ADPC Update Thread

Hi all, this is a short update on the ADPC’s open items and progress.

Publication of RFP Documents

The RFP currently has two key dependencies that we are waiting on confirming before publication. Firstly, the security expert who we are currently onboarding, DeDaub, as we have mentioned in this post, is currently drafting the technical and business requirements for the RFP. We have put up a Snapshot vote for the approval to use part of the ADPC’s operational buffer to compensate DeDaub.

Secondly, the Arbitrum Foundation is currently reviewing the RFP from a legal perspective and we are awaiting their feedback.

Once DeDaub has finalised the requirements and the Arbitrum Foundation has completed its legal review and we have incorporated their feedback, we will be ready to publish the RFP.

Committee Structure

We are currently working on creating the structure and processes for the independent committee for selection of subsidy recipients and will provide further details soon.