web3 Warri Arbitrum Universities IRL Events Updates

Milestone 2 Report - The Arbitrum University event at the Federal Univerisity of Petroleum Resources, Effurun, Nigeria

On Saturday February 10, 2024, the web3 Warri community under my leadership hosted 170 plus students, developers and researchers at the Federal Univerisity of Petroleum Resources Effurun, Nigeria.

This was the first in the series of Arbitrum events across some select higher institutions within Delta State of Nigeria.

The event was a success, thanks to the @SEEDGov team - @cattin @Manugotsuka @axlvaz_SEEDLATAM.eth for reviewing and approving our proposal at Questbook.

A report on our pre-defined goals

Amongst some of the goals we set out to achieve at this event and in our proposal was to have a minimum attendance of 150 persons and a max of 200 persons comprising students, researchers, developers, and anyone interested in blockchain technology and layer 2 solutions with Arbitrum being the protagonist.

At the Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun - FUPRE, Nigeria Arbitrum event, we had 170 plus attendees.

One of the most notable highlights at the event was the technical session facilitated by Charles Chiawka on “building DApps on Arbitrum”

You can find the official photos for the event on this Google Drive and I also wrote about the event on the web3 Warri Medium publication page.

What Next?

The web3 Warri team will be hosting the second university event at the Delta State University Abraka, Nigeria tomorrow.

Keep an eye on this thread as we will be using it to share updates and reports as we execute each milestone.