Arbitrum DAO Day!

:loudspeaker: Join us on Thursday (14th December) for a virtual Arbitrum DAO Day from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm ET!

We have an exciting line of panels with DAO members leading discussions like navigating DAO as a newcomer, grants, learnings from OGs, and DAO incentives.

Sign up here :point_down:…

Panel 1: Newcomers to the DAO

We have @krst (L2Beat), @cattin (SEEDLatam), @Frisson (tallyxyz), and @Immutablelawyer sharing:

:one: How they started with the DAO,
:two: How newcomers can navigate the DAO and start contributing, and
:three: Their experiences as delegates.

Panel 2: Learnings and Next Steps for Unsuccessful Proposals

Hear from @MattOnChain (blockworksres), Mark Scrine (Cyfrin), and @IronBoots (Camelot) on their learnings from unsuccessful proposals, and how these spawned bigger DAO initiatives and discussions.

Panel 3: STIP Grants!

The STIP’s been the talk of the town, and we’ve got @tnorm , @Matt_StableLab, @AlexLumley (SavvyDeFi ), & @karelvuong (Treasure) to share their experience, learnings, and what’s to come for DAO incentive programs!

Panel 4: An Ecosystem of Grant Programs

Did you know that there are 4 grant programs are running in parallel now? This panel has @Srijith-Questbook (Questbook), @DisruptionJoe & @shawn16400 (Plurality Labs), & Bernard (@uniarbgrants) to share their grant frameworks, and what makes a good grant application!

Panel 5: Building on Arbitrum and How Can We Make It Better?

Salute the OGs! Featuring early Arbitrum contributors sharing their journey, opportunities & challenges building on Arbitrum.

Join @coinflip (GMX), @realdumbird (MUXl), & @karelvuong (Treasure) for more insights.

Breakout Sessions

At the end of the discussions, join us and choose a group you’d like to be a part of, and you’d have the flexibility to switch groups if another topic interests you more.
These topics will be discussed :point_down:

We look forward to seeing you on Arbitrum DAO Day! :blue_heart:

Register :point_down:


awesome!!! Thank you for the info🙌🏼