AIP: Nova Fee Router Proposal (ArbOS 30)

We decided to vote in favor of this, as This will reduce the DAO’s administrative burden and streamline handling Nova fees. With clear benefits.

DAOplomats voted in favor on Snapshot.

We are in favor of implementing this automated process as there are very significant benefits attached to it.

The following reflects the views of L2BEAT’s governance team, composed of @krst and @Sinkas, and it’s based on the combined research, fact-checking, and ideation of the two.

We’re voting FOR the proposal.

Permissionlessly sending the funds accrued from transaction fees on Nova to DAO’s treasury on Arbitrum One without having to go through a constitutional AIP makes sense since the latter approach can be time-consuming and even difficult to orchestrate, as meeting the quorum for a constitutional AIP is challenging.

We’ll make sure to diligently look at the proposed implementation to ensure there’s nothing of concern before we cast our vote during the on-chain vote.

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I support this proposal because it reduces delay time when transferring funds from Nova to the DAO Treasury. Additionally, keeping all fees in a single location enhances accountability of funds.

We vote FOR the proposal on its Snapshot.

We consider it rather a fix to apply the change and simplify the fee related operations for the DAO.

The Princeton Blockchain Club is voting FOR the Nova Fee Router Proposal. Definitely want to avoid needing additional Constitutional AIPs after this one just to utilize Nova funds. As most other folks said, it’s also nice to have transaction fees all sent to the same place. Easy vote in favor.

We’re backing this proposal because it simplifies fee transfers from Nova to the DAO Treasury on Arbitrum One. Great work from the foundation to explain these updates.

See voting rationale: Savvy DAO - Delegate Communication Thread - #46 by SavvyDAO