web3 Warri Arbitrum Universities IRL Events 2.0 and Hacker House Updates

Greetings, Arbinauts!


I will be using this thread to share updates on behalf of the web3 Warri - a community of (and for) blockchain developers, smart contract developers, builders, technical writers, open-source contributors, and tech enthusiasts interested in building the next generation of the internet through collaborative learning, meetups, workshops, hackathons, and conferences.

In Q1 2024 — between February and March 2024, the web3 Warri team hosted a series of Arbitrum-focused university events across three selected universities and higher institutions in Delta State, south of Nigeria. We reached over 500 students, developers and researchers with the “gospel of Arbitrum.” This was possible thanks to the grant from the Arbitrum DAO via the QuestBook platform in phase 1 of the Arbitrum Education, Community Growth and Events category.

If you missed our updates and final report from phase 1, you can read it here.

web3 Warri Arbitrum Universities IRL Events 2.0 and Hacker House

We got a grant approval for the Arbitrum Education, Community Growth and Events 2.0 category for phase 2 on QuestBook and will be using this thread to share updates on this second phase of our participation.

And so once again, the web3 Warri team under my leadership will be hosting a series of technical deep dives on Arbitrum across three higher institutions within Delta State of Nigeria between August and September 2024.

Introducing the web3 Warri Arbitrum hacker house.

We also sharing here that the IRL universities event will round up with a five-day hacker house - devoted strictly to technical sessions and building of smart contracts on the Arbitrum chain.

This five-day hacker house will be an in-house workshop on collaborative learning, building of smart contracts, and deploying all focused on Arbitrum.

The five-day web3 Warri Arbitrum hacker house activity will offer participants a structured and hands-on approach to learning about building and deploying on Arbitrum, covering essential topics such as smart contract development on Arbitrum, layer 2 scaling solutions, Stylus, security, and deployment.

Milestone 1 - Pre-event Setup Report

Since approval, we have started the campaign - online and onsite - by doing the following:

  1. Official announcement via a blog post of the series of Arbitrum universities events and hacker house on the web3 Warri Medium publication page.
  2. Creation of the first university event at the Federal University of Petroleum Resources Nigeria on the web3 Warri meetup page and RSVP opened. This is scheduled for Saturday, August 10, 2024
  3. Creation of the second university event at the Petroleum Training Institute Nigeria on the web3 Warri meetup page and RSVP opened. This is scheduled for Friday, August 16, 2024
  4. Commencement of the campaign on Social Media - X formerly Twitter and LinkedIn. The campaign will run throughout the three events.
  5. The onsite campaign at the universities has begun and will run throughout the period up to the last event.


We are most thankful to the Arbitrum DAO, @Srijith-Questbook @cattin @Manugotsuka and the @SEEDGov team for reviewing and approving our proposal.

What next?

Keep an eye on this thread as we will be using it to share updates and reports as we execute each milestone.

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Milestone 2 Report - The Arbitrum University Event 2.0 at the Federal Univerisity of Petroleum Resources, Effurun, Nigeria

Here’s a report of the web3 Warri @Arbitrum University Event 2.0 which held yesterday August 17, 2024. Over 70 students, developers, and researchers from the Federal University of Petroleum Resources joined us for the event.

Sessions covered

Unlike the first Arbitrum-focused IRL event which we hosted during Q1 2024, that had a goal of reaching at least 150 people per institution.

We had a goal this time to reach a minimum of 50 and a maximum number of 70 per institution. We wanted to focus more on all things Arbitrum and having laid the foundation in phase 1, we strived this time for quality over quantity.

That is - focus solely on Arbitrum.

Here are the sessions covered by the speakers and facilitators at the event:

  1. A re-introduction and re-cap of Arbitrum
  2. Writing Solidity Smart Contracts for Arbitrum
  3. Arbitrum vs Ethereum. How Arbitrum compares with Ethereum
  4. Why Arbitrum? A deep dive into Arbitrum Nitro.
  5. The future of Arbitrum. Special focus on the Arbitrum research and contributing to the Arbitrum ecosystem.

What Next?

The web3 Warri team will be hosting the second university event 2.0 at the Petroleum Training Institute, Warri, Nigeria on Friday August 23, 2024.

Keep an eye on this thread and follow us on X as we will be using it to share updates and reports as we execute each milestone.

Here is the link to the official event photos in Google Drive


We are most thankful to the @Arbitrum DAO, @Srijith-Questbook @cattin @Manugotsuka and the @SEEDGov for the support in making this a success.


Milestone 3 Report - The Arbitrum University Event 2.0 at the Petroleum Training Institute, PTI, Nigeria

Here’s the milestone 3 report of the web3 Warri @Arbitrum University Event 2.0 which held on Friday August 23, 2024. We had over 100 students, developers, and researchers from the Petroleum Training Institute, PTI join us for the event.

This surpassed our target attendee number of 70 people for the Arbitrum event.

Sessions covered

These series of Arbitrum university events were planned to cover the same contents as shared in the previous event.

Unlike like our previous event, we also had the honor of having @DisruptionJoe joining virtually to give a lightning talk and an AMA with the attendees on blockchain, Arbitrum and the future of Arbitrum.

And so here are the sessions covered by the speakers and facilitators at the event:

  1. A re-introduction and re-cap of Arbitrum
  2. Writing Solidity Smart Contracts for Arbitrum
  3. Arbitrum vs Ethereum. How Arbitrum compares with Ethereum
  4. Why Arbitrum? A deep dive into Arbitrum Nitro.
  5. The future of Arbitrum. Special focus on the Arbitrum research , Arbitrum DAO, and contributing to the Arbitrum ecosystem.

What next?

The train moves to the Delta State University, Abraka Nigeria. Keep an eye on this thread and follow us on X as we will be using it to share updates and reports as we execute each milestone.

Here is the link to the official event photos in Google Drive


We are most thankful to the @Arbitrum DAO, @Srijith-Questbook @cattin @Manugotsuka and the @SEEDGov for the support in making this a success.

And thanks @DisruptionJoe for joining us. We look forward to having you join us in our subsequent Arbitrum university event and the hacker house.


This was a great event. I was glad I could support it!


Thanks once again for joining and supporting it!