Arbitrum DAO Grants Domain Allocator Nominations

Hi Everyone!

Greetings from Blocktools!

Some quick info on us for those who may be unaware!

  1. Name: JB

  2. Your forum username: Blocktools

  3. Twitter: BlocktoolBox

  4. What is your experience in the interested domain? Please share links and supporting information.

Past multi-chain protocol development experience aside, I currently lead the Program Management at Blocktools that includes

  • Community learn2earn initiaitive where we equip regular users in Web3 with free to use tools and give them a mentored environment inclusive of Tech sessions, unlimited Faucet ETH, multiple kickstarter templates to get started and funding where applicable.

More info at BlockTools – Medium and blocktoolbox | Twitter | Linktree

  • Manage what is likely the only pay-as-you-go Web3 shopping mall today, equipped with multi chain, fully functional Web3 merchandize ranging from Liquidity Lockers and Snipers to DAOs and Staking Pools.

  • Lead a community of 300+ enthusiasts who are part of our various builds ground up!

  • All of the above in the end materializes into the Blocktools Grants program where we try to identify unique ideas that have germinated from the open workshop and see what we can do to help them along! We have a liquifier protocol that easily manages the tax redistribution for protocol expenses that allows for easy administration and on-chain transparency! Selected projects get to feature on the Blocktools Launchpad.

Our core target audience is a user who has never written a line of code before!

Do you have experience running in any other grant programs? Yes, and currently managing the same at Blocktools.

  1. What would you like to see built on Arbitrum in your domain and what a good grant proposal looks like for you

We would love to see cross-chain synergies that stretch beyond the current silos and see L2s relaying useful information a lot quicker and seamlessly while providing a more engaged and immersive experience for the user. We happen to be attempting this ourselves in a small way.

A good proposal for us will encompass:

  • what is being attempted
  • how will that attempt positively impact Arbitrum, Arbinauts and Crypto at large
  • how scalable is the idea with an eye on longevity
  • Can it be explained to someone on the outside in 3-4 simple lines
  1. Time commitment - You need to commit at least 15 hours of your time per week as a domain allocator**, and what is the expected Turn Around Time (TAT) that the builders can expect from you?

As Web3 builders we are always online pushing the envelope and would love to help out others. Expected TAT ranges from 30-60-90 minutes within operating hours of 7am UTC to 10pm UTC give or take, beyond which responses might be delayed while we build-sleep-repeat

  1. Declaration of Conflict of Interest: None that we can think of other than we have our own small grants program that is at a nascent stage targetting microcap ideas from the ground up, our audience is users who have never written a line of code before, our work involves significant amount of hand-holding and mentorship as it is more personalized respective to each workshop participant.

We wish all the participants here all the very best and hope to see some visionaries come forth! LFG!