknowledge the difficulty of drafting an MVP that is broad enough to encapsulate the views of all the different stakeholders that comprise the DAO while remaining focused enough to serve its purpose.

We appreciate Entropy leading the charge on this and ensuring that they incorporate as much of the feedback they have received as possible in different iterations. We believe that having a north star that the whole DAO is working toward will help us be more targeted in our initiatives.

The outlined Mission, Vision, and Purpose, combined with the SOS approach, might be the right balance the DAO needs to firmly move forward with finding our north star while decentralizing the process to a reasonable extent. While it is a bit vague and open-ended to our liking, it might be a good first step to aligning our initiatives and having a better vision for what we should be funding.

However, we would like to point out that we treat this document as a first version that should be revised and adapted after some time. It might be a good idea to set aside some time in 6 and 12 months to validate how it works and whether or not it is really helpful in decision-making.

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